Personality Flashcards
Traits and Behavior
What is personality?
A person’s general manner of interacting with the world especialy with other people:
imaginative or unimaginative
reliable or undependable
sociable or reserved
cooperative or uncooperative
Traits and Behavior
What are personality traits?
Branch: Surface trait, Central trait
The enduring individual differences in the tendency to behave, think, and feel in certain consistent (that is, cross-situational) ways.
For example, a professor may be late to class one day– there’s nothing to say about her personality from that specific behavior.
Traits and Behavior
Surface Trait
A professor may be late to class one day– there’s nothing to say about her personality from that specific behavior.
when she’s late nearly every day,
for all courses she teaches,
and late for most events,
late paying bills,
late returnign phone calls
- Then we might describe her as tardy (a surface trait)
Traits and Behavior
Central trait
If we learn further that:
She is sploppy in most of her work,
Careless in many other activities,
makes promises she never keeps,
unreliable in other ways,
gives up easily on all sorts of tasks,
can never decide what she wants to do next on all sorts of activities, then
- We describe her as undirected (a central trait
Traits and Behavior
Traits and Behavior
What did Kenrick & Funder (1988) find about traits?
-(Are traits real?)
- observers agree to a substantial degree in the traits they assign to other people
- observers don’t just agree about which alledged traits go with which, but also about to whom these traits apply
- observers relaibly differentiate people even on relatively common traits
- Observers increasingly agree with each other the longer they have known the person and these ratings increasingly correlate with the person’s actual behavior
- observer’s ratings are just as reliabel whether the observers know one another or are strangers
Traits and Behavior
Are personality traits important (1) ?
-cross cut categorizing people
Personality trats cross cut other ways of categorizing people.
- For example men differ more among themselves in curiosity than they differ from women, and women differ among themselves (significantly different) in curiosity than they differ from men
- All social groups–racial, socio-economic, or gender based are made up of individuals who differ from oe another in curiosity, extraversion, conscientiousness, neuroticims, etc.
Traits and Behavior
What did Costa & McCrae (1994) find?
(Are personality traits reliable?)
Even when personality tests are administered 30 to 40 years apart,, they still correlate between +0.50 and +0.70
Traits and Behavior
Are personality traits important (2) ?
-cross cut situations
Personality traits cross-cut situations.
* That is, people behave similarly across many different situations
* Even when situation differences in behavior are large (how you act in a bar vs thanksgiving), personality differences are just as large.
Traits and Behavior
Are personality traits important (3) ?
-surviving in real world
-Barrick & Mount 1991: productiveness
Personality traits are important for surviving in the real world
* Productiveness: Barrick & Mount (1991) found that personality differences account for job performance differences even beyond IQ differences.
Traits and Behavior
Are personality traits important (4) ?
-surviving in real world
-Buss 1996: Romance
Personality traits are important for surviving in the real world
* Romance: Buss 1996 found that conscientious spouses were less likely to have affairs than undirected spourses, and antagonistic spouses were more likely to become aggressive toward sexual rivals than agreeable spouses.
Traits and Behavior
Are personality traits important (5) ?
-surviving in real world
Health & Finding Crimminals
Personality traits are important for surviving in the real world
* Health: Fiedman et al (1995) found that personality differences are related to risk and health promoting behaviors
* Finding crimminals: Caspi et al (1994) found that the same personality differences are related to delinquency in different coutnries, genderations, and races.
Traits and Behavior
Early Trait Theories
So what are these central traits?
Traits and Behavior
What is the Big Five?
So what are these central traits?
* Openness to experience-nonopenness
* Conscientiousness-undirectedness
* Extraversion-introversion
* Agreeableness-antagonism
* Neuroticism-stability
Traits and Behavior
Openness to Experience
Central traits
Openness: I Have…
* rich vocab
* vivid imagination
* excellent ideas
* quick to udnerstand things
* use difficult words
* full of ideas
* I am not interested in abstractions
* I don’t have a good imagination
* I have difficulty udnerstadnign abstract ideas
enroll in liberal arts, change careers, less racial prejudice, musical instrument
Cons: drug use