Performance Flashcards
- How much faster the program suns on p proceesses than on 1 process
Sp(n) = Ts(n)/Tp(n)
- Total amount of work perfomancee by all processors p
Cp(n) = p x Tp(n)
Captures the fraction of time for which a processor is usefully employed
Ep(n) = Sp(n)/p = (Ts(n)/Tp(n))/p = Ts(n)/(p x Tp(n)) = Ts(n)/Cp(n)
Effect of overhead
- Cost > Serial Run time
- Speedup < p
- Efficiency < 1
- Comes from messages sentt tying to communicate with MPI
Tp(n) = Ts(n) / p
Tp(n) = Ts(n)/p + Toverhead
Amdahl’s Law
- If a fraction of our program stays serial speedup < 1/r
Sp = Ts / (r x Ts(n) + (((1 - r) x Ts(n)) / p)
Limitations of Amdahl’s Law
- An increase in the speedup of a program for increasing problem size n cannot be captured by Amdahl’s law
- Amdahl’s law assumes that the sequential part of the program is a constant fraction of the total problem
size, e.g., for r = 10%n
Gustafson’s Law
- Assumes the sequential part of the program does not increase as the size of the program increases so it is a constant and not a constant percentage
Sp(n) = (C + tp(n, 1)) / (C + tp(n, p))
C = Constant executiion time of the sequential part of the program
tp(n, p) = Execution time of the parrellisable part of the program
tp(n, 1) = Ts(n) - C (if the parallel part is perfectly parallisable)
tp(n, p) = (Ts(n) - C) / p
Sp(n) = (C + Ts(n) - C) / (C + (Ts(n) - C) / p) = (C / (Ts(n) - C) + 1) / (C / (Ts(n) - C) + 1/p)
A problem is scalable if it can handle ever increasing problem sizes
Ts = n = problem size
Tp = n/p + 1; the program has a fixed overhead of 1, independent of the problem size
E = Ts / (p x Tp) = n / (p x (n/p + 1)) = (v x n) / (v x n + k x p)
Strongly Scalable
If, when we increase the number of processes/ threads, the efficiency stays more or less the same
without increasing the problem size, the program is said to be strongly scalable.
Weakly Scalable
If the efficiency stays more or less the same when we increase the problem size at the same rate as
the number of processes/ threads, then the program is said to be weakly scalable.