Personal Finance Chapter 8 Vocabulary Flashcards
A high-risk investment that might earn a large profit in a short time.
Speculative Investment
Profits that are reinvested in a company.
Retained Earnings
Money that a business gets from its shareowners in order to operate
Equity Capital
The most basic form of corporate ownership, which entitles the owner to voting privileges in the company.
Common Stock
Gives the owner the advantage of receiving cash dividends before common stockholders receive any.
Preferred Stock
A corporation’s written pledge to repay a specified amount of money, along with interest, to an investor.
Corporate Bond
An investment where investors pool their money together to buy stocks, bonds or other investments.
Mutual Fund
The process of spreading your assets among several types of investments to reduce risk
The profit from a sale of an asset such as stocks, bonds, or real estate.
Capital Gain
A document that discloses information about a company’s earning, assets, and liabilities.