Permafrost 4 Flashcards
Does thermal contraction cracking happen every winter? What does it require?
- rapid cooling
- high magnitude cooling (big diff in temp)
Describe what happened when the thaw lake in Illisarvik was experimentally drained in 1978. What did they observe?
- cracks were __-__cm wide
- Initial thermal contraction crack was __-___, but in subsequent years it was reversed (ie_____..)
- ice wedge growth rate was __cm laterally each year
purpose= see what happened to newly exposed saturated sediments
- Thermal contraction cracks appeared & ice wedges started to grow after the first winter
ie. grew from bottom and propagated up
After 12 years, what did they observe in the drained thaw lake?
no more ice wedge growth after 12 years! Because of insulated veg and snow –> lots of vegetation started growing, which insulated the ground esp from very cold winter air temp. Veg also traps snow= more insulation
After 20 years of observation is Illisarvik, how big were the ice wedges?
max 2m high –> not that big
Didn’t answer how we get the massive ice wedges
Ice wedge growth ceases, largely due to:
insulation of the ground from cold winter air by vegetation and snow
How do we get massive ice wedges?
This can happen when more layers of sediment are being deposited at the site of the ice wedge. The original ice wedge keeps moving up with the permafrost, and that’s how it becomes huge!
= syngenetic permafrost
Syngenetic permafrost=
aggradation of permafrost keeps up with a vertically aggrading surface
eg. this is how ice wedges become huge
Epigenetic permafost=
permafrost that formed through lowering of the permafrost base in previously deposited sediment
the oldest ice in north america is in an ice wedge, not a glacier
______ have high organic C soils, where the organic material may be at various stages of decomposition
What are the thermal properties of peat when it’s frozen (winter) vs dry (summer)?
dry (summer): almost a perfect insulator (low thermal conductivity)= insulates the ground from warm summer air temps
frozen (winter): higher thermal conductivity = very efficient at transferring heat from the ground to the air (temp of frozen ground is transferred to even colder air)
Peatlands contribute to permafrost resilience
- insulates: diurnal temp swings in the summer are muted when peat is present
What factor is especially important in maintaining permafrost near the southern boundary of it?
Permafrost probably wouldn’t exist here if there was no peat. Therefore, disturbing the surface here = bad news for permafrost :(
Palsas and peat plateaus=
ice=cored landforms in peatlands, formed by growth of segregated ice
What is the difference between palsas and peat plateaus?
palsas= 10s of m wide
peat plateaus= laterally extensive over 100s of m
How do palsas and peat plateaus form? How long can they last?
The surface is raised above the local water table, in turn drying peat= lower thermal conductivity
Therefore, they can persist for 1000s of years!
landforms associated with dissolution of rick, especially carbonates (eg caves, sinkholes)
landforms associated with thermal degradation of permafrost
*Only occurs where excess ice is present (ice rich grounds)
What are the 2 causes of thermokarsts:
- surface disturbance (eg remove peat/ expose ice) –> alters ground thermal regime, even if the climate is stable
= relatively fast process - climate warming –> slow process
you need climate warming to initiate thermokarsts
surface disturbance is actually a much faster way to initiate thermokarsts
What causes methano-genesis in arctic enviro lakes?
thaw of sub-lake permafrost
There is a thaw lake cycle. Describle this cycle.
- bare ground
- ice wedge develops
- disturbance= thermokarst initiated
- formation of thaw pond
This pond can either
a) be a stable long-term lake
b) drain
a1) eventually drains and becomes bare ground again, restarting the cycle
b1) drains
b2) permafrost reaggrade
b3) ice wedges develop, restarting the cycle
Retrogressive thaw slumps are a very obvious indicator of ___
retrogressive thaw slump=
backward erosion into a slope after an initial disturbance of ice-rich ground
Retrogressive thaw slumps have:
- an arcuate (curved) head scarp which forms a little ___
- a much shallower __-__ zone for thawed + saturated debris
Why might you see polygonal shaped ground near retrogressive thaw slumps?
This means the ground is ice-rich, which is needed for thermokarsts like retrogressive thaw slumps
Active layer detachment slide=
shallow slope failures: translational movement downslope along the base of the active layer
Would an active layer detachment slide have a big head scarp?
No, because it’s a shallow movement