Personalisation Flashcards
What is the meaning of personalisation?
Personalisation is about making sure every person who receives support have choice and control over the shape of that support. It puts them at the centre of the process and recognises they have individual preferences,strengths and aspirations.
What are the 5 key features of personalisation?
Self-assessment of needs,choice and control, personal budgets,co-production and the changing role of the professional
What is direct payment?
Direct card payments are payments to the service user who needs it for things related to their care plan such as domiciliary carers and gives the service use a sense of control and responsibility for making their own decisions.
What is managed accounts?
Managed accounts are ruled by the local authority of the service user and in line with their wishes and can see how much is left of the money that is left in hand of the local authority
What is empowerment?
Giving a service user some power and control over the situation of their care
What is a support plan?
A plan placed to help support a service user on requirements and preferences for care and support are detailed to enable an individual to live with dignity and respect in the community
What can a service user spend on their personal budget?
Related things to support plan
Personal assistant
Dociliary carers
What is choice and control?
A commitment to giving individuals more choice and control over their care like which doctor they want and what time they want their appointment for at their local GP surgery
What is it meant by self-assessment of needs?
An assessment with a service user and a service provider about outcomes the service users want to achieve and the professional will discuss with the service user about the support they will need and will collect info about how the care needs of individual may not be met
What is personal budgets?
Personal budgets are an agreed amount of money used to carry out or deliver certain aspects of provision set out in an individuals support plan
What is it meant by changing the role of the professional?
The control moved to the service user from the professional as they empower the individual to take control over their life and make decisions about what’s best for them such as what medication may be best for them to suit their needs
What is co-production?
Co-production is about collaborating and working together with the service provider as it promoted the voice,choice and control over the service user
What is a personal assistant?
A personal assistant is employed directly by the individual who needs the extra help around the house. They help with daily living including washing,shopping,walking the dog and taking medication
What is mental capacity?
Mental capacity is the way to make decisions and process things. Some people who have a learning disability’s may have a hard time understanding decisions and to process things.
What are social care outcomes?
Desire from the service user such as finding employment
What does means-tested cash payment mean?
Payments based on financial circumstances and if the service user is eligible for the payment.
Why are the 5 features of personalisation are important?
They are important as they let the service user have a voice and make them feel valued within themself and will feel empowered by this