Periglacial 2: Environmental Change Flashcards
What is happening to the temperature of permafrost today?
Permafrost temperatures are increasing in Alaska, Canada and Russia.
How much has temperature of permafrost in the Mackenzie River Delta Region increased sine the 1970s?
2 degrees celsius
What is happening to the overall seasonal areal extent of permafrost?
What is happening to the active layer thickness of permafrost layers?
What is happening to the active layer thickness in Russia and who found this?
Southward increase in the active layer thickness with increasing thawing days. Deepening of ~21cm between 1956-2008. IPCC, 2013
What does the resilience and vulnerability of permafrost to climate change depend upon and who said this?
interactions between topography, water, soil, vegetation, snow (Jorgensen et al. 2012)
What did Jorgensen et al. (2012) also note about the future prospects of permafrost?
That it does not seem like it will end that well
What impact is permafrost thawing having upon thermokarst development?
In Alaska, and even Antarctica, there is a development of thermokarst landforms.
What did Levy et al. (2013) identify?
Melting of a buried ice cliff 10x Holocene levels
What impact is permafrost thawing having upon coastal erosion?
Thawing permafrost at the coast means that those mud-rich coasts with no beaches and a reducing sea ice extent means that erosion will increase
What is happening in the Beaufort Sea in terms of coastal erosion?
Doubled between the periods of 1955-85 and 1985 to 2005. This has led to 1km recession over 50 years.
What impact is permafrost thawing having upon rockfalls and landslides?`
permafrost thawing and draining talik ice is increasing the risk of sudden collapse which may induce more frequent rockfalls and landslides. In mountainous areas as well the permafrost line may be increasing in altitude which would also induce these events
What impact is permafrost thawing having upon growing lakes?
Continuous permafrost is impermeable so precipitation is agglomerating on the surface of as pools. This will lead to wet thermokarst landscapes which because the rainwater is warmer than the underlying permafrost will mean that there will be increased melting
What did Smith et al. (2005) note?
increasing area of lakes of 12% in Siberian permafrost zone
What impact is permafrost thawing having upon disappearing lakes?
where permafrost thaws it can transition from continuous to discontinuous in characteristic. This will allow taliks to surface which will lead to lake drainage
What impact is permafrost thawing having upon hydrological change and ecosystems?
Thermokarst processes can over saturate or dry ecosystems which can dramatically alter the landscapes and therefore the environment for Arcitc biota.
Similarly, the increased outwash of sediment through terrestrial erosion in to marine environments can disturb aquatic ecosystems
What impact is permafrost thawing having for geotechnical issues?
Thawing permafrost makes the land unstable which can then damage infrastructure that relies upon it
What knock-on impact is permafrost thawing having upon carbon release?
- thawing of soils which contain a lot of carbon can be released to the atmosphere
- the increased dryness of the tundra landscapes can induce fires which releases carbon from the organic matter
How much carbon do northern soils contain?
1,700 billion tonnes - 2x as much in global atmosphere
What are possible release mechanisms of carbon from Northern soils?
microbial decomposition and methane bubbling
What was a major fire in the Arctic in 2007?
Anaktuvuk River Fire (2007)
What was the significance of the Anaktuvuk River Fire (2007)?
It was the largest Tundra fire on record which doubled the cumulative area of Tundra forests burned since 1950
How much carbon was lost by trees during the Anaktuvuk River Fire (2007)
2016 g C per metres squared
What knock-on impact is permafrost thawing having upon methane release?
Warming can destabilise methane hydrates from subsea permafrost
What is the significance of Methane as GHG and particularly from hydrates?
Methane is a much more potent GHG and the hydrate methance concentration is 164x higher than other sources. Furthermore, methane in this area is poorly quantified so could be even more
What knock-on impact is permafrost thawing having upon nitrous oxide release?
Release of this gas from cores is 300x worse than release of carbon from permafrost
What did Elberling et al. (2010) find?
Wetting and drying of a 10m permafrost core released nitrous oxide at rates similar to tropical rainforests
What is another possible knock on impact of permafrost thawing?
Positive feedback between GHG release and warming
What are 5 projection of future permafrost characteristics?
- active layer thickening
- surface area decrease
- more thermokarst landscapes
- Talik formation
- Boundaries between continuous and discontinuous permafrost increasing