Periodicity Flashcards
Phosphorus / P
Mark independently
M2 large jump in ionisation energy for the 6th ionisation energy
Large jump after the 5 e- is removed / when the 6th
e~ is removed
M3 This is when the electron is being removed from the 2nd (principle)
energv level from a lower energy level from a lower shell from 20
Identify the element in Period 3, from sodium to argon, that has the highest second ionisation energy.
Give an equation, including state symbols, to show the process that occurs when the second ionisation energy of this element is measured.
Na+(g) -> Na2+(g) +e-
Periodicity meaning
repeating patten/trends
Identify the element in Period 4 with the largest atomic radius
Explain your answer.
K /potassium
Smallest number of protons
Similar shielding
State how, and explain why, the first ionisation energy of aluminium does not follow this general trend of increase
lower than expected / lower than Mg /
less energy needed to ionise; e removed from (3)p sub-level;
State the general trend in first ionisation energies from carbon to neon.
Deduce the element that deviates from this trend and explain why this element deviates from the trend.
Oxygen / O
Paired electrons in a (2)p orbital
(Paired electrons in a p orbital) repel
(d) In terms of atomic structure, explain why the van der Waals’ forces in liquid argon are very weak.
Argon particles are single atoms with electrons closer to nucleus
Cannot easily be polarised (or electron cloud not easily distorted)
Sulfur / S
Large jump after 6’ or between 6”” and 7th
Explain why the second ionisation energy of sodium is greater than the second ionisation energy of magnesium.
(il) Na2+ requires loss of e- from a 2(p) orbital or 2nd energy level or
2nd shell and Mg(2+) requires loss of e-from a 3(s) orbital or 3rd energy level or 3rd shell / Na?+) loses e from a lower (energy)