Performance, Objectives Flashcards
Tseq, Tpar
Tseq(n): Time for 1 processor to solve P(n) using Seq
- Theory: Number of instructions (or other critical cost measure) executed in the worst case for inputs of size n
- The number of instructions carried out is the required work
- Practice: Measured time (or other parameter) of execution over some inputs (experiment design)
Tpar(p,n): Time for p processors to solve P(n) using Par, time for last/slowest processor to finish
The gain in moving from sequential computation with algorithm Seq to parallel computation with algorithm Par is expressed as the speed-up of Par over Seq:
Sp(n) = Tseq(n)/Tpar(p,n)
Goal: Achieve as large speed-up as possible (for some n, all n) for as many processors as possible
Absolute speed-up: worst-case times, best-possible is linear in p
absolute Speed-up
The gain in moving from sequential computation with algorithm Seq to parallel computation with algorithm Par is expressed as the speed-up of Par over Seq:
Sp(n) = Tseq(n)/Tpar(p,n)
Goal: Achieve as large speed-up as possible (for some n, all n) for as many processors as possible
best-possible is linear in p
Perfect speed-up Sp(n) = p cannot be exceeded
•The work of a sequential algorithm Seq on input of size n is the total number of operations (integer, FLOP, memory, …; that which matters most, according to model) carried out when Seq runs to
completion on n
•The work of a parallel algorithm Par on input of size n is the total number of operations carried out by all assigned processors, not including idle times
•The work required for some problem P is the work by a best possible algorithm (complexity of P)
work optimal
Parallel algorithm is called work-optimal if Wpar(p,n) = O(Tseq(n)). A work-optimal algorithm has potential for linear speed-up (for some number of processors)
For work-optimal algorithms, absolute and relative speed-up coincides (asymptotically), since Tpar(1,n) = O(Tseq(n))
Product C(n) = pTpar(p,n) is the cost of the parallel algorithm, total time in which the p processors are reserved
Parallel algorithm is called cost-optimal if C(n) = O(Tseq(n)). A cost-optimal algorithm has linear (perhaps perfect) speed-up
How many processors are needed for parallel algorithm to be faster than sequential algorithm?
relative speed-up
Definition (Relative speed-up): The ratio
SRelp(n) = Tpar(1,n)/Tpar(p,n) is the relative speed-up of algorithm Par. Relative speed-up expresses how well Par utilizes p processors (scalability)
Relative speed-up not to be confused with absolute speed-up. Absolute speed-up expresses how much can be gained over the best (known/possible) sequential implementation by parallelization.
An algorithm has good scalability and relative speed-up if Tpar(1,n)/Tpar(p,n) = Θ(p)
parallelism of the algorithm
T∞(n): The smallest possible running time of parallel algorithm Par given arbitrarily many processors. Per definition T∞(n) ≤ Tpar(p,n) for all p. Relative speed-up is limited by
SRelp(n) = Tpar(1,n)/Tpar(p,n) ≤Tpar(1,n)/T∞(n)
The ratio Tpar(1,n)/T∞(n) is called the parallelism of the parallel algorithm Par
The parallelism is the largest number of processors that can be employed and still give linear, relative speed-up: Assume
parallel overhead
Parallel overhead is the work that does not have to be done by a sequential algorithm
• Communication: Exchanging data, keeping data consistent
• Synchronization: Ensuring that processors have reached the same point in the computation (typically SPMD programs)
• Algorithmic: Extra or redundant computations
(Communication) Overheads for processor i often modeled as Toverhead(p,ni) = α(p) + βni
where α(p) is the latency (dependent on p), and βni the cost per data item that needs to be exchanged by processor i. For synchronization operations, ni = 0
The (smallest) time between coordination periods is called the granularity of the parallel
coarse- or fine-grained depending on the number of instructions between coordination intervalls
load balancing
Difference between max (Ti(n)+Oi(n)) and min
(Ti(n)+Oi(n)) is the load imbalance
O overhead
Load balancing: Achieving for all processors, i, j, an even amount of work, Tpar(i,n) ≈ Tpar(j,n)
- Static, oblivious: splitting the problem into p pieces, regardless of the input (except its size n)
- Static, problem dependent, adaptive: splitting the problem into p pieces, using the (structure of) the input
- Dynamic: dynamically readjusting the work assigned to processors. Entails overheads
Amdahl’s Law (parallel version)
Amdahl’s Law (parallel version):
Let a program A contain a fraction r that can be “perfectly” parallelized, and a fraction s=(1-r) that is “purely sequential”, i.e., cannot be parallelized at all (s and r independent of n). The maximum achievable speed-up is 1/s, independently of n
scaled speed-up
Speed-up as function of p and n, with sequential and parallelizable times t(n) and T(n) is termed scaled speed-up
Depending on how fast t(n)/T(n) converges, linear speed-up can be achieved by increasing problem size n accordingly
Small t(n) relative to T(n) means large parallelism
The efficiency of parallel algorithm Par is the ratio of best possible parallel time to actual parallel time for given p and n
E(p,n) = (Tseq(n)/p) / Tpar(p,n) = Sp(n)/p = Tseq(n) / (p Tpar(p,n))
- E(p,n) ≤ 1, since Sp(n) = Tseq(n)/Tpar(n,p) ≤ p
- E(p,n) = c (constant, ≤1): linear speed-up
- Cost-optimal algorithms have constant efficiency