Perms Flashcards
What is Permanent Waving?
Adding wave or curl to the hair
What is Curl re-forming?
Loosening overly curly hair, such as when tight curls are turned into loose curls or waves.
What do Chemical texturizers do to the hair?
Rase the pH of the hair to an alkaline state in order to soften and swell the hair shaft.
Course resistant hair with a strong, compact cuticle layer requires what kind of chemical solution?
A highly Alkaline chemical solution.
What are amino acids?
they are compounds made up of carbon oxygen hydrogen nitrogen and sulfur. (COHNS)
What are peptide bonds?
Also know as end bonds, are chemical bonds that join amino acids together, end to end in long chains, to form a polypeptide chain.
What are Plypeptide chains?
They are long chains of amino acids joined together by peptide bonds.
What are Keratin Proteins?
They are long, coiled plypeptide chains.
What are Side bonds?
They are disulfide, salt, and hydrogen bonds that cross-link polypeptide chains together. Responsible for the elasticity and incredible strength of the hair.
What are Disulfide bonds?
They are strong chemical side bonds formed when the sulfur atoms in two adjacent protein chains are joined together.
What are Salt Bonds?
They are relatively weak physical side bonds that are the result of an attraction between negative and positive electrical charges. They are easily broken by changes in pH, and they re form when the pH returns to normal.
What are Hydrogen Bonds?
They are weak physical side bonds that are also the result of an attraction between opposite electrical charges; they are easily broken by water or heat, and they re form as the hair dries or cools.
The size of the rod determines what?
The size of the curl.
What are the different types of rods?
Concave, Straight, Soft bender, and loop rods.
What are the three different types of end papers or wraps?
Double flat wrap (most control of ends), single flat wrap, bookend wrap.
What are base sections?
They are subsections of panels into which the hair is divided for perm wrapping; one rod is normally placed on each base section.
What is Base Placement?
Refers to the position of the rod in relation to its base section. Determined by the angle at which the hair is wrapped. On base, Off base, Half off base.
What type of base placement gives the maximum amount of volume?
ON base.
What is base direction?
Refers to the angle at which the rod is positioned on the head: Horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.