Perf Flashcards
Engine anti-ice must be included in take-off performance calculation if planned to be used below what altitude
If a runway is wet and NOTAMed ‘slippery when wet’, what is the correct EFB TO PERF input for RWY COND?
Slippery Wet
What take-off performance limit codes indicate perfo limiting take off when using TOGA thrust (and so a rolling takeoff cannot be performed)?
Which of these is an appropriate wind entry for a METAR reading VBR03KTS?
On an EFB PERF page where on the ISA value be located (to calculate TREF for example)?
Next to OAT
If departing from an intersection with a longer TORA than planned, what is required?
No Action Required
In EFB LDG PERF, how do we correctly adjust for a NOTAMed shortening of a runway?
Modified Rwy
After a landing performance calculation, Flysmart generates amber figures in the computations area. What does this mean?
Factored landing distance exceeds available landing distance
For an inflight landing calculation what is the appropriate EFB input for RWY COND with ‘Wet’ runway?
5- Good
At landing, what is included in EFB calculations but Not in QRH calculations?
A 1.15 factor on landing distance
When would you recalculate the performance?
If >250kg or TOGA TO planned or >2% MAC difference from pre LMC Calculation
A Category A aerodrome must meet which of the following requirements
Night Operations Capability
For a takeoff alternate to be usable, it must be within a defined flying time from the departure airport. Which of the following best describes this?
One Hour (1 Engine)
For selection as an alternate, met reports/forecasts must indicate that the weather at the selected aerodrome will be at or above the applicable landing minima for how long
+/- 1 hour of the aircrafts ETA
What height shall be used for the purposes of the approach ban if there is no outer marker or equivalent position?
1000ft AAL