Personal attributes Flashcards
Coping with Criticism
able to learn from our mistakes and improve ourselves
example of coping with criticism
During my time on the Darwin 200 boat, i found out how other members couldnt read my handwriting, instead of letting this get me down i took it on board and improved myself. I.e i understand where you are coming from ill make my handwritng more neat so you can undersatand it easier
good decision making
making correct decision based on your knowldegde without becomeing complacement.
protecting patient dignity and patient happiness.
being able to review what you did and improve next tiem
medical example of good decision making
For example, is the patient at the end of life care? Is symptom management the better alternative? What is best for the patient always comes first, however, know what your non-negotiables are.
my example of good decision making
Friend having a breakdow, asked what i can do, get their permission to speak with a teacher, got them the help they need
Taking an honest and ethically correct course of action that holds fast your moral principles and that you cannot be persuaded to change.
Examples of integrity in medicine
be honest about your abilites
avoid plagarism
maintaining patient trust
tell the truth
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is the ability to rationally work through a problem or an idea to find a solution or to conclude the truth
whats involved in critical thinking?
Think logically to form and connect ideas.
Identify, construct and evaluate arguments.
Detect inconsistencies and common mistakes in reasoning.
Solve problems.
See the relevance and importance of ideas.
Reflect on your own beliefs and values.
6 crital questions
who what when where why how
Teamwork pros
Each member has a unique perspective, skillset and experience
feedback - constructive criticism
(feedback loop)
teammemnber examples
eam members should support initiatives set up by the leader after they have been approved and improved by the rest of the group.
This places importance on the value of collaboration where members play an active role in the execution of tasks instead of the leader dictating what should be done and the members following his instructions without questioning it.
leadership example
in Year 11 I had multiple leadership roles. As house captain I was the leader of around 25 pupils, and as the sports and rugby captain, I had to make tough decisions in quick succession, and I managed to create a group of non-rugby players into a serious and hard-working team. I was also my form representative, so I relayed queries back and forwards with the school council and I’m a member of the college medical society.
multiple learning styles
what is VARK learning?
Visual - learn best from seeing things, e.g. graphs, diagrams, symbols.
Auditory - Learn best from listening; attending and recording lectures to listen to later may be good.
Reading-wrtinging- prefer to read information and copy it out.
kinaethetic - Prefer to learn via experiences e.g. projects, experiments.
communication things
I (ideas) C (concerns (Expectation)
chunk and check
techniques to improve communication skills
Clear language Be wary of body language# Do not confuse colleagues and patients (use correct terrms) Acknowledge the patient’s needs be flexible Check for understanding Empathise honesty Establish rapport
what is empathy
Empathy is the capacity to take the perspectives of others, to be sensitive to their inner experience and to compassionately engage with them; appreciating the perspectives of others involves understanding the other person’s feelings and where they come from, rather than simply judging and labelling them.
The difference between empathy and sympathy
It is important to recognise that empathy and sympathy are not alike. When you feel sympathetic to another person, you may feel sad about the situation the person has found themselves in and offer support.
On the other hand, when you feel empathy, you are understanding of what someone is going through because you have been through it yourself or you can imagine what it would be like to go through it.
time management