Personal Care Skills Flashcards
An obstruction of a blood vessel, by a blood clot
Antiembolic Stocking
A compression stocking that helps prevent swelling and blood clots
Stage 3 of pressure Injuries
Full-Thickness Skin loss, fat is visible in the injury. Including slough (yellow, tan, gray and green or brown tissue, which is most) Escher (hard, soft, black, brown, tan and scabbed)
Using a Drawsheet to reposition a resident without disturbing the alignment of the body
The scientific design of equipment, areas, and work task. Which suits abilities for workers and making them safer
Slide Board
Helps transfer residents who are unable to bear weight on their legs
Mechanical lifts (hydraulic, power, or standing)
Equipment which helps transfer residents and prevents injury.
Stage 2 of pressure injuries
Partial thickness skin loss, may look like a blister
Contains urine from males genitalia
Bony Prominces
Areas of the body where the bone lies close to the skin
Fracture Pan
Flatter the a regular Bed Pan, for someone who can’t raise their hips
When a resident sits on the edge of the bed to regain balance
Foot Drop
Weakness of muscles in the foot and ankles
Description of keeping your body clean and healthy
Caring for fingernails and hair
Orthotic Devices
Helps support and align limbs (arms and legs) also to correct deformities
Stage 4 of pressure Injuries
Full-Thickness is loss, Injury becomes a crater. containing slough and Escher