Peripheral Vascular System Flashcards
PVS is composed of (3) vessels that carry blood and lymph through the body:
Supply oxygenated blood to the body
Carry deoxygenated blood from capillaries in the extremities back to the heart
Lymphatic System:
Vascular network that drains lymph fluid from body tissues & returns to venous circulation
Identify the anatomic locations of arteries: inner to outer layer
- intima
- media
- adventitia
importnat in thrombosis, intima, modulate blood flow, vasodialtion, important of immune system and inflammatory
dilate and constrict to accomdate arteries
adevnetis, connective tissue and nerve fibers
3 Arteries of Upper Extremities
Brachial Artery
Radial Artery
Ulnar Artery
4 Arteries of the Lower Extremities
Femoral Artery
Popliteal Artery
Dorsalis pedis artery (DP)
Posterior tibial artery (PT)
Abdominal Aorta & Branches:
Celiac artery
Superior mesenteric artery: small intesting, ascending and transverse colon
Interior mesenteric artery: large intestine, descrinding colon, rectum
6 Upper Extremity Veins
Subclavian vein
Axillary vein
Cephalic vein
Basilic vein
Median cubital vein - used for access for veinal puncture
Median antebrachial vein
5 Lower Extremity Veins
flowing against gravity
External iliac vein - deep
Femoral vein - deep
Popliteal vein – deep
Anterior/Posterior tibial veins - deep
Greater/Lesser Saphenous veins - superficial
Lymphatic system nodes aaside from head and neck
- Epitrochlear nodes drain ulnar surface of the ring middle…finger hand and forearm
- lateral axillary nodes
- infraclavicular nodes
- horizontal chain lymph node, near inguinal pelvic area , below inguinal ligmanwet
- great saphenous vein
- vertical chain, corresponding region of the leg
List the (8) ROS of the peripheral vascular system:
- Pain or weakness in arms or legs
- Edema of calves, legs, or feet
- Color changes in fingertips or toes in cold weather
- Cold in extremities
- Numbness, pallor in the legs
- Hair loss
- Abdominal, flank, or back pain
- Intermittent Claudication
Describe the routine physical findings for the peripheral vascular system by inspection: Upper extremity
Size & symmetry
Change in skin coloration
Change in texture
Hair distribution
Describe the routine physical findings for the peripheral vascular system by palpation: Upper extremity
- Assess temperature
- Radial artery pulse
- Ulnar artery pulse (more difficult)
- Brachial artery pulse
- Epitrochlear Nodes
Describe the routine physical findings for the peripheral vascular system by auscultation: