Personal Jurisdiction & SMJ Flashcards
How is personal jurisdiction assessed in federal court?
The same way it is assessed in state court
What are the two main kinds of cases that can be filed in federal court?
1- Diversity & Alienage Cases
2- Federal Questions
Diversity & Alienage Cases: Two Requirements
1- the case is either between citizens of different states (diversity) OR between a citizen of a state and a citizen of a foreign country (alienage); AND
2- the amount in controversy EXCEEDS $75,000 (at least $75,000.01)
Complete Diversity Rule
No diversity of citizenship if ANY P is a citizen of the same state as any D
P (U.S. Citizen domiciled in France) v. D (NY)
- no alienage b/c P is a U.S. citizen
- no diversity b/c P is not a citizen of a state b/c not domiciled in a U.S. state
For a natural person, who is a U.S. citizen, what is her state of citizenship?
State of Domicile – physical presence & intent to remain
When do you test for diversity?
You test for diversity when the case is FILED. Any moves AFTER filing are irrelevant. It’s also irrelevant what the citizenships were when the claim arose. CITIZENSHIP AT FILING IS ALL THAT MATTERS.
What is the citizenship of a corporation?
(1) State or Country where incorporated; AND
(2) State or Country where it has its PPB
2 citizenships for a corporation, unlike a person!
What is the corporation’s PPB?
Nerve center test– usually the headquarters; where managers direct, coordinate, and control corporate activities
What is the citizenship of unincorporated associations (partnerships, LLCs, etc.)
Unincorporated associations are citizens of all the places that its members (general and limited partners) are citizens of.
Citizenship when a case is brought by a representative of a decedent/minor/incompetent:
The relevant citizenship is that of the decedent/minor/incompetent, NOT of their representative.
Does amount in controversy include interest on the claim or litigation costs?
NO– the claim itself, in good faith
Is amount in controversy met so long as P claims more than $75,000?
Whatever the P claims in good faith is okay, UNLESS it is CLEAR TO A LEGAL CERTAINTY that P cannot recover more than $75,000.
ex- P sues D for $40,000 breach of K and $70,000 punitive damages. Legally, punitive damages cannot be recovered for breach of contract. Amount in controversy not met.
What happens if P sues for more than $75,000 but wins less than $75,000?
Jurisdiction is okay, but if P actually recovers less than $75,000, P might have to pay the defendants litigation costs.
- Rule
- Exception
When P must add two or more claims against D to meet the amount in controversy. We aggregate the claims of 1P v. 1D and it doesn’t matter if the claims are unrelated. However, we only add the claims of one P against one D, so P can’t sue D1 for $70,000 and D-2 for $6,000 in the same case.
EXCEPTION– joint tortfeasors. With joint claims we use the total value of the claim. The number of parties is irrelevant on joint claims.
How do we figure the value, for amount in controversy purposes, of an injunction?
If either of two tests yields over $75,000, the amount requirement is deemed satisfied:
(1) Does this encroachment decrease the value of Ps property by more than $75,000?
(2) Would it cost the D more than $75,000 to comply with the injunction?
EXCLUSIONS: Cases a federal court will refuse to exercise SMJ over?
- divorce
- alimony or child custody decree
- probate of a decedent’s estate
Federal Question Cases– what are they?
The complaint must show a right or interest founded substantially on federal law. The claim must arise under federal law.
Well-pleaded complaint rule
Test for federal question jurisdiction. Ask:
“Is the P enforcing a federal right?
yes –> FQ case
no –> no FQ jur
What happens if a case has gotten into federal court (either on diversity or FQ) but it contains some claims that do not meet diversity or FQ requirements?
Try for supplemental jurisdiction!
Test for Supplemental Jurisdiction
The claim must share a “COMMON NUCLEUS OF OPERATIVE FACT” with the claim that invoked federal SMJ.
There will ALWAYS be a common nucleus of operative fact when the claim ARISES FROM THE SAME T/O OR SERIES OF T/O as the claim that invoked federal SMJ.
Compulsory counterclaims & all crossclaims will ALWAYS meet the test of supplemental jurisdiction.
2d Cir has even upheld supplemental jurisdiction over a Permissive counterclaim if it has a “loose factual connection” with Ps claim.
Limitation on Supplemental Jurisdiction
In a DIVERSITY/ALIENAGE case, the PLAINTIFF cannot use supplemental jurisdiction to overcome a LACK OF DIVERSITY.
But P can use suppJur to overcome lack of diversity for a claim in a federal question claim. The limitation only applies in cases that got to federal court based on diversity.
And P can use suppJur to overcome a lack of amount in controversy for a claim in a diversity case.
Summary of Supplemental Jurisdiction
A non-federal, non-diversity claim can be heard in federal court if it shares a common nucleus of operative fact with the claim that invoked federal SMJ by arising from the T/O as the claim that invoked federal SMJ, UNLESS it is:
- asserted by a P
- in a diversity of citizenship (not FQ) case; AND
- is against a citizen of the same state as the P
When does the federal court have discretion NOT to hear the supplemental claim?
- if the FQ is dismissed early in the proceedings; or
- if the state law claim is complex; or
- if state law issues would predominate