Perineum II Flashcards
What 3 masses of erectile tissue make up the penis?
- R and L corpoa cavernosa (dorsally)
- corpus spongiosum (ventrally)
What does the corpus spongiosum continue as distally?
glans of the penis
Which erectile tissue transmits the urethra?
corpus spongiosum
What are the layers of penile tissue?
- Skin
- Superficial Penile Fascia (cont. of Colles’)
- Deep Penile Fascia (Buck’s)
- Tunica Albuginea (cavernous bodies only)
What tissue layer do the deep arteries of the penis travel within?
- R and L corpora cavernosa
What artery supplies the corpus spongiosum and distal urethra?
- artery to the bulb
Between what layers can the DORSAL arteries of the penis be found?
Superfically - Buck’s Fascia
Deep - Tunica albuginea
- on dorsal side of the penis
What supplies the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the penis?
Dorsal arteries of the penis
What arterial supply is responsible for erection?
Deep arteries of the penis
Which penile arteries would be affected by a clot in the internal pudendal a.?
- Deep arteries of penis (erection)
- Dorsal arteries of the penis (skin and fascia_
- artery to the bulb
What fascial layer separates the superficial and deep veins of the penis, where do these veins drain?
- Buck’s fascia separates them
- Drain to internal pudenal v.
Where are the superficial and deep veins of the penis located?
- on the dorsal surface in the midline
What provides sensory innervation to the penis?
Dorsal nerve of the penis
What supporting ligament of the penis is derived from the linea alba?
- Describe its course.
Fundiform ligament of the Penis
- loops around the base of the shaft
What supporting ligament of the penis attaches to the symphysis pubis?
Suspensory ligament of the Penis
Besides the fundiform and suspensory ligaments, what else provides support for the penis?
Root of the penis
What are the contents of the spermatic cord?
- Vas Deferens
- Testicular a.
- Pampiniform plexus
- Cremaster m.
- Genital branch of genitofemoral
- Artery to the vas deferens
What are the fascial layers of the spermatic cord?
Extenal Spermatic fascia
- External spermatic fascia (ext. ab. obl.)
- Cremaster and middle fascia (int. ab. obl.)
- Internal Spermatic fascia (Transversus)
What is the tunica vaginalis and what is it derived from?
- Remnant of Processus vaginalis
- covers sides and anterior aspect of the tesiis
- derived from Peritoneum
What this CT capsule surrounds the seminiferous tubules?
- tunica albuginea
Where is the epididymus located and what are enters into and exits it?
- located on the posterolateral aspect of the testis (has a head, body and tail)
Entering = semiferous tubules Exiting = Vas Deferens
What supplies blood to the scrotum?
Perineal branch of the internal pudendal a.
What provides sensory innervation to the scrotum?
- Ilioinguinal n.
- genital branch of genitofemoral
- posterior n. of scrotum (from perineal)
- posterior cutaneous n. of the thigh
What vessels in the scrotum can become dialated and painful, what is this called, what is the cause?
- Pampinaform vessels
- Variocele
- Defective valves in veins of plexus
- compression of testicular (gonadal) vein in abdomin
- Could be caused by Nutcracker syndrome (LEFT SIDE ONLY)
What is the rounded hair bearing elevation of skin anterior to the pubis?
mons pubis
What extends posteriorly from the mons pubis and units at the midline?
Labia Majora
What do the labia minora form anteriorly by uniting?
- Prepuce
- Frenulum
What do the labia minora form posteriorly by uniting?
- fourchette
What is the vestibule of the vagina?
-Smooth area bounded by the labia minor
What glands are found in the vestibule of the vagina, what do they do?
- Greater Vestibular Glands
- responsible for mucous secretion in response to sexual excitation
What are the two parts of the clitoris?
- Body of the Clitoris
- Glans of the Clitoris
How is the clitoris similar to the penis?
- has L and R corpura cavernosa
- does NOT have a corpus spongiosum
What caps the clitoris?
The glans of the clitorus