Perio 4 + 5 Flashcards
What are the 4 types of manual scalers?
Mini sickle (point)
Colombia (universal)
Gracey Curette
What is the mini sickle used for?
used to remove supra-gingival calculus from buccal and lingual embrasure surfaces
sharp therefore should not be used subgingivally
What is the colombia used for?
semi-circularcurved blade with two cutting edges
used for upper/lower anterior teeth
supra/sub gingival removal
What are the different types of hoe used for?
cutting edge is bevelled
134-135 yellow is used for buccal/lingual large calculus deposits
156-157 red is used for mesial/distal large calculus deposits
What are the different graceys used for?
Gracey Curette 1-2 (grey) -
Designed for fine/deep sub- gingival scaling of upper and lower anterior teeth.
Gracey Curette 7-8 (green) -
Designed for fine/deep sub- gingival scaling of buccal/lingual surfaces of posterior teeth.
Gracey Curette 11-12 (orange) -
Designed for fine/deep sub- gingival scaling of mesial surfaces of posterior teeth.
Gracey Curette 13-14 (blue) -
Specifically designed for fine/deep sub-gingival scaling of the distal surfaces of posterior teeth.
What are the seating postions for a right-handed operater?
7-11 o’clock
What are the motions used for scaling?
no flicking, controlled motions that aim to bring calculus to the tip of the tooth
How do you identify the cutting edge of a gracey?
blade should be face up and parallel to the floor
the outer, lager curve is the cutting edge
Why should instruments be sharpened regularly?
for more efficient root planing and less time wasted
How do you avoid a sharps injury when using ultrasonic scalers?
do not leave scaler upright
How much of the terminal shank should be used to debride?
What is the required angulation of the terminal shank?
0-15 degrees
What are the standard inserts and when should they be used?
FSI 10 - moderate/heavy sub/supra gingivally
FSI 100 - moderate/heavy posterior teeth (double bend tip) subsupra
FSI 1000 - moderate/heavy line angles and interproximal (triple bend tip) sub/supra
FSI 3 Beavertail - calculus bridges, stains, heavy deposits, (blunted tip) supra only
What are the slim inserts and when should they be used?
FSI 10 - light/moderate calculus crown to margin
FSI 1000 - triple bend, bevelled edges
FSI R/L Curve - used for debridement in pockets >4mm, furnications and cavities. reach under contact points supragingivally
What are the speciality inserts and when should they be used?
FSI thinsert - provides access to difficult areas such as misalignment, areas of tight contact, and interproximal surfaces
Softtip implant - removes plaque/calculus without damaging titanium abutment surfaces, used with a disposable tip