personal and social identity Flashcards
Development of personality, self awareness, and self concept
Self awareness > sense of self >personality
Self concept - Mead
I and me
I foundation
Personal sense of who we are
Me - product os social interaction
Internalising roles and responsibilities through socialisation
Development of identity and social self + theorists
Social self - time an individual understand their own identity is seperate from someone else
jean piaget - cognition
Theory of Cognitive development
4 stages
Sensorimotor - fine motor skills - pick up objects
Preoperational - learning numbers letter
Concrete operational - begin thinking logically and abstractly
Formal operational - logical abstract thinking and reasoning
Deferred gratification
Children - cant wait
Adolescence - can
object permeance
Spatial awareness
carol gillian - morality
Morality + gender
Men - justice
women - compassion
Pre-conventional stage - selfishness
Conventional stage - self sacrifice + truth
Post conventional stage- non violence
influence of agents of socialisation on personal and social identity
Socialisation - the process an individual becomes a functioning member of society by internalising the roles, norms and values
Family and kinship
Primary socialisation
Birth order - Daniel Eckstein
Oldest - high achievers + strong motivators
Middle - sociable peace keepers - mediators + compromise
Youngest - empathetic + popular - reflective and absentminded
Socially constructed differences between men and women
Gender roles
Private vs public sector
“The second sex”
othered - viewed as inferior
Set of options conviction in which we believe as the truth
Religion - shapes our identity
Way of life and traditions
Muslims celebrate eid al fitr and eid al ahda and fast during the holy month of ramadan
nature vs nurture debate
Nature - biological determinism - genetic makeup determined behaviour
Nuture - behaviourism - personal qualities shaped by experiences
CSISPR - genetic modification + medication
Theory dialectic behavioural therapy conversation therapy etc
Contemporary understanding
Nature and nurture
Thomas Bouchard (1990)
- Similarities - mannerisms and personality
- Nature
- Accepted tool to be able to treat patients
adolescence - social construct
social construc
- Didn’t exist prior to ww2
- Baby boom - greater number of people in “teen” years
- Became category of their own
Individuality valued expressed - self discovery
more responsibilities and rights given
right to vote
Not valid universally
Western cultures - value individuality found and expressed through adolescence
Move out and stay out at 18
Parents moved into aged care community
Eastern cultures - homogeneity and community more valued > adolescence less valued
return home
Look after parents - aged care
Changing rights and responsibilities
18 vote + drink
theory of life course
Theory of generations - mannheim
Individuals belonging to the same generation are endowed with a common location in the historical dimension of the social process
Shaped by our social and cultural context
Influence society + catalyse change
Cross generational analysis on agents of socialisation
- Change type + frequency of media
- More pervasive impact
- Extended family decline + more stress on parents
- Older siblings > teach younger
- Impacts expression of beliefs
- More difficult