periodic table trends Flashcards
Atomic radius
dec >
inc v
def: 1/2 distance between nuclei of 2 atoms covalently bonded
Cationic Radius
dec >
inc v
def: radius of a cation
Anionic Radius
dec >
inc v
def: radius of an anion
1st Ionization energy
dec v
inc >
def: amt of energy req. to remove the outermost electron from an atom
2nd Ionization energy
inc > (starts @ group 2, wraps around; max @ group 1)
def: amt of energy required to remove 2nd electron from an atom after 1st electron alr removed
3rd ionization energy
inc > (starts @ group 13; wraps around, max @ group 2)
def: amt of energy rec to remove 3rd electron from an atom after 1st and 2nd electrons alr removed
Electron Affinity
similar to electronegativity, but poor trends :c
def: v similar to electronegativity BUT an ACTUAL energy charge associated w/gaining of an electron