Perfect Markets Flashcards
Explain Perfect competition?
- Perfect competition occurs in a market structure with a large number of participants who have access to all required information about the market place and are all price-takers.
- Prices are determined by demand and supply
- E.g: the stock exchange,
the foreign exchange market,
the central grain exchange,
agricultural produce markets.
What are the conditions of a perfect market?
- Free competition
- Large number of buyers and sellers
- All participants - perfect knowledge of market conditions
- No preferential treatment /discrimination
- Homogenous
- Efficient transport and communication
- Free access to and from markets
- Factors of production are completely mobile
Explain Free competition.
- Buyers must be free to buy whatever they want from any firm and in any quantity.
- Sellers must be free to sell what, how much and where they wish.
- There should be no State interference and no price control.
- Buyers should not form groups to obtain lower prices, nor should sellers combine to enforce higher prices
What is meant by No preferential treatment/discrimination?
- Collusion occurs when buyers and sellers make an agreement to limit competition - In a perfect market no collusion takes place.
- Buyers and sellers base their actions solely on price
- homogenous products fetch the same price and therefore no preference is shown for buying from or selling to any particular person
Explain what is meant by Large number of buyers and sellers?
- It should not be possible for one buyer or seller to influence the price.
- When there are many sellers the share of each seller in the market is so small that the seller cannot influence the price.
- Sellers are price takers, they accept the prevailing market price. If they increase prices above the market price, they will lose customers.
Explain what is meant by Products must be homogenous?
- Products must be identical. There should be no differences in style, design and quality.
- In this way products compete solely on the basis of price and can be purchased anywhere.
Explain what is meant by All participants must have perfect knowledge of market conditions?
- All buyers and sellers must be fully aware of what is happening in any part of the market.
- Technology has increased competition as information is easily obtained via the internet.
What is meant by No preferential treatment/discrimination?
- Buyers and sellers base their actions solely on price. (homogenous products fetch the same price and therefore no preference is shown for buying from or selling to any particular person.)
What is meant by The factors of production are completely mobile?
- They can move freely between markets.
What does Free access to and from markets mean?
- Producers may enter and leave a market with little interference.
- Entering and leaving a perfect market is easy as less capital is required and there are fewer legal restrictions.
What is meant by Efficient transport and communication?
- Efficient transport ensures that products are made available everywhere.
- In this way changes in demand and supply in one part of the market will influence the price in the entire market.
- Efficient communication keeps buyers and sellers informed about market conditions.
What are the competition tribunal’s main functions?
- grant exemptions, authorise or prohibit large mergers,
- adjudicate if any misconduct takes place,
- issue an order for costs on matters presented to it by the Competition Commission.
Name the 4 market structures?
- Perfect competition
- Monopolistic competition
- Oligopoly
- Monopoly
What is the the impact of entry and exit on the equilibrium of the firm and industry?
- Profits are a signal for the entry of new businesses.
- Losses are a signal for businesses to leave the market.
- The long-term equilibrium in the perfect market will be influenced by the entry or exit of businesses.
Explain The supply curve of an individual firm.
- The short-run supply curve of an individual producer is part of the marginal cost curve that is above the minimum average variable cost.
- This starts from shut-down point upwards.
What is The Competition Appeal Court?
- Its status is similar to the High court. It has jurisdiction throughout the Republic and is a court of record.
- Its main function is to review orders made by the Competition Tribunal and amend or confirm these orders.
Describe Competition policies
- Competition refers to the existence of free entry into and exit from markets.
- This ensures that markets are not dominated by certain businesses.
What are Goals of competition policy?
- To prevent monopolies or powerful businesses from abusing their power.
- To regulate the formation of mergers and acquisitions
- Stop the use of restrictive practices (like fixing prices, dividing markets etc.)
The Competition Act in South Africa
To promote competition in order to:
* promote the efficiency of the economy (its primary aim)
* provide consumers with competitive prices and a variety of products
* promote employment
* encourage South Africa to participate in world markets and accept foreign competition in South Africa
* enable SMMEs to participate in the economy
* to allow the previously disadvantaged to increase their ownership of businesses
Explain The Competition Commission?
It investigates restrictive business practices, abuse of dominant positions and mergers in order to achieve equity and efficiency in the South African economy.
What is The Competition Tribunal?
- Has jurisdiction throughout the Republic.
- It is a tribunal of record
- Independent from the other competition institutions.