Period 2 Flashcards
System w/ department s and agency’s that run gov’t
I ching
Chinese book of Oracles, answered ethical and practical problems
Shi Huangdi
First qin emperor, stopped internal battles, doubled size of China by attacking invaders, controlled nobles by moving them to qin capital, carved china into 36 districts controlled by qin officials
Order of greek philosophers
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
Qin dynasty
Overthrew zhou, 3rd century bc
Gupta empire
2nd indian empire, founded by Chandra Gupta
Mauryan Empire
1st indian empire, founded by Chandragupta Maurya
Han dynasty
Ruled 202 bc to ad 9, ad 23 to 220. Ruled after qin bc of peasants revolts. Centralized gov’t, diverted from qin legalism
Info-european people who settled greek mainland, traded w/ europe and middle east, fought trojan war
Gov’t where group of few people rule
Greek-speaking people who migrated to mainland greece after downfall of mycenaeans
Peasant in ancient sparta
Formation of soldiers w/ spears and shields
Description of greek world from alex the great to 2nd c bc. Greek culture blended w/ egyptian, persian, and indian. Main city was Alexandria
Roman Civil Wars
Started bc Gracchus brothers, tiberius and gaius, proposed civil reforms that benefited plebeians. Senators felt threatened and brothers were killed, starting civil wars that were ended w/ Caesar being elected consul
Emperor who restored order and strength to roman empire. Divided large empire into east and west, ruled east, appointed co-ruler for west but still had overall control. After his retirement, civil war for power broke out
Capital of united roman empire under constantine, new name of byzantium, location in east caused power shift from west to east
Leader of hun clans that attacked the Roman empire but failed to conquer rome, allowed germanic tribes to conquer western half of empire later
Greco-roman culture
Ancient culture that developed from greek, hellenistic, and roman cultures
Peloponnesian war
War between athens and sparta 431-404 bc, sparta won
Persian wars
Wars between persian empire and greek city-states. Started bc ionian greeks revolted against persians and athens sent aid. Darius the great vowed revenge
Punic wars
Wars between carthage and rome. 1: Rome won control of cicely and west med. 2: hannibal attacked rome from alps, won at cannae but couldn’t capture rome 3: scipio developed plan to attack carthage, romans defeated hannibal and captured and burned carthage. Punic wars gave rome control over all mediterranean