Performance management Flashcards
What is performance management?
- development of shared understanding of goals/targets
- seek to encourage continuous improvement within organisations
- focused on both behaviours and results, where we get to and how we get there
Armstrong and Taylor (2014)
PM provides better results by giving the means for individuals to perform well with an agreed framework of plan goals, standards and competency requirements
PMS are Developmental
PMS are developmental in nature: links to HMD (developing skills and competences) and also with developing performance of organisation as a whole
- PM reaches work systems and processes themselves, not just the people bringing them to life
Armstrong (2006)
PM acts as an integrative force within organisational areas
- Direct links with: developing skills and competences, reward management, improving individual and organisational performance
- Indirect link with: improving managerial effectiveness
Why is PM necessary?
Regulation of performance is vital for organisations to sustain themselves. If managers did not seek some form of control over working practices, organisations would descend into anarchy.
Torrington et Al (2014)
Mapped out stages of PMS:
- Definition of business role (job description, objectives of dept/group)
- Planning performance (individual objectives, development plans)
- Delivering and monitoring (ongoing manager support, ongoing review)
- Formal assessment/reward (annual assessment, link to pay)
PM is cyclical (not linear) system, it is ongoing and doesn’t start and stop:
- definition of organisational objectives/goals
- broad objectives are translated into individual objectives
- these show the performance level expected/required
- individuals deliver upon required performance with support of line manager, HR and HRD professionals
- feedback is provided on an ongoing bases rather than an annual review
- formal assessment of performance against set objectives before the cycle begins again
Latham and Locke (1979)
Argue that when we set goals, this motivates superior performance, even when no rewards are offered for meeting the goals. The fact that there is a ‘goal’ to reach motivates better performance
McDonald and Smith (1995)
Found that having formal PMS influences stronger financial performance, and higher growth per employee in comparison to no PMS
Guest and Conway (1998)
Found links between PMS and improved business performance
Issues with Setting performance standards
- Performance is usually measured objectively however some performance are difficult to measure (quality, creativity, leadership)
- Differentiate ‘what is measurable’ with ‘what is important to measure’
- Recognize that strategy and objectives are dynamic - not static, implication of PM is that we revisit goals and standards - see if still appropriate with long-term goals
Performance standards should be SMART
S - Specific M - Measurable A - Achievable R - Realistic T - Time bound
ROWE (results only work environment)
Outputs measured, not inputs - don’t care about the process only that final standards are met
Pros and cons of ROWE
- Provides autonomy for employees-improved satisfaction and engagement
- drawbacks: employees who need more directions, teamwork and communication suffer, encourage unethical behavior
Discretionary effort
Difference between what an employee has to do and what he/she wants to do
- extra effort that an employee willingly commit without being coerced/asked