Peripheral nerve injuries Flashcards
Outline Seddon’s classification of nerve injury
Neurapraxia (I): reversible conduction block
Axonotmesis: axonal interruption
(II) full recovery
(III) partial recovery
(IV) no recovery
Neurotmesis (V): axonal and endoneurium interruption
-fibrosis of proximal end: neuroma formation
-irrecoverable without surgical intervention
What is Wallerian degeneration?
Atrophy of denervated motor end-plates and sensory receptors. Irreversible motor and sensory loss if not re-innervated within 2 years.
Describe axonal regeneration
Proximal stump sprouts unmyelinated tendrils
Tendrils spread towards Schwann cells, and return to an old endoneurial tube
Axon slowly regenerates at 1 mm/day
Eventually join to denervated end-organs
May result in full, partial, or no recovery of function
Outline the MRC scale for muscle power
- Normal power
- Active movement against gravity and resistance
- Active movement against gravity alone
- Active movement without gravity
- Flicker of movement
- No movement
Outline the treatment principles for nerve injuries
Open nerve injuries: explored and consider repair
- if cleanly cut: end-to-end suture
- ragged cut: paring of stump, then suture
- if nerve under tension when joined, consider mobilising the nerve or using nerve grafts or nerve conduits
- post-op physiotherapy
Closed nerve injury: wait and see if nerve recovers
-if no recovery: delayed repair
Motor function fails to recover: tendon transfer
Name 2 causes of brachial plexus injury
Stab wound
Supraclavicular: motorcycle accidents
Infraclavicular: shoulder fracture or dislocation
Describe the presentation of upper plexus injuries (C5 and C6)
Erb’s palsy
Motor paralysis of
-shoulder abduction: suprascapular n, axillary n
-shoulder external rotation: axillary n, suprascapular n
-forearm supination: musculocutaneous nerve
Sensory loss along outer aspect of arm and forearm
Suprascapular n: supraspinatus, infraspinatus
Axillary n: deltoid, teres minor
Musculocutaenous nerve: biceps, brachialis, coracobrachialis
Describe the presentation of lower plexus injuries (C8 and T1)
Klumpke’s paralysis
Paralysis of intrinsic hand muscles: clawing
Sensory loss along inner aspect of arm
What features suggest preganglionic avulsion injury to the brachial plexus?
Burning pain in an anaesthetic hand
Paralysis of scapular muscles or diaphragm
Horner’s syndrome
Severe vascular injury
Associated fractures of the cervical spine
Spinal cord dysfunction
N.B. preganglionic damage is irreparable
In which situations do brachial plexus lesions require emergency surgery?
Penetration wounds
Vascular injury
Severe (high-energy) soft-tissue damage
How can the long thoracic nerve be damaged?
Shoulder or neck injuries
Carrying heavy loads on the shoulder
Axillary node clearance
What sign is seen with long thoracic nerve palsy?
Winging of the scapula: demonstrated by asking patient to push forcefully against a wall
How can the spinal accessory nerve (CNXI) be damaged?
Stab wounds
Operations in posterior triangle of neck
What typically causes axillary nerve injury, and how does the palsy present?
Shoulder dislocation
Humeral head fracture
Cannot abduct shoulder beyond 15 degrees
Sensory loss over regimental patch (C5)
Deltoid muscle wasting
N.B. Typically recovers within 8 weeks
Name 3 causes of radial nerve palsy, and describe how it presents
Low: fracture or dislocation of elbow, surgery
High: humeral shaft fracture, Saturday night palsy
Very high: crutch palsy (compression at axilla)
Wrist drop
Sensory loss: dorsal side around base of thumb