Peri-operative management Flashcards
What information would you need from a patient before a surgery? (In a pre-op appointment)
- History of presenting complaint
- Past medical history - CVS, Respiratory, Renal, Endocrinological (diabetes and thyroid)
- Pregnant?
- Past surgical & anaesthetic history
Recall the ASA grades?
I - Healthy
II - Mild systemic disease
III - Severe systemic disease
IV - Severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life
V - Moribund
E - Emergency
What is the difference between a group and save and a crossmatch?
A group and save is defining a patients blood group.
A cross match is crossing the patients blood with the donors blood to ensure there is no reaction.
When is an ECG indicated before surgery?
When the patient has a significant cardiovascular history or for any major surgery
When is a CXR indicated before a surgery?
In any patient with a respiratory pathology who has not had a CXR for over 12 months
Present cardiorespiratory symptoms
Recent travel to a location with endemic TB
Significant smoking hx
Which medications should be stopped before a surgery?
C - Clopidogrel
H - Hypoglycaemics
O - Oral contraceptive pill
W - Warfarin
At what point should Clopidogrel be stopped before a surgery?
7 days prior
At what point should hypoglycaemic be stopped before a surgery?
On the morning of the surgery
At what point should the oral contraceptive pill be stopped before a surgery?
4 weeks prior to minimise the risk of a DVT
At what point before a surgery should Warfarin be stopped?
5 days prior and the patient should be started on therapeutic dose of LMWH
How would you decide whether a patient required intra operative steroids?
If they have been on steroids for more than 2 weeks then you would run a short synacthen test before the surgery to find out whether the patient had suppression of their HPA axis.
If this was the case you would consider steroids. Dose is dependent on the type of surgery
When is LMWH indicated?
In all patients undergoing major GI surgery
In all patients under going lower limb joint replacements
All of these patients should be diagnosed 28 days of LMWH post operatively and TED stockings
How would you manage a patient pre-operatively with T1DM?
You would admit the night before or on that morning.
Reduce the insulin dose by one third the night before the srugery
Omit the morning dose of insulin and commence VRII - 5% dextrose infusion 125ml/hr with BM checked every 2 hours to change accordingly
Post-operatively, give SC rapid acting insulin one hour before their meal and stop IV infusion 30-60 minutes after they have eaten.
How would you manage a T2DM patient pre-operatively?
Metformin should be stopped on the morning of their surgery with other hypoglycaemic being stopped 24 hours beforehand.
The latter patients may need VRII
How much water does a patient require per day?
How much sodium does a patient require a day?
How much potassium does a patient require a day?
How much glucose does a patient require a day?
What is a fluid challenge?
250ml-500ml is administered IV over the course of 15-30 minutes with regular ob checks.
What are third space losses and name two examples?
A loss of fluid into spaces that you cannot see/observe.
Eg. into the bowel lumen during bowel obstruction and retroperitoneal fluid losses in pancreatitis.