Perek 1 Flashcards
מ”ד ז’- מה משפט האיש
describe him
מ”ד ט’- וחמשיו
מ”ד ט’- המלך דבר רדה
רש”י י”ז - וימלוך יהורים תחתיו
יהורים בן אכאב, ‘sאכזי’ה brother takes over, because אכזי’ה didnt have a son to take over
מלבי”ם א’ - ויפשע מואב
Q: why are we talking about Moav now?
A: its showing how Hashem started to punish B”N - until now they were getting paid tax from Moav, and now Moav is rebelling and they stopped paying tax
רלב”ג א’ - ויפשע מואב
Q: why are we talking about Moav now?
A: its explaining to us - אכזי’ה was even worse than his father, because his his father did Teshuva at the end of his life, but אכזי’ה held onto his family’s sins
רד”ק - Q: how come the messengers didnt recognize Eliyahu?
A: because he wasnt in Shomron, because he was in hiding, because Izavel wanted to kill him
דעת סופרים 1 - Q: why does אכזי’ה keep on sending 50 men one after another? and why does he want Eliyahu to come so badly?
A: hes angry at Eliyahu that he didnt come himself to tell him that hes dying (he sent messengers), so he keeps sending men. he has nothing to lose
רד”ק ט”ו - אל תירא מפניו
Q: why does hashem have to tell Eliyahu not to fear him, what was he afraid of?
A: 1) hes the one that gave the prophet that ‘sאכזי’ה dying and אכזי’ה might kill him
2) Izavel, ‘sאכזי’ה mother is still around, and she might still want to kill him
דעת סופרים 2 - Q: why did the officers die, what did thwy do to deserve this? and why didnt they go back if Eliyahu told them to?
A: they were bad on their own, they chose not to go back and save their lives. also they each had their own sins, but when they all joined together, it was time
דעת סופרים 3 - Q: why did they deserve such a harsh punishment? why fire?
A: they werent showing Kavod to the navi, and speaking to him not nisely. they sinned by Har Hacarmel
מעם לועז 5 - Q: why with fire?
A: Hashem used fire by Har Hacarmel, they sawit and didnt do anything, they walked away and didnt care
אברבנל 8 - Q: why does he use wierd Lashon
אם איש אלוקים אני…
A: to tell them- im not under ‘sאכזי’ה rule, im under Hashem’s rule. and he/Hashem brought down a fire to show it
ספר מלכים 6 - Q: why is Eliyahu up on the mountain?
A: he was serving Hashem. yes the navi has to respect the king, but not at time when hes serving Hashem
דעת סופרים 4 - Q: why 2nd time אש אלוקים, and 1st just אש?
A: ???????????????????????????????????????????
דעת סופרים 7 - Q: why didnt Eliyahu go himself, why did the messenger have to come and get him? why didnt he go right away? what was holding him back?
A: he only acts by Tzivoi Hashem, and Hashem didnt command him to go, and then in Pasuk 11, Hashem tells him 2 go and dont be afraid
whatever the Navi is doing, its never by himself, its always by Tzivoi Hashem
message from perek…
A NAVI ONLY NEEDS TO ????????????????????????