Period 4 Flashcards
Mexican Revolution
The Mexican revolution was a revolution that lasted from 1910-1920. It started because of the election of 1910, where Diaz sabotaged Madero and had him arrested.
Russian Revolution
A revolution in Russia that lasted from 1917-1918. The revolution resulted in a shift of powers and overthrew the czar and brought Leninś communist party into power
Causes of WW1
There were many different causes of WW1 but the main causes behind it was the formation of alliances, imperialism, militarism and nationalism.
Total War
Total war is used to describe a war where everyone, from soldiers to civilians, is affected.
Great Depression
The great depression was an economic depression. It began by the stock market crash and led to a collapse of world trade and a collapse of banks and the money supply.
New Deal
The new deal was a group of economic measures that were taken in order to overcome the setbacks caused by the great depression.
Five Year Plans (Soviet Union)
A five year plan was a plan created to monitor economic development for the next five years. used widely in the soviet union
A system that arose after the first world war and helped conceal imperialism as an attempt to stop war.
Fascist Corporatist Economy
An economy where the government controlled businesses. Just a small step down from state control.
Causes of WW2
The causes of WW2 include the Treaty of Versailles, the great depression, the rise of militarism in Germany and Japan
New Military Tech WW2
A lot of technology arose as a result of WW2. Some of these innovations include radio, computers and the atomic bomb.
The Holocaust was the persecution of over 6 million jews and was organized by the Nazi propoganda.
Ukranian Genocide
The Ukrainian genocide was a man made famine and occured when Russia surrounded Ukraine and exported out all the resources needed to survive, inducing a famine and killing many.
Cold War
The Cold war was an ideological battle between the US (capitalist) and the USSR (communist). led to many proxy wars and tension between the two powers.
Non Aligned Movement
The Non-Aligned movement started because of a group of counties that didn´t want to side or ¨align¨ with any major power.
Kwame Nkrumah
Kwame Nkrumah was the leader of a series of protests towards freedom. he was also the first prime minister of Ghana.
Proxy Wars
Proxy wars were wars that involved the support of two external powers to an already existing internal conflict. The two external powers basically fight each other through the interna. For example the Korean War.
Communist Revolution in China
The chinese communist revolution occured in 1949 and was the spread of communist ideas through the Chinese Communst Party.
Great Leap Forward
a campaign led by the Chinese Communist party promoting a communist society.
Communist Revolution for Vietnamese Independence
A revolution started by Ho Chi Minh against French and Japanese colonial rule
Decolonization is the proccess by which a colony rids itself of previous colonial rule.
Indian National Congress
A party founded in 1885. the main goal of the indian national congress was to resist against British colonial rule.
Muslim League
Another organization founded in India during their struggle for independence. The Muslim League supported the idea of Partition.
Partition of India
The partition of India into India and Pakistan. Caused religious conflicts between Hindus and Muslims
Creation of Israel
Formed out of Palestine. The UN created Isreal to meet Zionist demands.
the ¨mother¨ colony
Mohandas Gandhi
The leader of a series of non-violent movements in India, led India towards freedom
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The leader of the Civil rights movement. also believed in non-violence
Nelson Mandela
Led the anti-arpathied movement in Africa
Francisco Franco
A spanish general who was a leader of the Nationalist movement and was supported by figures like Hitler and Mussolini
Shining Path
The shining path was a terroris group that originated in Peru. Their main goal was to estabilish a ¨new democracy”
Green Revolution
The green revolution refers to a series of agricultural innovations that improved farming and agriculture.
Medical Innovations
There were may medical innovations such as vaccines for polio and covid 19.
Covid-19 Pandemic
The Covid 19 pandemic is a pandemic that started in 2019 and still going on currently. Although now there have been innovations such as the covid vaccine that are helping stop the spread.
Diseases of Poverty
There are many different diseases caused by poverty but a couple of the main ones are Malaria, Aids and Colora.
Diseases of Longevity
Diseases of Longevity include diseases like Alzhiemers and Diabetes and Heart disease
Causes of Environmental change
Some Causes of Environmental change include climate change and the water crisis.
Deng Xiaoping
Knowledge economy
An economy where a trend of (knowledge) advancements are shown, whether medical or technological.
Economic Liberalization
Economic Liberalization was an economic policy that promoted free trade and a market economy.
World Trade Organization
The World Trade Organization or WTO is an organization that deal with all the aspects of trade and makes sure that trade flows smoothly.
Multinational Corporations
A Multinational Corporation is a corporation that operates in multiple countries.
ASEAN is a group of Southeast Asian nations that claim to promote economic growth, social progress and development
UN Declaration of Human Rights
A document adopted by the UN to promote Human Rights
US civil rights act 1965
An act that prohibited racial discrimination and went against it.
Green Belt Movement
promoted environmental stability and acted as a way to gain resources and promote sustainability as well.
the Indian Movie Industry
United Nations
Was developed as a way to maintain peace between nations
World Cup Soccer
globalization led to an increase of pop culture due to an increase in interactions between people which allow for a communication of ideas and trends, allowing us to have nationwide trends such and World Cup Soccer.