Personal And Family Issues Flashcards
Hetero sexual
Sexually or romantically attracted to the other gender
Attracted to people of the same gender
Staying away from marriage or sexual relationships
Refraining from sex
Civil partnership
Legal relationship recognised between 2 people who are related to each other
What does the bible think about sexuality?
- Bible refers to male and female as ‘natural relations’ and homosexual relations contrary to human nature
- Corinthians 6:9 states that people who practise homosexuality will not inherit God’s kingdom
What are the reasons for pre-marital sex
These relationships include:
1. The desire to make their partner feel loved
2. To have a baby together
3. To gain acceptance with another person or approval from others
Reasons why Christians think sex should be kept for marriage?
Prevents unwanted pregnancy outside of marriage
Lessons the risk of sexually transmitted infections
Keep yourself holy and pure for marriage
Why are people single?
Haven’t found the right person
Too young
You could be a priest or a nun
Reason for being single
Independence - freedom
Cheaper - financial benefit
Focus on career
Reasons against being single
No intimacy
Unable to have a family
Different types of family units
Single parent
Why is a family unit important?
Why do people get married?
Enjoy the company
Want to show their commitment
Provide a stable family in which to have children
Wedding ceremony stages
Introduction and declaration of purpose
The vows
Exchange of rings
Causes of divorce
Addiction - person could pay more attention to addiction
Career - they could be apart for a while and fall out of love
Violence - people could be living in fear of what could happen to them
Top 5 reasons for divorce in NI
Lack of commitment
Infidelity affairs
Got married too young
Financial issues
What services do Relate NI and Accord NI provide?
Relate - Adult relationship counselling
Family counselling
Safety in relationships
According to- marriage counselling
Relationships counselling for couples
Marriage education for couples
What in the Bible says that marriage is sacred?
Genesis 24 - That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh
What does the Bible say about marriage being exclusive?
Exodus 20:14 - Thou shalt not commit adultery
What does the Bible say about marriage being permanent
Mark 10:9 - what therefore God has joined together, let not man separate
What does the Bible say about marriage being life-giving
Genesis 1:28 - be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it
Arguments for the Christian teaching of marriage being outdated
- You can still create life without being married
- Marriage can not be sacred as people can easily get divorced
- Society has changed - same sex marriage is legal in UK
Arguments against saying that the Christian teaching of marriage is outdated
- Teaching of faithfulness is still relevant as you should still not cheat on your partner
- Bible is relevant-teaching in eternal
- Marriage vows still made “Till death do us part”
Main arguments in favour of homosexuality
- They are simply following their natural instincts. This is how God created them
- Some people believe that Saint Paul’s comments were about male prostitutes and not homosexuality
Arguments against homosexuality
- God made male and female according to the Book of Genesis to complete each other to procreate
- Homosexual practise is forbidden in the book of Leviticus “If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them have committed an abomination”