Period Trends Flashcards
Ionic radii, ionization energy and metallic character
Ionic radii and metallic character increases from right to left and down a group. I.E. increases from left to right and up a group
Ground state configuration of Ti and Ti³+
Ti= [Ar]3d²4s²
Ti³+= [Ar]3d¹
Explain why
Cr=half filled d subshell
Cr²+= d block ions only have d electrons because the removal of d e- reduces e-e repulsion and lower d orbitals’ energy
Configuration Mn²+
Why 2 I.E. of Cr is higher than Mn
Because its half filled subshell is really stable and has a higher Zeff
I.E. Ca: 6.11eV
I.E. Zn: 9.39 eV
Explain the difference in terms of nuclear charge and e shielding
Zn has higher nuclear charge and also a higher Zeff because the atoms are neutral and e- are actually balanced with protons, without any actual shielding effect
Why silver and copper have greatest e- affinity
Because an additional e- will fulfill their s subshell
Who’s more polarizable, F- or I-
I- because it’s bigger in radius
Electronegativity by….X=(I+A)/2
Electronegativity by….Zeff/(t covalent)²