Personality Flashcards
What is personality?
-Characteristics and behavior patterns, that define you as a unique individual.
-Ways in which you relate with the world and adapt to the demands placed on you.
Psychoanalytic Theory -Freud
Personality shaped by underlining conflicts between opposing forces within the mind
Structure of Personality
-ID: “I want to do that now!”👿
-EGO: “Maybe we can compromise”😇👿
-SUPEREGO: “It’s not right to do that”😇
Defense Mechanisms Definition
Use to prevent anxiety that would result if troubling desires and memories residing in the unconscious were fully realized in conscious awareness
Ego Defense Mechanisms
Denial: refusing to accept real events because they’re unpleasant
Displacement: Transferring inappropriate urges or behaviors onto a more acceptable or less threatening target
Projection: Attributing unacceptable desires to others
Rationalization: justifying behaviors by substituting acceptable reasons for less acceptable real reasons
Reaction Formation: Reducing anxiety by adopting beliefs contrary to your own beliefs
Regression: Returning to coping strategies for less mature stages of development
Repression: Suppressing painful memories and thoughts
Sublimation: Redirecting unacceptable desires through socially acceptable channels
Stages of Psychosexual Development
Personality Factors
“THE BIG FIVE” trait model
Bandura’s Model of Reciprocal Determination
Cognition↔️ Environment ↔️ Behavior
Cognition, behavior and environmental factors mutually influence each other
Mischel’s Situation vs Person Variables
Behavior is influenced by:
•situations variables(environmental influences, rewards and punishments)
•Person variables(internal personal factors)
-Conscious choice and personal freedom
-Self theory
-Unconditional positive regard
Bandura’s Observational Learning
We learn by observing someone else’s behavior and it’s consequences
Bandura’s Self efficacy
Our level of confidence in our own abilities, developed trough our social experiences.
Cognitive factor that affects which behaviors we choose to imitate as well as our success in performing those behaviors.
Julian Rotter- Locus of control
Beliefs about the power we have over our lives
Locus of control:
1. Internal:I am in control of outcomes
2. External: outcomes are beyond my control
•Lack of ability to directly observe or measure unconscious processes
• Timing of Psychosexual stages
•Gender bias
Trait Perspective
All Port: hierarchy or traits
• Cardinal traits
•Central traits
• Secondary traits