Periop 101 Test Questions Flashcards
Final Exam REview
Which of the following is NOT correct regarding the handling and use of cleaning products?
a)Using a spray bottle to dispense solutions
b) Labeling secondary containers when a product is poured from the original container
c) Not sharing cleaning equipment between restricted and semi-restricted areas
d) Cleaning with a wet mop to reduce the spread of contamination
Which is NOT a key component of ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery)?
a) Patient and family education
b) Multimodal analgesia
c) Patient fasting 12 hours prior to surgery
d) Return to normal diet on the day of surgery
A brachial plexus injury is most likely to occur……
a) when the shoulder braces are used
b) when the head an neck are in the neutral position
c) when the patient is positioned in the lateral position with an axillary roll
d) when the arms are extended less than 90 degrees
Which of the following legal terms describes the actions of a reasonable and prudent professional in the same or similar circumstance?
a) Tort
b) Respondeat superior
c) Standard of care
d) liability
The 1999 report “To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System” started a cultural shift within health care. Which of the following is NOT an element of systems error study?
a) Communication tools
b) Standardized checklists
c) Standardized processes
d) Individual blame
What action should be taken when transferring a specimen off of the sterile field?
a) Waiting until the end of the procedure before transferring the specimen into a container.
b) Depositing the specimen into the smallest container that can be closed.
c) Confirming the type of test that is being requisitioned with the surgeon.
d) Immersing the specimen into perseverative until further instruction.
Which of the following describes the administration of sedatives by an anesthesia provider with additional medications and medical services as needed?
a) Moderate sedation
b) Monitored anesthesia care
c) Local anesthesia injection
d) General anesthesia
Instruments are inspected at multiple points of use and during the sterilization process. Which step is a preventive measure?
a) Point-of-use instrument lubrication of a requested instrument
b) Scheduled inspection of instrument sets
c) Use of a cracked insulated instrument during an emergency surgery
d) Use of a misaligned instrument for grasping tough tissue
LAST is a patient medical emergency that occurs when……….
a) a sedative bolus is injected intravenously.
b) the airway is occluded.
c) the local anesthetic blood threshold is exceeded.
d) an unintended hypothermic event occurs.
Areas of the sterile gown that are considered sterile are……….
a) the neck to below the natural waist.
b) the chest to the level of the sterile field.
c) the shoulder to the proximal edge of the cuff.
d) 2 inches above the elbow to the distal edge of the cuff
A principle of covering or uncovering a sterile field includes………..
a) covering multiple sterile fields to allow for quick turnover
b) covering a portion of a sterile field until needed.
c) covering a sterile field with one uncuffed drape.
d) removing a cover by lifting the drape from below the sterile field.
Which of the following interventions can help manage a gas embolism?
a) Continue the insufflation gas
b) Continue the anesthetic agents an hyperventilate the patient with 100% oxygen
c) Place the patient in the reverse-Trendelenburg or in the right lateral position
d) Place the patient in the Trendelenburg or in the left lateral position
Medication abbreviations can be easily misunderstood, leading to a dangerous patient safety issue. Which of the following is the appropriate way to document two milligrams of morphine sulfate in both paper an electronic health care records?
a) Morphine Sulfate 2 mg
b) MS 2.0 mg
c) Morphine Sulfate 2.0 mg
d) MSO4 2 mg
Which of the following is NOT a sign or symptom of an allergic reaction?
a) Tachycardia
b) Hypertension
c) Nausea
d) Stridor
Which example describes a sill-based error? The RN……….
a) applies steps from a old policy and procedure when reconciling a surgical count.
b) does not properly conduct a patient assessment
c) misinterprets a lab test result.
d) omits a section of the surgical safety checklist during the time out because of an interruption.
Of the following which is NOT a characteristic of patient-and family-centered care?
a) Alliance between health care practitioners, the patient and the patient’s support system
b) Focus on communication with all involved in the patient’s care, the patient , and the patient’s family
c) Health care decisions provided to the patient and family
d) Patient and family participation in care
Most postoperative complication occur within………
a) 8 hours
b) 12 hours
c) 24 hours
d) 48 hours
a) does not require a nursing hand off.
b) bypasses phase I level of care so the patient goes directly to phase II
c) requires a 1:1 nurse-to-patient ratio.
d) does not include patient and family education.
Which gowning and gloving action would a scrub nurse perform?
a) Changing gloves every 90-150 minutes or after contact with bone cement
b) Drying arms and hands by waving them after a surgical hand scrub
c) Gloving another team member only when the hand is exposed and the sterile gown cuff is at the wrist
d) Wearing double gloves that are extra loose to avoid numbness
Which of the following is NOT an appropriate action for specimen handling on the sterile field?
a) Covering the specimen of placing it in a sterile specimen container
b) Labeling the covered or contained specimen
c) Ensuring that the specimen stays dry until transfer off of the sterile field
d) Handling the specimen as little as possible
Which option is NOT an effective method for correct instrument handling and care?
a) Transport instruments to the decontamination area in a closed cart or container
b) Organize instruments on the sterile field
c) Wipe debris from instruments with sterile saline
d) Choose instruments for use according to their design
Which statement about surgery for a patient who requires airborne precautions is TRUE?
a) Surgery that cannot be postponed is scheduled with a minimum number of staff at the end of the day
b) Room access is restricted until 95% of airborne particles have been filtered
c) A multi0use bacterial filter is used on either the breathing circuit or endotracheal tube.
d) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and AORN endorse the use of powered air-purifying respirators during surgical procedures
Disposable dispersive pads are……
a) multi-use.
b) stamped with an expiration date that should be verified before use.
c) Opened and adhered to the electrosurgical unit care handle during setup.
d) cut into size for pediatric patients.