Peritoneum Flashcards
Most important lab test for ascites?
another very important lab test for ascites?
Abdominal paracentensis
WBC w/ differential
Two broad categories of ascites?
Diseased and normal peritoneum
Most common casue of ascites?
Portal HTN secondary to liver disease
Most forms of ascites have a SAAG < 1.1 g/dL
What is the ONLY one that doesn’t?
Portal HTN
POrtal HTN is seen when the pressure gradient b/w the portal vein and IVC is greater than?
Most ascites is secondary to liver disease, so what are the implications for a physical exam/
pts should be asked about risk factors for liver disease (alcohol consumption, drug use, hx of hepatitis, hx of malignancy, etc.)
Also note that pts w/ chronic liver disease are most likely to develop spontanous bacterial peritonits
(elevated JVP, hepatomegaly, caput medusa, palmar erythema, spider angiomas, gynecomastia, muscle wasting, asterixis [secondary to hepatic encephalopathy])
JVD suggests?
another possible cause of hepatic congestion/portal HTN
Large tender liver on PE?
indicative of alcoholic hepatitis or budd-chiari syndrome
risk factors for portal HTN -> ascites
PE is relatively insensitive for detecting ascitic fluid. How much fluid is needed for detection?
Signs of portal HTN?
Hepatic enlargement
Elevated JVP (or JVD)
Large abdominal wall veins
(Though not exactly portal HTN, chronic liver dz is stronlgy associated. CLD ssx include: palmar erythema, cutaneous spider angiomas, gynecomastia, muscle wasting, asterixis, anasarca perhaps)
Signs of liver dz?
muscle wasting
A fever would suggest what type of ascites?
Bacterial peritonitis
A shifting-dullness test would display what?
A dullness where the fluid is… so the dullness should shift when going form sitting/standing to lateral recumbent
Most pts w/ ascites will get what as part of their eval?
abdominal paracentesis
Visual inspection of fluid can be suggestive…
- Milky?
- Cloudy?
- Bloody?
- Milky - chylous
- Cloudy - bacterial
- Bloody - traumatic draw OR MALIGNANCY