Pericopes Flashcards
Learn the content of the Gospel of John
Jesus talks to the Samaritan woman
John 4
Jesus talks to Nicodemus
John 3
Jesus cleanses the Temple
John 2
“For God so loved the world” discourse
John 3
The first sign at Cana
John 2
Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael
John 1
Andrew and Peter become Jesus’ disciples
John 1
John calls Jesus the “lamb of God”
John 1
Jesus heals a man born bline
John 9
Jesus declares he existed before Abraham
John 8
Jesus calls the Jews “children of the devil”
John 8
The truth will set you free
John 8
Jesus declares he is the light of the world after the feast of Tabernacles
John 8
At the feast of booths, Jesus invites all to drink of him
John 7
Jesus tells the crowds they must eat his flesh
John 6
Jesus goes to the feast of booths/tabernacles
John 7
Jesus calls himself the bread of life
John 6
Jesus walks on water
John 6
Jesus feeds a crowd of 5000 people
John 5
Jesus heals an invalid near the Pool on the Sabbath
John 5
Jesus lists the witnesses who point to his authenticity
John 5
Jesus declares he does what he sees the Father doing, making himself equal with God
John 5
Peter denies Jesus
John 18
Jesus is led to Annas
John 18