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OMFS Secrets
> Perioperative Care - Fluid and Electrolytes > Flashcards
Perioperative Care - Fluid and Electrolytes Flashcards
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OMFS Secrets
(57 decks)
Patient Evaluation - Preoperative Evaluation
Patient Evaluation - EKG
Patient Evaluation - Laboratory Tests
Patient Evaluation - Diagnostic Imaging for the OMFS Patient
Anesthesia - Local Anesthetics
Anesthesia - IV Sedation
Anesthesia - Inhaled Anesthesia and Neuromuscular Blockers
Anesthesia - Anesthesia for Difficult Patients
Perioperative Care - Fluid and Electrolytes
Perioperative Care - Nutritional Support
Perioperative Care - Postop Complications
Perioperative Care - Mechanical Ventilation and ICU Care
Perioperative Care - Emergent Care
Perioperative Care - Tracheostomy and Cricothyrotomy
Medically Compromised Patients - Cards
Medically Compromised Patients - Pulm
Medically Compromised Patients - Blood and Liver
Medically Compromised Patients - Renal
Medically Compromised Patients - Endocrine and Pregnancy
Medically Compromised Patients - Diabetes
Medically Compromised Patients - Immunocompromise
OMFS - Applied Orofacial Anatomy
OMFS - Wound Healing
OMFS - Dentoalveolar and Preprosthetic Surgery
OMFS - Dental Implants
OMFS - Trigeminal Nerve Injury
OMFS - Orofacial Infections and Antibiotics
OMFS - Dentoalveolar Injuries
OMFS - Mandibular Trauma
OMFS - ZMC and Orbits
OMFS - Midface: Nasal, Nasoethmoidal, and Le Forts
OMFS - Frontal Sinus
OMFS - Soft Tissue Facial Injuries
OMFS - Craniofacial
OMFS - Oromandibular Dysostosis
OMFS - Syndromes Affecting the Orofacial Region
OMFS - Cleft Lip and Palate
OMFS - Orthognathic Surgery
OMFS - Distraction Osteogenesis
OMFS - Sleep Apnea and Snoring
OMFS - Facial Pain and Myofascial Disorders
OMFS - TMJ Pathophysiology and Surgical Treatment
OMFS - Cysts and Tumors
OMFS - Cancer of the Oral Cavity
OMFS - Salivary Glands
OMFS - Vascular Anomalies
OMFS - Osteoradionecrosis and Osteonecrosis
OMFS - Neck Masses
OMFS - Bone Grafting for Dental Implant Placement
OMFS - Local and Regional Flaps
OMFS - Reconstruction of the Facial Subunits
OMFS - Microvascular Surgery
Cosmetics - Evaluation of the Aging Face
Cosmetics - Blepharoplasty
Cosmetics - Rhytidectomy
Cosmetics - Rhinoplasty
Cosmetics - Minimally-Invasive Cosmetic Surgery