Peritidal and subtidal carbonate environments Flashcards
Define peritidal environment
Includes supratidal (usually emergent and occasionally flooded) and intertidal region (flooded twice a date by high tide, deposition when flooded, evaporation when emergent)
What controls distribution of facies of peritidal facies?
Tidal range, wave action, climate, hydrology, topography
How does tidal range affect distribution of peritidal facies?
Most peritidal facies develop where tidal range is low
How does wave action affect the distribition of peritidal facies?
Usually in low-energy protected lagoons
How does climate affect the distribution of peritidal facies?
Different facies mosaics under humid and arid conditions
How does hydrology affect the distribution of peritidal facies?
Influences diagenesis in the supratidal zone
How does topography affect the distribution of peritidal facies?
Can influence the development of island and lagoons
What is the sediment source for peritidal facies?
Channels rework sediment and focus onshore sediment transport during storms
Describe peritidal facies
Low faunal diversity, deposition of pelletal lime mud in channels/ponds, rootlets, burrows, algae
Describe peritidal facies in the supratidal zone
Plant debris (algal mats and magrove rootlets), muddy sediment, desiccation cracks, reworking of lithified crusts by storms (e.g. mud chips, flat pebble conglomerates)
Describe peritidal facies in the intertidal zone
Microbial mat (bc of flooding), high abundance, low diversity fauna, muddy, desiccation polygon, fenestrae, white layers of evaporites, bioturbation in lower intertidal
Give four examples of depositional processes and sedimentary structures in arid climate peritidal facies
Dolomite, algal mats, desiccation cracks, wind-blown sand/mud
How can depositional texture in arid climate peritidal facies be disrupted or obscured?
Early diagenetic evaporite precipitation
Describe subtidal zone facies
Inc. ponds and tidal channels
High diversity, high abundance skeletal fauna
Fining-upward successions, levee deposits
How are platforms exposed?
Rainwater reacts with soil, forming mild acids, this percolates down, following pre-existing structural trends
In humid settigs, a dense network of interconnected caves is created
Where do calcrete karsts form?
(Semi) arid climate
What is observed in peritidal carbonates?
What are the two shallow subtidal environments?
Lagoons and open shelfs
Describe the open shelf
No restriction, normal salinity
Abundant and diverse fauna does not tolerate salinity variation, therefore there are primarily brachiopods, echinoderms, bryozoa
Describe the lagoon
Restriction, elevated salinity, stom recharge causes salinity fluctuations
Abundant, low diversity fauna tolerates salinity variation (gastropds, algae, ostracods)
What do optimal conditions for fauna in shallow waters lead to?
Fossil-rich bioclastic limestones
Fossil content depends on salinity and substrate nature
Give three examples of areas of high-energy and high carbonate production rates
Shoreface, shelf edge, areas of strong currents (tidal, storm)
What are carbonate sand bars/shoals analogous to?
Siliciclastic shorelines and sand waves
Very clean, well-sorted carbonate sands
Porous, oolitic grain stones are effective shallow aquifers