Pericles Flashcards
Authorship is questioned - that Shakespeare only wrote half of the play
To sing a song that old was sung,
From ashes ancient Gower is come,
Assuming man’s infirmities
To glad your ear and please your eyes.
It hath been sung at festivals,
On ember eves and holy days,
And lords and ladies in their lives
Have read it for restoratives.
The purchase is to make men glorious,
Et bonum quo antiquius, eo melius.
If you, born in these latter times
When wit’s more ripe, accept my rhymes,
And that to hear an old man sing
May to your wishes pleasure bring,
I life would wish, and that I might
Waste it for you like taper light.
This Antioch, then: Antiochus the Great
Built up this city for his chiefest seat,
The fairest in all Syria.
I tell you what mine authors say.
This king unto him took a peer,
Who died and left a female heir
So buxom, blithe, and full of face
As heaven had lent her all his grace;
With whom the father liking took
And her to incest did provoke.
Bad child, worse father! To entice his own
To evil should be done by none.
But custom what they did begin
Was with long use accounted no sin.
The beauty of this sinful dame
Made many princes thither frame
To seek her as a bedfellow,
In marriage pleasures playfellow;
Which to prevent he made a law
To keep her still, and men in awe,
That whoso asked her for his wife,
His riddle told not, lost his life.
So for her many a wight did die,
As yon grim looks do testify.
He indicates heads above the stage.
What now ensues, to the judgment of your eye
I give my cause, who best can justify.
Gower (1.0)
Young Prince of Tyre, you have at large received
The danger of the task you undertake.
Antiochus (1.1.1-2)
I have, Antiochus, and with a soul
Emboldened with the glory of her praise
Think death no hazard in this enterprise.
Pericles (1.1.3-5)
Bring in our daughter, clothèd like a bride
For embracements even of Jove himself,
At whose conception, till Lucina reigned,
Nature this dowry gave: to glad her presence,
The senate house of planets all did sit
To knit in her their best perfections.
Antiochus (1.1.6-12)
You gods that made me man, and sway in love,
That have inflamed desire in my breast
To taste the fruit of yon celestial tree
Or die in th’ adventure, be my helps,
As I am son and servant to your will,
To compass such a boundless happiness.
Pericles (1.1.20-25)
Prince Pericles—
Antiochus (1.1.26)
That would be son to great Antiochus.
Pericles (1.1.27)
Before thee stands this fair Hesperides,
With golden fruit, but dangerous to be touched;
For deathlike dragons here affright thee hard.
Antiochus (1.1.28-30)
I am no viper, yet I feed
On mother’s flesh which did me breed.
I sought a husband, in which labor
I found that kindness in a father.
He’s father, son, and husband mild;
I mother, wife, and yet his child.
How they may be, and yet in two,
As you will live resolve it you.
The Riddle (Read by Pericles) (1.1.66-73)
Sharp physic is the last! But, O you powers
That gives heaven countless eyes to view men’s acts,
Why cloud they not their sights perpetually
If this be true which makes me pale to read it?
Fair glass of light, I loved you, and could still
Were not this glorious casket stored with ill.
But I must tell you now my thoughts revolt;
For he’s no man on whom perfections wait
That, knowing sin within, will touch the gate.
You are a fair viol, and your sense the strings
Who, fingered to make man his lawful music,
Would draw heaven down and all the gods to
But, being played upon before your time,
Hell only danceth at so harsh a chime.
Good sooth, I care not for you.
Pericles (1.1.74-89)
Here’s poison, and here’s gold. We hate the Prince
Of Tyre, and thou must kill him. It fits thee not
To ask the reason why: because we bid it.
Say, is it done?
Antiochus (1.1.161-166)
My lord, ’tis done.
Thaliard (1.1.167)
I thank thee for ’t; and heaven forbid
That kings should let their ears hear their faults hid.
Pericles (1.2.66-67)
My Dionyza, shall we rest us here
And, by relating tales of others’ griefs,
See if ’twill teach us to forget our own?
Cleon (1.4.1-3)
That were to blow at fire in hope to quench it;
For who digs hills because they do aspire
Throws down one mountain to cast up a higher.
O, my distressèd lord, even such our griefs are.
Here they are but felt, and seen with mischief’s eyes,
But like to groves, being topped, they higher rise.
Dionyza (1.4.4-9)
O Dionyza,
Who wanteth food, and will not say he wants it,
Or can conceal his hunger till he famish?
Our tongues and sorrows do sound deep our woes
Into the air, our eyes do weep till lungs
Fetch breath that may proclaim them louder, that
If heaven slumber while their creatures want,
They may awake their helpers to comfort them.
I’ll then discourse our woes, felt several years,
And, wanting breath to speak, help me with tears.
Cleon (1.4.10-19)
I’ll do my best, sir.
Dionyza (1.4.20)
This Tarsus, o’er which I have the government,
A city on whom Plenty held full hand,
For Riches strewed herself even in her streets;
Whose towers bore heads so high they kissed the
And strangers ne’er beheld but wondered at;
Whose men and dames so jetted and adorned,
Like one another’s glass to trim them by;
Their tables were stored full to glad the sight,
And not so much to feed on as delight;
All poverty was scorned, and pride so great,
The name of help grew odious to repeat.
Cleon (1.4.21-32)
O, ’tis too true.
Dionyza (1.4.33)
But see what heaven can do by this our change:
These mouths who but of late earth, sea, and air
Were all too little to content and please,
Although they gave their creatures in abundance,
As houses are defiled for want of use,
They are now starved for want of exercise.
Those palates who not yet two savors younger
Must have inventions to delight the taste,
Would now be glad of bread and beg for it.
Those mothers who, to nuzzle up their babes,
Thought naught too curious, are ready now
To eat those little darlings whom they loved.
So sharp are hunger’s teeth that man and wife
Draw lots who first shall die to lengthen life.
Here stands a lord and there a lady weeping;
Here many sink, yet those which see them fall
Have scarce strength left to give them burial.
Is not this true?
Cleon (1.4.34-51)
Our cheeks and hollow eyes do witness it.
Dionyza (1.4.52)
O, let those cities that of Plenty’s cup
And her prosperities so largely taste,
With their superfluous riots, hear these tears.
The misery of Tarsus may be theirs.
Cleon (1.4.53-56)
Where’s the Lord Governor?
Lord (1.4.57)
Speak out thy sorrows, which thee bring’st in haste,
For comfort is too far for us to expect.
Cleon (1.4.58-60)
We have descried upon our neighboring shore
A portly sail of ships make hitherward.
Lord (1.4.61-62)
I thought as much.
One sorrow never comes but brings an heir
That may succeed as his inheritor;
And so in ours. Some neighboring nation,
Taking advantage of our misery,
Hath stuffed the hollow vessels with their power
To beat us down, the which are down already,
And make a conquest of unhappy men,
Whereas no glory’s got to overcome.
Cleon (1.4.63-71)
That’s the least fear, for, by the semblance
Of their white flags displayed, they bring us peace
And come to us as favorers, not as foes.
Lord (1.4.72-74)
Thou speak’st like him’s untutored to repeat
“Who makes the fairest show means most deceit.”
But bring they what they will and what they can,
What need we fear?
The ground’s the lowest, and we are halfway there.
Go tell their general we attend him here,
To know for what he comes and whence he comes
And what he craves.
Cleon (1.4.75-82)
I go, my lord.
Lord (1.4.83)
Welcome is peace, if he on peace consist;
If wars, we are unable to resist.
Cleon (1.4.84-85)
Lord Governor, for so we hear you are,
Let not our ships and number of our men
Be like a beacon fired t’ amaze your eyes.
We have heard your miseries as far as Tyre
And seen the desolation of your streets;
Nor come we to add sorrow to your tears,
But to relieve them of their heavy load;
And these our ships, you happily may think
Are like the Trojan horse was stuffed within
With bloody veins expecting overthrow,
Are stored with corn to make your needy bread
And give them life whom hunger starved half dead.
Pericles (1.4.86-97)
The gods of Greece protect you, and we’ll pray for
All (Cleon, Dionyza, & Lord) (1.4.98-99)
Arise, I pray you, rise.
We do not look for reverence, but for love,
And harborage for ourself, our ships, and men.
Pericles (1.4.100-102)
The which when any shall not gratify
Or pay you with unthankfulness in thought,
Be it our wives, our children, or ourselves,
The curse of heaven and men succeed their evils!
Till when—the which I hope shall ne’er be seen—
Your Grace is welcome to our town and us.
Cleon (1.4.103-108)
Which welcome we’ll accept, feast here awhile,
Until our stars that frown lend us a smile.
Pericles (1.4.109-110)
Here have you seen a mighty king
His child, iwis, to incest bring;
A better prince and benign lord
That will prove awful both in deed and word.
Be quiet, then, as men should be,
Till he hath passed necessity.
I’ll show you those in troubles reign,
Losing a mite, a mountain gain.
The good in conversation,
To whom I give my benison,
Is still at Tarsus, where each man
Thinks all is Writ he speken can,
And, to remember what he does,
Build his statue to make him glorious.
But tidings to the contrary
Are brought your eyes. What need speak I?
Gower (2. chorus. before dumb show)
Enter at one door Pericles talking with Cleon, all the
train with them. Enter at another door a Gentleman,
with a letter to Pericles. Pericles shows the letter to
Cleon. Pericles gives the Messenger a reward and knights
him. Pericles exits at one door, and Cleon at another.
Dumb Show (2.Chorus)
Good Helicane, that stayed at home—
Not to eat honey like a drone
From others’ labors, for though he strive
To killen bad, keep good alive,
And to fulfill his prince’ desire—
Sends word of all that haps in Tyre:
How Thaliard came full bent with sin,
And had intent to murder him;
And that in Tarsus was not best
Longer for him to make his rest.
He, doing so, put forth to seas,
Where when men been there’s seldom ease;
For now the wind begins to blow;
Thunder above and deeps below
Makes such unquiet that the ship
Should house him safe is wracked and split,
And he, good prince, having all lost,
By waves from coast to coast is tossed.
All perishen of man, of pelf,
Ne aught escapend but himself;
Till Fortune, tired with doing bad,
Threw him ashore to give him glad.
And here he comes. What shall be next,
Pardon old Gower—this ’longs the text.
Gower (2.chorus. after dumb show)
Yet cease your ire, you angry stars of heaven!
Wind, rain, and thunder, remember earthly man
Is but a substance that must yield to you,
And I, as fits my nature, do obey you.
Alas, the seas hath cast me on the rocks,
Washed me from shore to shore, and left my breath
Nothing to think on but ensuing death.
Let it suffice the greatness of your powers
To have bereft a prince of all his fortunes;
And, having thrown him from your wat’ry grave,
Here to have death in peace is all he’ll crave.
Pericles (2.1.1-11)
What ho, Pilch!
First Fisherman (2.1.12)
Ha, come and bring away the nets!
Second Fisherman (2.1.13)
What, Patchbreech, I say!
First Fisherman (2.1.14)
What say you, master?
Third Fisherman (2.1.15)
Faith, master, I am thinking of the
poor men that were cast away before us even now.
Third Fisherman (2.1.18-19)
Look how thou stirr’st now! Come
away, or I’ll fetch thee with a wanion.
First Fisherman (2.1.16-17)
Faith, master, I am thinking of the
poor men that were cast away before us even now.
Third fisherman (2.1.18-19)
Alas, poor souls, it grieved my heart
to hear what pitiful cries they made to us to help
them, when, welladay, we could scarce help
First Fisherman (2.1.20-23)
Nay, master, said not I as much
when I saw the porpoise how he bounced and tumbled?
They say they’re half fish, half flesh. A plague
on them! They ne’er come but I look to be washed.
Master, I marvel how the fishes live in the sea.
Third Fisherman (2.1.24-28)
Why, as men do a-land: the great
ones eat up the little ones. I can compare our rich
misers to nothing so fitly as to a whale: he plays
and tumbles, driving the poor fry before him and
at last devours them all at a mouthful. Such
whales have I heard on a’ the land, who never leave
gaping till they swallowed the whole parish—
church, steeple, bells and all.
First Fisherman (2.1.29-36)
A pretty moral.
Pericles (2.1.37)
But, master, if I had been the sexton,
I would have been that day in the belfry.
Third Fisherman (2.1.38-39)
Why, man?
Second Fisherman (2.1.40)
Because he should have swallowed
me too. And when I had been in his belly, I would
have kept such a jangling of the bells that he should
never have left till he cast bells, steeple, church, and
parish up again. But if the good King Simonides
were of my mind—
Third Fisherman (2.1.41-46)
Pericles (2.1.47)
We would purge the land of these
drones that rob the bee of her honey.
Third Fisherman (2.1.48-49)
How from the finny subject of the sea
These fishers tell the infirmities of men,
And from their wat’ry empire recollect
All that may men approve or men detect!—
Peace be at your labor, honest fishermen.
Pericles (2.1.50-54)
Honest good fellow, what’s that? If
it be a day fits you, search out of the calendar, and
nobody look after it!
Second Fisherman (2.1.55-57)
May see the sea hath cast upon your coast—
What a drunken knave was the sea
to cast thee in our way!
Second Fisherman
A man whom both the waters and the wind
In that vast tennis court hath made the ball
For them to play upon entreats you pity him.
He asks of you that never used to beg.
Pericles (2.1.61-64)
No, friend, cannot you beg? Here’s
them in our country of Greece gets more with begging
than we can do with working.
First Fisherman
Canst thou catch any
fishes, then?
Second Fisherman
I never practiced it.
Nay, then, thou wilt starve sure,
for here’s nothing to be got nowadays unless thou
canst fish for ’t.
Second Fisherman
What I have been I have forgot to know, But what I am want teaches me to think on:
A man thronged up with cold. My veins are chill
And have no more of life than may suffice
To give my tongue that heat to ask your help—
Which, if you shall refuse, when I am dead,
For that I am a man, pray you see me buried.
Die, quotha? Now gods forbid ’t, an I
have a gown. Here, come, put it on; keep thee
warm. Pericles puts on the garment. Now, afore
me, a handsome fellow! Come, thou shalt go home,
and we’ll have flesh for holidays, fish for fasting
days, and, moreo’er, puddings and flapjacks, and
thou shalt be welcome.
First Fisherman
I thank you, sir.
Hark you, my friend. You said you
could not beg?
Second Fisherman
I did but crave.
But crave? Then I’ll turn craver
too, and so I shall ’scape whipping.
Second Fisherman
Why, are your beggars whipped, then?
O, not all, my friend, not all; for if
all your beggars were whipped, I would wish no
better office than to be beadle.—But, master, I’ll go
draw up the net.
Second Fisherman
How well this honest mirth becomes their labor!
Hark you, sir, do you know where
you are?
First Fisherman
Not well.
Why, I’ll tell you. This is called Pentapolis,
and our king the good Simonides.
First Fisherman
“The good Simonides” do you call him?
Ay, sir, and he deserves so to be called
for his peaceable reign and good government.
First Fisherman
He is a happy king, since he gains from his
subjects the name of “good” by his government.
How far is his court distant from this shore?
Marry, sir, half a day’s journey. And
I’ll tell you, he hath a fair daughter, and tomorrow
is her birthday; and there are princes and knights
come from all parts of the world to joust and tourney
for her love.
First Fisherman
Were my fortunes equal to my desires, I
could wish to make one there.
O, sir, things must be as they may;
and what a man cannot get he may lawfully deal
for his wife’s soul.
First Fisherman
Help, master, help! Here’s a fish
hangs in the net like a poor man’s right in the law:
’twill hardly come out. Ha! Bots on ’t, ’tis come at
last, and ’tis turned to a rusty armor.
Second Fisherman
An armor, friends? I pray you let me see it.
Thanks, Fortune, yet, that after all thy crosses
Thou givest me somewhat to repair myself;
And though it was mine own, part of my heritage
Which my dead father did bequeath to me
With this strict charge even as he left his life,
“Keep it, my Pericles; it hath been a shield
’Twixt me and death,” and pointed to this brace,
“For that it saved me, keep it. In like necessity—
The which the gods protect thee from—may ’t
defend thee.”
It kept where I kept, I so dearly loved it,
Till the rough seas, that spares not any man,
Took it in rage, though calmed have given ’t again.
I thank thee for ’t; my shipwrack now’s no ill
Since I have here my father gave in his will.
Pericles (2.1.125+)
What mean you, sir?
First Fisherman
To beg of you, kind friends, this coat of worth,
For it was sometime target to a king;
I know it by this mark. He loved me dearly,
And for his sake I wish the having of it,
And that you’d guide me to your sovereign’s court,
Where with it I may appear a gentleman.
And if that ever my low fortune’s better,
I’ll pay your bounties; till then, rest your debtor.
Why, wilt thou tourney for the lady?
First Fisherman
I’ll show the virtue I have borne in arms.
Why, do ’ee take it, and the gods give
thee good on ’t.
First Fisherman
Ay, but hark you, my friend, ’twas
we that made up this garment through the rough
seams of the waters. There are certain condolements,
certain vails. I hope, sir, if you thrive, you’ll
remember from whence you had them.
Second FIsherman
Believe ’t, I will.He puts on the armor.
By your furtherance I am clothed in steel,
And spite of all the rupture of the sea,
This jewel holds his biding on my arm.
Unto thy value I will mount myself
Upon a courser, whose delightful steps
Shall make the gazer joy to see him tread.
Only, my friend, I yet am unprovided
Of a pair of bases.
We’ll sure provide. Thou shalt have
my best gown to make thee a pair; and I’ll bring
thee to the court myself.
Second Fisherman
Then honor be but a goal to my will;
This day I’ll rise or else add ill to ill.
Return them we are ready, and our daughter here,
In honor of whose birth these triumphs are,
Sits here like Beauty’s child, whom Nature gat
For men to see and, seeing, wonder at.
Simonidies (2.2.4-7)
But you my knight and guest,
To whom this wreath of victory I give
And crown you king of this day’s happiness.
Thaisa (2.3.9-11)
And further, he desires to know of you
Of whence you are, your name and parentage.
Thaisa (2.3.83-84)
A gentleman of Tyre, my name Pericles.
My education been in arts and arms,
Who, looking for adventures in the world,
Was by the rough seas reft of ships and men,
And after shipwrack driven upon this shore.
Pericles (2.3.85-89)
He thanks your Grace; names himself Pericles,
A gentleman of Tyre,
Who only by misfortune of the seas,
Bereft of ships and men, cast on this shore.
Thaisa (2.3.90-93)
Now, by the gods, I pity his misfortune,
And will awake him from his melancholy.
Simonides (2.3.94-95)
Take I your wish, I leap into the seas,
Where’s hourly trouble for a minute’s ease.
A twelve-month longer let me entreat you
To forbear the absence of your king;
If in which time expired, he not return,
I shall with agèd patience bear your yoke.
Helicanus (2.4.45-50)
You shall like diamonds sit about his crown.
Helicanus (2.4.55)
When peers thus knit, a kingdom ever stands.
Helicanus (2.4.60)
One twelve moons more she’ll wear Diana’s livery. This by the eye of Cynthia hath she vowed,
And on her virgin honor will not break it.
Simonidies (2.5.9-11)
Loath to bid farewell, we take our leaves.
Third Knight (2.5.12)
They are well dispatched. Now to my daughter’s letter.
She tells me here she’ll wed the stranger knight
Or never more to view nor day nor light.
’Tis well, mistress, your choice agrees with mine.
I like that well. Nay, how absolute she’s in ’t,
Not minding whether I dislike or no!
Well, I do commend her choice, and will no longer
Have it be delayed. Soft, here he comes.
I must dissemble it.
Simonidies (2.5.13-22)
All fortune to the good Simonides.
Pericles (2.5.23)
To you as much. Sir, I am beholding to you
For your sweet music this last night. I do
Protest, my ears were never better fed
With such delightful pleasing harmony.
Simonides (2.5.24-27)
It is your Grace’s pleasure to commend,
Not my desert.
Pericles (2.5.28-29)
Sir, you are music’s master.
Simonides (2.5.30)
The worst of all her scholars, my good lord.
Pericles (2.5.31)
Let me ask you one thing:
What do you think of my daughter, sir?
Simonides (2.5.32-33)
A most virtuous princess.
Pericles (2.5.34)
And she is fair too, is she not?
Simonides (2.5.35)
As a fair day in summer, wondrous fair.
Pericles (2.5.36)
Sir, my daughter thinks very well of you,
Ay, so well that you must be her master,
And she will be your scholar. Therefore, look to it.
Simonides (2.5.37-39)
I am unworthy for her schoolmaster.
Pericles (2.5.40)
She thinks not so. Peruse this writing else.
Simonides (2.5.41)
What’s here?
A letter that she loves the knight of Tyre?
’Tis the King’s subtlety to have my life.—
O, seek not to entrap me, gracious lord,
A stranger and distressèd gentleman
That never aimed so high to love your daughter,
But bent all offices to honor her.
Pericles (2.5.42-48)
Thou hast bewitched my daughter, and thou art
A villain.
Simonides (2.5.49-50)
By the gods, I have not!
Never did thought of mine levy offense;
Nor never did my actions yet commence
A deed might gain her love or your displeasure.
Pericles (2.5.51-54)
Traitor, thou liest!
Simonides (2.5.55)
Pericles (2.5.56)
Ay, traitor.
Simonides (2.5.57)
Even in his throat, unless it be the King
That calls me traitor, I return the lie.
Pericles (2.5.58-59)
Now, by the gods, I do applaud his courage.
Simonides (2.5.60)
My actions are as noble as my thoughts,
That never relished of a base descent.
I came unto your court for honor’s cause,
And not to be a rebel to her state,
And he that otherwise accounts of me,
This sword shall prove he’s honor’s enemy.
Pericles (2.5.61-66)
Here comes my daughter. She can witness it.
Simonides (2.5.67-68)
Then as you are as virtuous as fair,
Resolve your angry father if my tongue
Did e’er solicit or my hand subscribe
To any syllable that made love to you.
Pericles (2.5.69-72)
Why, sir, say if you had, who takes offense
At that would make me glad?
Thaisa (2.5.73-74)
Yea, mistress, are you so peremptory?
(Aside.) I am glad on ’t with all my heart.—
I’ll tame you! I’ll bring you in subjection.
Will you, not having my consent,
Bestow your love and your affections
Upon a stranger? (Aside.) Who, for aught I know,
May be—nor can I think the contrary—
As great in blood as I myself.—
Therefore, hear you, mistress: either frame
Your will to mine—and you, sir, hear you:
Either be ruled by me—or I’ll make you
Man and wife.
Nay, come, your hands and lips must seal it too.
And being joined, I’ll thus your hopes destroy.
And for further grief—God give you joy!
What, are you both pleased?
Simonides (2.5.75-90)
Yes, if you love me, sir.
Thaisa (2.5.91)
Even as my life my blood that fosters it.
Pericles (2.5.92)
What, are you both agreed?
Simonides (2.5.93)
Yes, if ’t please your Majesty.
Both (Pericles & Thasia 2.5.94)
It pleaseth me so well that I will see you wed,
And then with what haste you can, get you to bed.
Simonides (2.5.95-96)
No, Escanes, know this of me:
Antiochus from incest lived not free,
For which the most high gods not minding longer
To withhold the vengeance that they had in store
Due to this heinous capital offense,
Even in the height and pride of all his glory,
When he was seated in a chariot of
An inestimable value, and his daughter with him,
A fire from heaven came and shriveled up
Those bodies even to loathing, for they so stunk
That all those eyes adored them, ere their fall,
Scorn now their hand should give them burial.
Helicanus (2.4.1-12)
’Twas very strange.
Escanes (2.4.13)
And yet but justice; for though this king were great,
His greatness was no guard to bar heaven’s shaft,
But sin had his reward.
Helicanus (2.4.14-16)
Hymen hath brought the bride to bed,
Where, by the loss of maidenhead,
A babe is molded
Chorus (3.0.9-11)
Antiochus and his daughter dead,
The men of Tyrus on the head
Of Helicanus would set on
The crown of Tyre, but he will none.
Chorus (3.0.25-28)
Here is a thing too young for such a place,
Who, if it had conceit, would die, as I
Am like to do. Take in your arms this piece
Of your dead queen.
Lychorida (3.1.15-18)
How? How, Lychorida?
Pericles (3.1.19)
Patience, good sir. Do not assist the storm.
Here’s all that is left living of your queen,
A little daughter. For the sake of it,
Be manly and take comfort.
Lychorida (3.1.20-23)
O you gods!
Why do you make us love your goodly gifts
And snatch them straight away? We here below
Recall not what we give, and therein may
Use honor with you.
Pericles (3.1.24-28)
Patience, good sir,
Even for this charge.
Lychorida (3.1.29-30)
Now mild may be thy life,
For a more blusterous birth had never babe.
Quiet and gentle thy conditions, for
Thou art the rudeliest welcome to this world
That ever was prince’s child. Happy what follows!
Thou hast as chiding a nativity
As fire, air, water, earth, and heaven can make
To herald thee from the womb.
Even at the first, thy loss is more than can
Thy portage quit, with all thou canst find here.
Now the good gods throw their best eyes upon ’t.
Pericles (3.1.31-41)
Sir, your queen must overboard. The sea
works high, the wind is loud, and will not lie till
the ship be cleared of the dead.
First Sailor (3.1.51-53)
That’s your superstition.
Pericles (3.1.54)
Pardon us, sir; with us at sea it hath been
still observed, and we are strong in custom.
Therefore briefly yield ’er, for she must overboard
First Sailor (3.1.55-58)
Making a man a god. ’Tis known I ever
Have studied physic, through which secret art,
By turning o’er authorities, I have,
Together with my practice, made familiar
To me and to my aid the blessed infusions
That dwells in vegetives, in metals, stones;
And can speak of the disturbances
That Nature works, and of her cures; which doth
give me
A more content in course of true delight
Than to be thirsty after tottering honor,
Or tie my pleasure up in silken bags
To please the fool and death.
Cerimon (3.2.35-47)
How close ’tis caulked and bitumed!
Did the sea cast it up?
Cerimon (3.2.66-67)
Shrouded in cloth of state, balmed and entreasured
With full bags of spices. A passport too!
Apollo, perfect me in the characters.
Here I give to understand,
If e’er this coffin drives aland,
I, King Pericles, have lost
This queen, worth all our mundane cost.
Who finds her, give her burying.
She was the daughter of a king.
Besides this treasure for a fee,
The gods requite his charity.
If thou livest, Pericles, thou hast a heart
That ever cracks for woe. This chanced tonight.
Cerimon (3.2.76-88)
Most likely, sir.
Second Gentleman (3.2.89)
Nay, certainly tonight,
For look how fresh she looks. They were too rough
That threw her in the sea.—Make a fire within;
Fetch hither all my boxes in my closet.
A servant exits.
Death may usurp on nature many hours,
And yet the fire of life kindle again
The o’erpressed spirits. I heard of an Egyptian
That had nine hours lain dead,
Who was by good appliance recoverèd.
Cerimon (3.2.90-98)
O dear Diana,
Where am I? Where’s my lord? What world is this?
Thaisa (3.2.120-121)
We cannot but obey the powers above us.
Could I rage and roar as doth the sea
She lies in, yet the end must be as ’tis.
My gentle babe Marina,
Whom, for she was born at sea, I have named so,
Here I charge your charity withal,
Leaving her the infant of your care,
Beseeching you to give her princely training,
That she may be mannered as she is born.
Pericles (3.3.13-20)
Fear not, my lord, but think
Your Grace, that fed my country with your corn,
For which the people’s prayers still fall upon you,
Must in your child be thought on.
Cleon (3.3.21-24)
I have one myself,
Who shall not be more dear to my respect
Than yours, my lord.
Dionyza (3.3.38-40)
I believe you.
Your honor and your goodness teach me to ’t
Without your vows.—Till she be married, madam,
By bright Diana, whom we honor, all
Unscissored shall this hair of mine remain,
Though I show ill in ’t. So I take my leave.
Good madam, make me blessèd in your care
In bringing up my child.
Pericles (3.3.30-36)
Madam, this letter and some certain jewels
Lay with you in your coffer, which are
At your command. Know you the character?
Cerimon (3.4.1-3)
It is my lord’s. That I was shipped at sea
I well remember, even on my bearing time,
But whether there delivered, by the holy gods
I cannot rightly say. But since King Pericles,
My wedded lord, I ne’er shall see again,
A vestal livery will I take me to,
And never more have joy.
Thaisa (3.4.4-10)
Madam, if this
You purpose as you speak, Diana’s temple
Is not distant far, where you may abide
Till your date expire. Moreover, if you
Please, a niece of mine shall there attend you.
Cerimon (3.4.11-15)
My recompense is thanks, that’s all;
Yet my good will is great, though the gift small.
Thaisa (3.4.16-17)
Thy oath remember. Thou hast sworn to do ’t.
’Tis but a blow which never shall be known.
Thou canst not do a thing in the world so soon
To yield thee so much profit. Let not conscience,
Which is but cold in flaming, thy bosom inflame
Too nicely. Nor let pity, which even women
Have cast off, melt thee; but be a soldier
To thy purpose.
Dionyza (4.1.1-8)
I will do ’t; but yet
She is a goodly creature.
Leonine (4.1.9-10)
The fitter, then,
The gods should have her. Here she comes weeping
For her only mistress’ death. Thou art resolved?
Dionyza (4.1.11-13)
I am resolved.
Leonine (4.1.14)
Come, say your prayers.
Leonine (4.1.75)
What mean you?
Marina (4.1.76)
If you require a little space for prayer,
I grant it. Pray, but be not tedious, for
The gods are quick of ear, and I am sworn
To do my work with haste.
Leonine (4.1.77-80)
Why will you kill me?
Marina (4.1.81)
To satisfy my lady.
Leonine (4.1.82)
Why would she have me killed?
Now, as I can remember, by my troth,
I never did her hurt in all my life.
I never spake bad word, nor did ill turn
To any living creature. Believe me, la,
I never killed a mouse, nor hurt a fly.
I trod upon a worm against my will,
But I wept for ’t. How have I offended
Wherein my death might yield her any profit
Or my life imply her any danger?
Marina (4.1.83-92)
My commission
Is not to reason of the deed, but do ’t.
Leonine (4.1.93-94)
You will not do ’t for all the world, I hope.
You are well-favored, and your looks foreshow
You have a gentle heart. I saw you lately
When you caught hurt in parting two that fought.
Good sooth, it showed well in you. Do so now.
Your lady seeks my life. Come you between,
And save poor me, the weaker.
Marina (4.1.95-101)
I am sworn
And will dispatch.
Leonine (4.1.102-103)
Hold, villain!
First Pirate (4.1.104)
A prize, a prize!
Second Pirate (4.1.105)
Half-part, mates, half-part. Come, let’s
have her aboard suddenly.
Third Pirate (4.1.106-107)
These roguing thieves serve the great pirate Valdes,
And they have seized Marina. Let her go.
There’s no hope she will return. I’ll swear she’s dead,
And thrown into the sea. But I’ll see further.
Perhaps they will but please themselves upon her,
Not carry her aboard. If she remain,
Whom they have ravished must by me be slain.
Leonine (4.1.108-114)
Pander (4.2.1)
Bolt (4.2.2)
Search the market narrowly. Mytilene is full
of gallants. We lost too much money this mart by
being too wenchless.
Pander (4.2.3-5)
We were never so much out of creatures. We
have but poor three, and they can do no more than
they can do; and they with continual action are
even as good as rotten.
Bawd (4.2.6-9)
Therefore let’s have fresh ones, whate’er we
pay for them. If there be not a conscience to be
used in every trade, we shall never prosper.
Pander (4.2.10-12)
Thou sayst true. ’Tis not our bringing up of poor
bastards—as I think I have brought up some
Bawd (4.2.13-15)
Ay, to eleven, and brought them down again. But
shall I search the market?
Bolt (4.2.16-17)
What else, man? The stuff we have, a strong
wind will blow it to pieces, they are so pitifully
Bawd (4.2.18-20)
Thou sayst true. There’s two unwholesome, a’
conscience. The poor Transylvanian is dead that
lay with the little baggage.
Pander (4.2.21-23)
Ay, she quickly pooped him. She made him
roast-meat for worms. But I’ll go search the
Bolt (4.2.24-26)
Three or four thousand chequins were as
pretty a proportion to live quietly, and so give over.
Pander (4.2.27-28)
Why to give over, I pray you? Is it a shame to get
when we are old?
Bawd (4.2.29-30)
O, our credit comes not in like the commodity,
nor the commodity wages not with the danger.
Therefore, if in our youths we could pick up some
pretty estate, ’twere not amiss to keep our door
hatched. Besides, the sore terms we stand upon
with the gods will be strong with us for giving o’er.
Pander (4.2.31-36)
Come, other sorts offend as well as we.
Bawd (4.2.37)
As well as we? Ay, and better too; we offend
worse. Neither is our profession any trade; it’s no
calling. But here comes Bolt.
Pander (4.2.38-40)
Come your ways, my masters. You say she’s a
Bolt (4.2.41-42)
O, sir, we doubt it not.
Pirate (4.2.43)
Master, I have gone through for this piece you
see. If you like her, so; if not, I have lost my
Bolt (4.2.44-46)
Bolt, has she any qualities?
Bawd (4.2.47)
She has a good face, speaks well, and has excellent
good clothes. There’s no farther necessity of
qualities can make her be refused.
Bolt (4.2.48-50)
What’s her price, Bolt?
Bawd (4.2.51)
I cannot be bated one doit of a thousand pieces.
Bolt (4.2.52)
Well, follow me, my masters; you shall have
your money presently.—Wife, take her in. Instruct
her what she has to do, that she may not be raw in
her entertainment.
Pander (4.2.53-56)
Bolt, take you the marks of her: the color of her
hair, complexion, height, her age, with warrant of
her virginity, and cry “He that will give most shall
have her first.” Such a maidenhead were no cheap
thing, if men were as they have been. Get this done
as I command you.
Bawd (4.2.57-62)
Performance shall follow.
Bolt (4.2.63)
Alack that Leonine was so slack, so slow!
He should have struck, not spoke. Or that these
Not enough barbarous, had but o’erboard thrown me
For to seek my mother.
Marina (4.2.64-68)
Why lament you, pretty one?
Bawd (4.2.69)
That I am pretty.
Marina (4.2.70)
Come, the gods have done their part in you.
Bawd (4.2.71)
I accuse them not.
Marina (4.2.72)
You are light into my hands, where you are like
to live.
Bawd (4.2.73-74)
The more my fault, to ’scape his hands where
I was to die.
Marina (4.2.75-76)
Ay, and you shall live in pleasure.
Bawd (4.2.77)
Marina (4.2.78)
Yes, indeed shall you, and taste gentlemen of all
fashions. You shall fare well; you shall have the
difference of all complexions. What, do you stop
your ears?
Bawd (4.2.79-82)
Are you a woman?
Marina (4.2.83)
What would you have me be, an I be not a
Bawd (4.2.84-85)
An honest woman, or not a woman.
Marina (4.2.86)
Marry, whip the gosling! I think I shall have
something to do with you. Come, you’re a young
foolish sapling, and must be bowed as I would
have you.
Bawd (4.2.87-90)
The gods defend me!
Marina (4.2.91)
If it please the gods to defend you by men, then
men must comfort you, men must feed you, men
stir you up. Bolt’s returned.
Now, sir, hast thou cried her through the market?
Bawd (4.2.92-95)
I have cried her almost to the number of her
hairs. I have drawn her picture with my voice.
Bolt (4.2.96-97)
And I prithee tell me, how dost thou find the inclination
of the people, especially of the younger
Bawd (4.2.98-100)
Faith, they listened to me as they would have
hearkened to their father’s testament. There was a
Spaniard’s mouth watered an he went to bed to her
very description.
Bolt (4.2.101-104)
We shall have him here tomorrow with his best
ruff on.
Bawd (4.2.105-106)
Tonight, tonight! But, mistress, do you know the
French knight that cowers i’ the hams?
Bolt (4.2.107-108)
Who? Monsieur Verolles?
Bawd (4.2.109)
Ay, he. He offered to cut a caper at the proclamation,
but he made a groan at it and swore he would
see her tomorrow.
Bolt (4.2.110-112)
Well, well, as for him, he brought his disease
hither; here he does but repair it. I know he will
come in our shadow, to scatter his crowns in the
Bawd (4.2.113-116)
Well, if we had of every nation a traveler, we
should lodge them with this sign.
Bolt (4.2.117-118)
Pray you, come hither awhile. You
have fortunes coming upon you. Mark me: you
must seem to do that fearfully which you commit
willingly, despise profit where you have most gain.
To weep that you live as you do makes pity in your
lovers. Seldom but that pity begets you a good
opinion, and that opinion a mere profit.
Bawd (4.2.119-125)
I understand you not.
Marina (4.2.126)
O, take her home, mistress, take her home!
These blushes of hers must be quenched with
some present practice.
Bolt (4.2.127-129)
Thou sayst true, i’ faith, so they must, for your
bride goes to that with shame which is her way to
go with warrant.
Bawd (4.2.130-132)
Faith, some do and some do not. But, mistress,
if I have bargained for the joint—
Bolt (4.2.133-134)
Thou mayst cut a morsel off the spit.
Bawd (4.2.135)
I may so.
Bolt (4.2.136)
Who should deny it? Come, young one, I like
the manner of your garments well.
Bawd (4.2.137-138)
Ay, by my faith, they shall not be changed yet.
Bolt (4.2.139)
Bolt, spend thou that in the town. (She gives him
money.) Report what a sojourner we have. You’ll
lose nothing by custom. When Nature framed this
piece, she meant thee a good turn. Therefore say
what a paragon she is, and thou hast the harvest
out of thine own report.
Bawd (4.2.140-145)
I warrant you, mistress, thunder shall not so
awake the beds of eels as my giving out her beauty
stirs up the lewdly inclined. I’ll bring home some
Bolt (4.2.146-149)
Come your ways. Follow me.
Bawd (4.2.150)
If fires be hot, knives sharp, or waters deep,
Untied I still my virgin knot will keep.
Diana aid my purpose!
Marina (4.2.151-153)
What have we to do with Diana, pray you? Will
you go with us?
Bawd (4.2.154-155)
Were I chief lord of all this spacious world,
I’d give it to undo the deed. A lady
Much less in blood than virtue, yet a princess
To equal any single crown o’ th’ Earth
I’ the justice of compare. O villain Leonine,
Whom thou hast poisoned too!
If thou hadst drunk to him, ’t had been a kindness
Becoming well thy face. What canst thou say
When noble Pericles shall demand his child?
Cleon (4.3.5-13)
That she is dead. Nurses are not the Fates.
To foster is not ever to preserve.
She died at night; I’ll say so. Who can cross it
Unless you play the impious innocent
And, for an honest attribute, cry out
“She died by foul play!”
Dionyza (4.3.14-18)
O, go to. Well, well,
Of all the faults beneath the heavens, the gods
Do like this worst.
Cleon (4.3.19-21)
Be one of those that thinks
The petty wrens of Tarsus will fly hence
And open this to Pericles. I do shame
To think of what a noble strain you are,
And of how coward a spirit.
Dionyza (4.3.22-27)
To such proceeding
Whoever but his approbation added,
Though not his prime consent, he did not flow
From honorable courses.
Cleon (4.3.28-31)
Be it so, then.
Yet none does know but you how she came dead,
Nor none can know, Leonine being gone.
She did distain my child and stood between
Her and her fortunes. None would look on her,
But cast their gazes on Marina’s face,
Whilst ours was blurted at and held a malkin
Not worth the time of day. It pierced me through,
And though you call my course unnatural,
You not your child well loving, yet I find
It greets me as an enterprise of kindness
Performed to your sole daughter.
Dionyza (4.3.32-43)
Heavens forgive it.
Cleon (4.3.44)
And as for Pericles,
What should he say? We wept after her hearse,
And yet we mourn. Her monument is
Almost finished, and her epitaphs
In glitt’ring golden characters express
A general praise to her, and care in us
At whose expense ’tis done.
Dionyza (4.3.45-51)
Well, I had rather than twice the worth of her
she had ne’er come here.
Pander (4.6.1-2)
Fie, fie upon her! She’s able to freeze the god
Priapus and undo a whole generation. We must
either get her ravished or be rid of her. When she
should do for clients her fitment and do me the
kindness of our profession, she has me her quirks,
her reasons, her master reasons, her prayers, her
knees, that she would make a puritan of the devil if
he should cheapen a kiss of her.
Bawd (4.6.3-10)
Faith, I must ravish her, or she’ll disfurnish us of
all our cavalleria, and make our swearers priests.
Bolt (4.6.11-12)
Now the pox upon her greensickness for me!
Pander (4.6.13)
Faith, there’s no way to be rid on ’t but by the
way to the pox.
Here comes the Lord Lysimachus disguised.
Bawd (4.6.14-16)
We should have both lord and lown, if the peevish
baggage would but give way to customers.
Bolt (4.6.17-18)
How now! How a
dozen of virginities?
Lysimachus (4.6.19-20)
Now the gods to-bless your Honor!
Bawd (4.6.21)
I am glad to see your Honor in good health.
Bolt (4.6.22)
You may so. ’Tis the better for you that
your resorters stand upon sound legs. How now?
Wholesome iniquity have you that a man may deal
withal and defy the surgeon?
Lysimachus (4.6.23-26)
We have here one, sir, if she would—but there
never came her like in Mytilene.
Bawd (4.6.27-28)
If she’d do the deeds of darkness, thou
wouldst say?
Lysimachus (4.6.29-30)
Your Honor knows what ’tis to say, well enough.
Bawd (4.6.31)
Well, call forth, call forth.
Lysimachus (4.6.32)
For flesh and blood, sir, white and red, you shall
see a rose; and she were a rose indeed, if she had
Bolt (4.6.33-35)
What, prithee?
Lysimachus (4.6.36)
O, sir, I can be modest.
Bolt (4.6.37)
That dignifies the renown of a bawd no
less than it gives a good report to a number to be
Lysimachus (4.6.38-40)
Here comes that which grows to the stalk, never
plucked yet, I can assure you. Is she not a fair
Bawd (4.6.41-43)
Faith, she would serve after a long voyage
at sea. Well, there’s for you.
Leave us.
Lysimachus (4.6.44-46)
I beseech your Honor, give me leave a word, and
I’ll have done presently.
Bawd (4.6.47-48)
I beseech you, do.
Lysimachus (4.6.49)
First, I would have you note this is
an honorable man.
Bawd (4.6.50-51)
I desire to find him so, that I may worthily
note him.
Marina (4.6.52-53)
Next, he’s the governor of this country and a
man whom I am bound to.
Bawd (4.6.54-55)
If he govern the country, you are bound to him
indeed, but how honorable he is in that I know
Marina (4.6.56-58)
Pray you, without any more virginal fencing,
will you use him kindly? He will line your apron
with gold.
Bawd (4.6.59-61)
What he will do graciously, I will thankfully
Marina (4.6.62-63)
Ha’ you done?
Lysichamus (4.6.64)
My lord, she’s not paced yet. You must take some
pains to work her to your manage.—Come, we will
leave his Honor and her together. Go thy ways.
Bawd (4.6.65-67)
Now, pretty one, how long have you been
at this trade?
Lysichamus (4.6.68-69)
What trade, sir?
Marina (4.6.70)
Why, I cannot name ’t but I shall offend.
Lysichamus (4.6.71)
I cannot be offended with my trade. Please
you to name it.
Marina (4.6.72-73)
How long have you been of this profession?
Lysichamus (4.6.74)
E’er since I can remember.
Marina (4.6.75)
Did you go to ’t so young? Were you a
gamester at five or at seven?
Lysichamus (4.6.76-77)
Earlier too, sir, if now I be one.
Marina (4.6.78)
Why, the house you dwell in proclaims
you to be a creature of sale.
Lysichamus (4.6.79-80)
Do you know this house to be a place of such
resort, and will come into ’t? I hear say you’re of
honorable parts and are the governor of this place.
Marina (4.6.81-83)
Why, hath your principal made known
unto you who I am?
Lysimachus (4.6.84-85)
Who is my principal?
Marina (4.6.86)
Why, your herbwoman, she that sets
seeds and roots of shame and iniquity. O, you have
heard something of my power, and so stand aloof
for more serious wooing. But I protest to thee,
pretty one, my authority shall not see thee, or else
look friendly upon thee. Come, bring me to some
private place. Come, come.
Lysimachus (4.6.87-93)
If you were born to honor, show it now;
If put upon you, make the judgment good
That thought you worthy of it.
Marina (4.6.94-96)
How’s this? How’s this? Some more. Be sage.
Lysimachus (4.6.97)
For me
That am a maid, though most ungentle Fortune
Have placed me in this sty, where, since I came,
Diseases have been sold dearer than physic—
That the gods
Would set me free from this unhallowed place,
Though they did change me to the meanest bird
That flies i’ the purer air!
Marina (4.6.98-105)
I did not think
Thou couldst have spoke so well, ne’er dreamt thou
Had I brought hither a corrupted mind,
Thy speech had altered it. Hold, here’s gold for thee.
Persevere in that clear way thou goest
And the gods strengthen thee!
Lysimachus (4.6.106-112)
The good gods preserve you.
Marina (4.6.113)
For me, be you thoughten
That I came with no ill intent, for to me
The very doors and windows savor vilely.
Fare thee well. Thou art a piece of virtue,
And I doubt not but thy training hath been noble.
Hold, here’s more gold for thee.
A curse upon him, die he like a thief,
That robs thee of thy goodness! If thou dost
Hear from me, it shall be for thy good.
Lysichamus (4.6.114-122)
I beseech your Honor, one piece
for me.
Bolt (4.6.123-1234)
Avaunt, thou damnèd doorkeeper!
Your house, but for this virgin that doth prop it,
Would sink and overwhelm you. Away!
Lysichamus (4.6.125-127)
How’s this? We must take another course with
you! If your peevish chastity, which is not worth a
breakfast in the cheapest country under the cope,
shall undo a whole household, let me be gelded
like a spaniel. Come your ways.
Bolt (4.6.128-132)
Whither would you have me?
Marina (4.6.133)
I must have your maidenhead taken off, or the
common hangman shall execute it. Come your
way. We’ll have no more gentlemen driven away.
Come your ways, I say.
Bolt (4.6.134-137)
How now, what’s the matter?
Bawd (4.6.138)
Worse and worse, mistress. She has here spoken
holy words to the Lord Lysimachus!
Bolt (4.6.139-140)
O, abominable!
Bawd (4.6.141)
He makes our profession as it were to stink afore
the face of the gods.
Bolt (4.6.142-143)
Marry, hang her up forever.
Bawd (4.6.144)
The nobleman would have dealt with her like a
nobleman, and she sent him away as cold as a
snowball, saying his prayers too.
Bolt (4.6.145-147)
Bolt, take her away, use her at thy pleasure,
crack the glass of her virginity, and make the rest
Bawd (4.6.148-150)
An if she were a thornier piece of ground than
she is, she shall be plowed.
Bolt (4.6.151-152)
Hark, hark, you gods!
Marina (4.6.153)
She conjures. Away with her! Would she had
never come within my doors.—Marry, hang you!—
She’s born to undo us.—Will you not go the way of
womenkind? Marry come up, my dish of chastity
with rosemary and bays!
Bawd (4.6.154-158)
Come, mistress, come your way with me.
Bolt (4.6.159)
Whither wilt thou have me?
Marina (4.6.160)
To take from you the jewel you hold so dear.
Bolt (4.6.161)
Prithee, tell me one thing first.
Marina (4.6.162)
Come, now, your one thing.
Bolt (4.6.163)
What canst thou wish thine enemy to be?
Marina (4.6.164)
Why, I could wish him to be my master, or
rather, my mistress.
Bolt (4.6.165-166)
Neither of these are so bad as thou art,
Since they do better thee in their command.
Thou hold’st a place for which the pained’st fiend
Of hell would not in reputation change.
Thou art the damnèd doorkeeper to every
Coistrel that comes enquiring for his Tib.
To the choleric fisting of every rogue
Thy ear is liable. Thy food is such
As hath been belched on by infected lungs.
Marina (4.6.167-175)
What would you have me do? Go to the wars,
would you, where a man may serve seven years for
the loss of a leg, and have not money enough in the
end to buy him a wooden one?
Bolt (4.6.176-179)
Do anything but this thou dost. Empty
Old receptacles, or common shores, of filth;
Serve by indenture to the common hangman.
Any of these ways are yet better than this.
For what thou professest, a baboon, could he speak,
Would own a name too dear. That the gods
Would safely deliver me from this place!
Here, here’s gold for thee.
If that thy master would gain by me,
Proclaim that I can sing, weave, sew, and dance,
With other virtues which I’ll keep from boast,
And will undertake all these to teach.
I doubt not but this populous city
Will yield many scholars.
Marina (4.6.180-193)
But can you teach all this you speak of?
Bolt (4.6.194)
Prove that I cannot, take me home again
And prostitute me to the basest groom
That doth frequent your house.
Marina (4.6.195-197)
Well, I will see what I can do for thee. If I can
place thee, I will.
Bolt (4.6.198-199)
But amongst honest women.
Marina (4.6.200)
Faith, my acquaintance lies little amongst them.
But since my master and mistress hath bought
you, there’s no going but by their consent. Therefore
I will make them acquainted with your
purpose, and I doubt not but I shall find them
tractable enough. Come, I’ll do for thee what I can.
Come your ways.
Bolt (4.6.201-207)
Marina thus the brothel ’scapes, and chances
Into an honest house, our story says.
She sings like one immortal, and she dances
As goddesslike to her admirèd lays.
Deep clerks she dumbs, and with her neele composes
Nature’s own shape, of bud, bird, branch, or berry,
That even her art sisters the natural roses.
Gower (5.Chorus.1-7)
Our vessel is of Tyre, in it the King,
A man who for this three months hath not spoken
To anyone, nor taken sustenance
But to prorogue his grief.
Helicanus (5.1.25-29)
Upon what ground is his distemperature?
Lysimachus (5.1.30)
’Twould be too tedious to repeat,
But the main grief springs from the loss
Of a belovèd daughter and a wife.
Helicanus (5.1.31-33)
May we not see him?
Lysimachus (5.1.34)
You may,
But bootless is your sight. He will not speak
To any.
Helicanus (5.1.35-37)
But since your kindness
We have stretched thus far, let us beseech you
That for our gold we may provision have,
Wherein we are not destitute for want,
But weary for the staleness.
Helicanus (5.1.59-63)
O, sir, a courtesy
Which, if we should deny, the most just God
For every graft would send a caterpillar,
And so inflict our province. Yet once more
Let me entreat to know at large the cause
Of your king’s sorrow.
Lysimachus (5.1.64-69)
She’s such a one that, were I well assured
Came of a gentle kind and noble stock,
I’d wish no better choice, and think me rarely wed.—
Fair one, all goodness that consists in beauty:
Expect even here, where is a kingly patient,
If that thy prosperous and artificial feat
Can draw him but to answer thee in aught,
Thy sacred physic shall receive such pay
As thy desires can wish.
Lysichamus (5.1.75-83)
I am a maid, my lord,
That ne’er before invited eyes, but have
Been gazed on like a comet. She speaks,
My lord, that may be hath endured a grief
Might equal yours, if both were justly weighed.
Marina (5.1.95-99)
I am great with woe, and shall deliver weeping.
My dearest wife was like this maid, and such
A one my daughter might have been: my queen’s
Square brows, her stature to an inch;
As wandlike straight, as silver-voiced; her eyes
As jewel-like, and cased as richly; in pace
Another Juno; who starves the ears she feeds
And makes them hungry the more she gives them
Where do you live?
Pericles (5.1.120-129)
Where I am but a stranger.
From the deck you may discern the place.
Marina (5.1.130-131)
Where were you bred? And how achieved you these
Endowments which you make more rich to owe?
Pericles (5.1.132-133)
If I should tell my history, it would seem
Like lies disdained in the reporting.
Marina (5.1.134-135)
Prithee, speak.
Falseness cannot come from thee, for thou lookest
Modest as Justice, and thou seemest a palace
For the crownèd Truth to dwell in. I will believe thee
And make my senses credit thy relation
To points that seem impossible, for thou lookest
Like one I loved indeed. What were thy friends?
Didst thou not say, when I did push thee back—
Which was when I perceived thee—that thou cam’st
From good descending?
Pericles (5.1.136-145)
So indeed I did.
Marina (5.1.146)
Report thy parentage. I think thou said’st
Thou hadst been tossed from wrong to injury,
And that thou thought’st thy griefs might equal mine,
If both were opened.
Pericles (5.1.147-150)
Some such thing I said,
And said no more but what my thoughts
Did warrant me was likely.
Marina (5.1.151-153)
Tell thy story.
If thine considered prove the thousand part
Of my endurance, thou art a man, and I
Have suffered like a girl. Yet thou dost look
Like Patience gazing on kings’ graves and smiling
Extremity out of act. What were thy friends?
How lost thou them? Thy name, my most kind
Recount, I do beseech thee. Come, sit by me.
Pericles (5.1.154-162)
My name is Marina.
Marina (5.1.163)
O, I am mocked,
And thou by some incensèd god sent hither
To make the world to laugh at me!
Pericles (5.1.164-166)
Patience, good sir,
Or here I’ll cease.
Marina (5.1.167-168)
Nay, I’ll be patient.
Thou little know’st how thou dost startle me
To call thyself Marina.
Pericles (5.1.169-171)
The name
Was given me by one that had some power—
My father, and a king.
Marina (5.1.172-174)
How, a king’s daughter?
And called Marina?
Pericles (5.1.175-176)
You said you would believe me.
But not to be a troubler of your peace,
I will end here.
Marina (5.1.177-179)
But are you flesh and blood?
Have you a working pulse, and are no fairy
Motion? Well, speak on. Where were you born?
And wherefore called Marina?
Pericles (5.1.180-183)
Called Marina
For I was born at sea.
Marina (5.1.184-185)
At sea? What mother?
Pericles (5.1.186)
My mother was the daughter of a king,
Who died the minute I was born,
As my good nurse Lychorida hath oft
Delivered weeping.
Marina (5.1.187-190)
O, stop there a little!
Aside. This is the rarest dream that e’er dull sleep
Did mock sad fools withal. This cannot be
My daughter, buried.—Well, where were you bred?
I’ll hear you more, to the bottom of your story,
And never interrupt you.
Pericles (5.1.191-196)
You scorn. Believe me, ’twere best I did give o’er.
Marina (5.1.197)
I will believe you by the syllable
Of what you shall deliver. Yet give me leave:
How came you in these parts? Where were you bred?
Pericles (5.1.198-200)
The King my father did in Tarsus leave me,
Till cruel Cleon with his wicked wife
Did seek to murder me; and having wooed a villain
To attempt it, who, having drawn to do ’t,
A crew of pirates came and rescued me,
Brought me to Mytilene—But, good sir,
Whither will you have me? Why do you weep?
It may be you think me an impostor.
No, good faith.
I am the daughter to King Pericles,
If good King Pericles be.
Marina (5.1.201-211)
First, sir, I pray, what is your title?
Marina (5.1.237)
I am Pericles of Tyre. But tell me now
My drowned queen’s name, as in the rest you said
Thou hast been godlike perfect, the heir of kingdoms,
And another life to Pericles thy father.
Pericles (5.1.238-241)
Is it no more to be your daughter than
To say my mother’s name was Thaisa?
Thaisa was my mother, who did end
The minute I began.
Marina (5.1.242-245)
Now, blessing on thee! Rise. Thou ’rt my child.—
Give me fresh garments.—Mine own Helicanus,
She is not dead at Tarsus, as she should
Have been, by savage Cleon. She shall tell thee all,
When thou shalt kneel, and justify in knowledge
She is thy very princess. Who is this?
Pericles (5.1.246-251)
My temple stands in Ephesus. Hie thee thither
And do upon mine altar sacrifice.
There, when my maiden priests are met together,
Before the people all,
Reveal how thou at sea didst lose thy wife.
To mourn thy crosses, with thy daughter’s, call,
And give them repetition to the life.
Or perform my bidding, or thou livest in woe;
Do ’t, and happy, by my silver bow.
Awake, and tell thy dream.
Diana (5.1.273-282)
Hail, Dian! To perform thy just command,
I here confess myself the King of Tyre,
Who, frighted from my country, did wed
At Pentapolis the fair Thaisa.
At sea in childbed died she, but brought forth
A maid child called Marina, whom, O goddess,
Wears yet thy silver livery. She at Tarsus
Was nursed with Cleon, who at fourteen years
He sought to murder. But her better stars
Brought her to Mytilene, ’gainst whose shore riding,
Her fortunes brought the maid aboard us, where,
By her own most clear remembrance, she made known
Herself my daughter.
Pericles (5.3.1-13)
Voice and favor!
You are, you are—O royal Pericles!
Thaisa (5.3.14-15)
What means the nun? She dies! Help, gentlemen!
Pericles (5.3.16)
Noble sir,
If you have told Diana’s altar true,
This is your wife.
Cerimon (5.3.17-19)
Reverend appearer, no.
I threw her overboard with these very arms.
Pericles (5.3.20-21)
Upon this coast, I warrant you.
Cerimon (5.3.22)
’Tis most certain.
Pericles (5.3.23)
Look to the lady. O, she’s but overjoyed.
Early one blustering morn this lady was
Thrown upon this shore. I oped the coffin,
Found there rich jewels, recovered her, and placed her
Here in Diana’s temple.
Cerimon (5.3.24-28)
May we see them?
Pericles (5.3.29)
Great sir, they shall be brought you to my house,
Whither I invite you. Look, Thaisa
Is recoverèd.
Cerimon (5.3.30-32)
O, let me look!
If he be none of mine, my sanctity
Will to my sense bend no licentious ear,
But curb it, spite of seeing.—O, my lord,
Are you not Pericles? Like him you spake,
Like him you are. Did you not name a tempest,
A birth and death?
Thaisa (5.3.33-39)
The voice of dead Thaisa!
Pericles (5.3.40)
That Thaisa am I, supposèd dead
And drowned.
Thaisa (5.3.41-42)
Immortal Dian!
Pericles (5.3.43)
Now I know you better.
When we with tears parted Pentapolis,
The king my father gave you such a ring.
Thaisa (5.3.44-46)
This, this! No more, you gods! Your present kindness
Makes my past miseries sports. You shall do well
That on the touching of her lips I may
Melt and no more be seen.—O, come, be buried
A second time within these arms!
Pericles (5.3.47-51)
My heart
Leaps to be gone into my mother’s bosom.
Marina (5.3.52-53)
Look who kneels here, flesh of thy flesh, Thaisa,
Thy burden at the sea, and called Marina
For she was yielded there.
Pericles (5.3.54-56)
Blessed, and mine own!
Thaisa (5.3.57)
Pure Dian, I bless thee for thy vision, and
Will offer night oblations to thee.—Thaisa,
This prince, the fair betrothèd of your daughter,
Shall marry her at Pentapolis.—And now this
Makes me look dismal will I clip to form,
And what this fourteen years no razor touched,
To grace thy marriage day I’ll beautify.
Pericles (5.3.83-90)