Periodontal Ligament Flashcards
The student shall be able to define PDL and describe its composition and functions in detail. The student shall be able to memorise blood supply, lymphatics and nerve supply of PDL. The student will also determine the age changes of PDL
Periodontium comprises of?
Periodontal ligament,
Bone lining the tooth socket
That part of the gingiva facing the tooth
The average width of periodontal ligament is?
0.21 to 0.38mm
Periodontal ligament is thinnest around which part of the root
Middle third. It is widest at the region near alveolar crest followed by the apical third. This gives it an hour-glass shape
The dental follicle cells are composed of which cells?
Mesenchymal cells of the dental follicle proper and the perifollicular mesenchyme
Which of the following types of cells are present in a healthy periodontal ligament?
Synthetic Resorptive cells Progenitor Defence cells Epithelial cell rests of Malassez
What is Periodontal Ligament Homeostasis
Uniqueness that the PDL width remains more or less constant inspite of it lying between 2 hard structures.
This is due to various molecules secreted by various cells in the PDL.
1. Msx2
2. Balance between bone sialoprotein and osteopontin
3. Matrix ‘Gla’ protein.
4. RGD-cementum attachment protein
5. Prostaglandins.
6. PDL can increase in width when functional demand is increased and vice versa.
What are the typical characteristics of a periodontal ligament fibroblasts?
They are derived from ectomesenchyme of dental papilla as well as dental follicle
They appear as ovoid or elongated cells with pseudopodia like process (cilia).
The ones close to the bone side have abundant alkaline phophatase.
The ones close to cementum are derived from dental papilla and the ones close to bone from perivascular mesenchyme
They are arranged with long axis parallel to the direction of collagen fibrils.
What is incorporated into collagen polypeptides known as procollagen molecules
What is the shape of osteoblasts?
In Osteoclasts, the part of plasma membrane lying adjacent to the bone that is being resorbed is?
Degradation of collagen is considered to be intracellular event. True or False?
Which are the resorptive cells of PDL?
Osteoclasts, Fibroblasts and Cementoclasts
Progenitor cells are ____ in size and nucleus is ___ faced.
What are epithelial rests of Malassez?
Remnants of Hertwig Epithelial Root Sheath
Epithelial rests of Malassez may calcify to become?
As part of an immune response to foreign pathogens, Mast cells release____
Numerous cytoplasmic granules stain with which dyes
Basic dyes
Which cells phagocytose dead cells?
In Eosinophils, Granules have crystalloid structures and exhibit bright red staining properties with which dyes?
Acidic dyes like eosin
The amount of collagen in a tissue can be determined by its ___content
Increased levels of hydroxyproline is seen in which type of collagen?
Type III
Which are the different principal group of Fibers in PDL?
Alveolar crest, Horizontal, Oblique, Apical, Inter-radicular
____group of fibers extend obliquely from cementum just beneath junctional epithelium to the alveolar crest
Alveolar crest
____group of fibers are restricted to the coronal one fourth of PDL space
____group of fibers are the most numerous fibers and occupy 2/3rd of the ligament
Oblique group of fibers restrict which forces?
vertical and intrusive
Apical group of fibers restrict which forces?
luxation and prevent tooth tipping
___fibers are not seen on incompletely formed roots
Inter-radicular group of fibers restrict which forces?
tooth tipping, torquing and luxation
___ fibers are lost in cases of gingival recession leading to exposure of furcation
Few Sharpey’s fibers pass uninterruptedly through the bone of the alveolar process to continue as principal fibers of the adjacent periodontal ligament. These are known as
What are Sharpey’s fibers?
embedded portions of fibers in cementum and bone
Which are elastic fibers?
Elastin, Elaunin, Oxytalan
The ligament fibers which runs from the cementum of one tooth over the crest of the alveolus to the cementum of the adjacent tooth are known as
Transseptal fibers
Which are Immature elastic fibers?
Elaunin, Oxytalan
Elastin fibers consists of which amino acids?
Glycine, Proline, Hydroxyproline
____ are fine immature collagen fibers with argyrophilic staining properties and are related to basement membrane of blood vessels and epithelial cells which lie within the periodontal ligament
Reticular fibers
___ are small collagen fibers associated with the large principal collagen fibers and run in all directions
Indifferent fiber plexus
The ground substance of periodontal ligament consists of___
Glycosaminoglycans, Proteoglycans, Glycoproteins
The constituents of ground substance of periodontal ligament are secreted by
Which is the main type of glycosaminoglycan in PDL ground substance?
Which is the predominant glycoprotein in the ground substance of PDL?
_____ has been found principally in the basement membrane of the epithelial cell rests of Malassez
PDL in maxilla receives its blood supply from which vessel?
Superior alveolar artery
PDL in mandible receives its blood supply from which vessel?
Inferior alveolar artery
Which lymph nodes drain labial and lingual gingiva of mandibular incisors?
Which lymph nodes drain maxillary palatal gingiva?
Deep cervical.
Which nerve fibers are associated with nociception, mechanoception and proprioception?
Where are cementicles found
Which are functions of PDL?
Supportive, Sensory, Nutritive, Homeostatic, Eruptive & Physical
Deficiency of which Vitamin may lead to failure of synthesis and replacement of collagen, ultimately leading to loss of tooth.
Vitamin C
Which theories which explain how the impact of Occlusal forces is transmitted atraumatically to the bone are?
Tensional and Viscoelastic system theory