Pericopes Flashcards
Learn the content of the Gospel of John
Jesus talks to the Samaritan woman
John 4
Jesus talks to Nicodemus
John 3
Jesus cleanses the Temple
John 2
“For God so loved the world” discourse
John 3
The first sign at Cana
John 2
Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael
John 1
Andrew and Peter become Jesus’ disciples
John 1
John calls Jesus the “lamb of God”
John 1
Jesus heals a man born bline
John 9
Jesus declares he existed before Abraham
John 8
Jesus calls the Jews “children of the devil”
John 8
The truth will set you free
John 8
Jesus declares he is the light of the world after the feast of Tabernacles
John 8
At the feast of booths, Jesus invites all to drink of him
John 7
Jesus tells the crowds they must eat his flesh
John 6
Jesus goes to the feast of booths/tabernacles
John 7
Jesus calls himself the bread of life
John 6
Jesus walks on water
John 6
Jesus feeds a crowd of 5000 people
John 5
Jesus heals an invalid near the Pool on the Sabbath
John 5
Jesus lists the witnesses who point to his authenticity
John 5
Jesus declares he does what he sees the Father doing, making himself equal with God
John 5
Peter denies Jesus
John 18
Jesus is led to Annas
John 18
Jesus is betrayed and arrested
John 18
Jesus prays for himself, the disciples, and all believers
John 17
Jesus washes the disciples feet
John 13
Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead
John 11
Jesus declares that he is the true vine
John 15
Jesus declares he is the good Shepherd
John 10
Mary anoints Jesus
John 12
Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem
John 12
Some Greek people seek Jesus
John 12
God speaks from heaven
John 12
Jesus declares he is the way
John 14
Jesus promises another helper, the Spirit
John 14
Jesus tells the disciples that the world will hate them
John 15
Jesus tells the disciples that the Spirit will guide them into all truth
John 16
Jesus tells the disciples that their sorrow will turn into joy
John 16
The Jews attempt to kill Jesus for blasphemy at the feast of Dedication
John 10
Pilate questions Jesus
John 18
Jesus is crucified
John 19
Pilate flogs Jesus
John 18
The Jews demand that Pilate release Barabbas
John 18
Pilate tries to free Jesus
John 19
Joseph of Arimathea buries Jesus
John 19
Mary discovers the empty tomb
John 20
Jesus appears to Thomas
John 20
Jesus asks Peter if he loves him
John 21
Jesus first appearance to Mary Magdalene and to the disciples
John 20
Jesus cooks for the disciples after his resurrection
John 21