PERDOMO cards Flashcards
When is it Acceptable to Damage an Asset?
- when the probability of SAVING LIVES or RELIEVING INTENSE PAIN is reasonable, and no other alternative exists, DAMAGE AND making the boat UNRECOVERABLE is ACCEPTABLE.
- the probability of SAVING PROPERTY is UNQUESTIONABLY MORE VALUABLE than the boat, damage is acceptable IF the CAN be replaced
Probability V.S. Possibility
- the PROBABILITY of saving human life warrants a maximum effort. When no suitable alternative exists and the mission has a reasonable chance of success,
- the risk of Damage to or abuse of the boat is acceptable , even though such damage or abuse may render the boat unrecoverable.
- The POSSIBILITY of saving human life or the probability of preventing or relieving intense pain or suffering warrants the risk of damage to or abuse of the boat if recovering the boat can reasonably be expected.
What are the 5 stages of SAR?
Awareness Initial Actions Planning Operations Conclusions
Sweep Width
Distance at which the probability of detecting a target outside the distance is equal to the probability of missing the target inside the distance.
Non Distress
AUX towing
An AUX vessel U/W on orders that happens upon a non-distress vessel can tow at it Coxswains Discretion; Keep SMC informed
Liability in SAR OPS
Negligence was determined if:
It was the approximate Cause “ of the Damage”
the the position of plaintiff was “worsened by Reliance on the CG”
Multiple SRU’s Sector Multiple (VM) spacing
offset 2nd SRU’s first leg by 90* to the left
used to identify hazards Planning Event Asset Crew Asset Boat Coms/ Supervision Enviorment
Severity x Probability x Exposure= Risk
scale of 5) (5) (4) (risk 0-100
Alert phase of SAR
feeling of Apprehension
May need assistance but are not in imminent danger
What do you have to do if you are Navigating near a Known Hazard
Notify OOD/CDO Review all Nav/ Environmental data Conduct crew brief/ GAR Assign crew duties including lookouts Reduce speed
Liability in SAR exists when…
U.S.C. States SAR MAY be conducted if decision is made, certain actions can make you liable of negligence.
It was “proximate case” of Danmage
The Position of Plaintiff was “ Worsened by relivance of USCG.”
Not permitted for Salvage
Diving to clear Props
Raising a sunken vessel
Re floating a vessel that is High/Dry
Coxswain Responsibilities policy #
M5000.3B Section 5-1-8
Coxswain Responsibilities “a Coxswain shall…”
A Coxswain shall be Responsible, in order of precedence ,
1. Saftey& Conduct of crew & Passengers, 2. Safe operation & navigation of vessel assigned, 3. and completion of Sortie/Mission assigned or UNDER TAKEN pursuant to USCG Policy & regulation.
- A coxn U/W will at all times respond to, within the limitations/capabilities; LEGAL AUTHORITY. To observe all hazards to life property & violations of laws and regulations.
Major Discrepancy
Degrade Boat’s effectiveness to perform one or more missions
OPCON must be notified
Disabling Casualties
makes boat not serviceable shall not get U/W Notify OPCON /CO/EPO- CDO/OOD notify product line CHARLIE STATUS
Minor Discrepancies
Does not affect operational readiness
Mission & Purpose of SAR Program
To prevent Death/Injury, loss or Damage to property in the marine environment
Minimize risk
Optimize resources
Potential Danger Is treated…
as actual danger.. Until proven otherwise
D.E.M.O. ->
national defense/ ATON / ice breaking / Rescue facilities
enforce all applicable federal laws
maritime air surveillance / interdiction
promote and enforce regulations for safety
oceanographic research
assist the navy
14 USC 900
“The secretary Shall ensure that each CG small boat station, At Least one Vessel that is Fully Capable of performing Offshore rescue ops.”
includes seasonal station smalls
Safe Haven
Triple AAA
A Safe haven is considered a place that can ACCOMMODATE and will ACCEPT the safe mooring of the vessel, and has AVAILABLE MEANS of COMMUNICATION , normally a telephone.
Actual Distress
Threatened by grave or imminent danger
Requires IMMEDIATE Assistance
Crew Fatigue
Max Hrs in 24 hr Period bigger than 4ft: 6hrs less than 4ft: 8hrs rest required= 8hrs trailering 350 miles or 8hrs sheltered Anchoring reduces Fatigue by 50%
what is Uncorrelated Distress
Doesn’t include position or other significant info to generate a reasonable search area
Force Evacuation
May compel or force Mariners to abandon their vessel when a life threatening emergency exists. LE personnel may use force to compel compliance .
SMC discretion
Entering Foreign Territorial Waters
By “Assistance Entry” CG can Enter Foreign Territorial Seas if there is a REASONABLE CERTAINTY OF DISTRESS, and the rescue unit is in a position to RENDER timely assistance.
Goals of the SAR Program: “ 4 things”
- PREVENT loss of life/ Injury& Property Damage
- MINIMIZE risk to crew
- OPTIMIZE the use of resources
- MAINTAIN global leadership in SAR
“9 SORM ref. A-E
- Thoroughly Familiar; REF A-E*
- Ensure full Qualified crew & Proper PPE
- Brief Crew, watch, float plan Radio & NAV brief
- U/W coxn shall provided OPS; POS IAW NAV standards
- OPCON about personnel or Engine Casualties
- Notify station of LE stops & vessel description
- Pertinent times & other info i.e. On Scene weather
- Ensure boat mission & AOPS are entered after sortie
- Ensure boat is fueled & wash ready for next mission
USCG 7 Mission types
S- Search & Rescue E- Enforcement of Laws & Treaties M- Marine Environment Protection P- Port security & Saftey R- Rec Boat Saftey D- Defense National M- Marine Safety & Security
Mishap categories
Electrical Generation 47
Dual Alternators
- A INJURY or occupational illness results in a FATALITY or PERMANENT TOTAL disability.
- the cost of REPORTABLE PROPERTY danmage is 2MIL or more.
- a CG Aircraft, including unmanned aerial systems, or cutter is Missing, Abandoned, Recovery is impossible, or beyond repair.
- A CG Boat has Reportable Property value of $100,000or More. and is missing,Abandoned, ECT.
- Any injury or illness that results in Permanent PARTIAL disability.
- the result of reportable damage to a cutter, aircraft, is $500,00 but less than 2MIL.
- Three or more people are hospitalized
- a CG BOAT has REPAIRABLE damage of $100,000 or more
- An injury or Occ. illness that requires treatment by a medical professional an results in, for any time beyond the day or shift it occurred during.
- loss of time from work
- placement on limited duty or restricted duty standards
- removed from flight status.
- Transfer of any individuals to a different job.
- CG Boats that incur repairable damage of $50,000 up to $100,000 but not greater than
- work related injury that requires more than simple first aid but does not qualify for Class C Mishap
- non- aviation property danmage of $5,000 up to but not greater than $50,000
- aviation property less than $50,000
- near misses (high potential to loss)
When can the CXN leave the boat?
While completing the mission is secondary to safety of the crew, passengers, and boat. the CXN can leave the boat if:
- in the CXNs judgment , and after careful consideration of the remaining crew members experience “ that the operational befits clearly outweigh the risks “ of leaving the boat unmanned.
- if time allows, concurr with the CO
CG General salvage policy
CG “ SHOULD ENGAGE” is salvage towing when;
- no commercial salvage is on scene
- limited Salvage “ can prevent a worsening situation or complete loss of the vessel.”
- if its within the units capabilities
Factors to consider Casualty (9 things)
- Safety; Physical Condition of Crew/ Boat
2, Equipment limitations due to Casualty - Forecasted weather/ current conditions
- Urgency of Mission
- Update GAR
- Shift lookouts
- WEAR/USE PPE, Survival equip properly
- Don’t jeopardize vessel/ crew
- Wear Kill Switch
4 RM Principals
- Accept risk when benefits outweigh the costs
- Accept no Unnecessary risks
- Make risk decisions at the appropriate level
- integrate risk Management into all phases of CG missions & activities
2 Foundational Principals of CG Salvage
- CG units Personnel shall not be unduly Hazarded in performing salvage
- at discretion of CO/OIC
Fire Fighting Policy
CG Personnel Shall not engage in INDEPENDENT fire fighting operations except to save a life or in the early stages of a fire to avert significant threat without undue risk
Relayed through every boat in the area
equivalent to a “MAYDAY”
Multiple SRU’s Creeping Multiple (CM) Spacing
Offset 2nd SRU’s Track by 1/2 track spacing.
SAR Coordinator (SC)
District Commander w/ overall responsibility for establishing, staffing, equipping, and managing SAR systems
Multiple SRU’s Parallel (PM) spacing?
Offset 2nd SRU’s Track by 1/2 track spacing.
Minor Axis
perpendicular to the major Axis
SAR Chain of Command (lowest to highest)
Acuurate within 1-3 NM
406 MHz
same as “MAYDAY”
Major Axis
Parallel to Datum
Used to Align Search Pattern
(PIW) initial spacing
0.1 NM/200yds ALWAYS
Who has Maritime SAR Division
USCG has Responsibility
every vessel that is directed to keep out of the way of another vessel shall take early and substantial action to keep well clear.
Southern LAT
Any Action taken to avoid collision shall be take in accordance with the Rules of this part and shall,
if the circumstances of the case admit, be positive, made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanship.
- ) Any alteration of course or speed shall be made large enough to be readily apparent
- ) action to avoid collision shall result in passing at a safe distance
- ) if necessary a vessel shall slacken her speed, take all way off, or stop utilizing reverse propulsion
Additional Signals for Fishing Vessels fishing in close proximity
Apply’s to all vessels upon the high seas
Every vessel shall use all available means appropriate the the prevailing circumstances and conditions to determine if risk of collision exists. if there is any doubt such risk shall be deemed to exist.
- ) Proper use shall be made of radar equipment.
- ) Assumptions shall not not be made on the basis of scanty information.
- ) Risk shall be deemed to exist if the compass bearing of a approaching vessel does not appreciably change.
- ) Risk may sometimes exist even when an appreciable bearing change is evident.
Lights & Shapes
Distress signals
Pilot Rules
Definition of CREEP
Overall Direction through the search area
Movement through water caused by blowing wind against exposed surface of a search object
the most probable location of the search object CORRECTED for moment OVER TIME.
6 Critical skills of TCT (csalad)
C-communication S- Situational Awareness A- assertiveness L- Leadership A- Adaptability/Flexibility D- Decision making
5 Steps of RM
identify hazards assess hazards develop controls and make decisions implement controls monitor
is used to identify options and lower risks: Spread out Transfer Avoid Accept Reduce
Nothing in these rules exonerates any vessel or the owner, master, or the crew thereof from the consequences of any neglect to comply with these rules or of the neglect of any precaution which may be required by the ordinary practice of seaman or by the special circumstances of the case.
in construing and complying with these rules due regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation and collision and to any special circumstances, including the limitations of vessels involved which may make departure from these rules necessary to avoid immediate danger.
- )Vessels not in sight of one another operating in restricted viz
- )every vessel shall proceed at a safe speed and have engines ready for maneuvering
- ) a vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of another vessel shall determine if a close quarters situation is developing and /or risk of collision exists.
- )if necessary take all way off
Overseas SAR Division
in international waters unified commanders have responsibility.
shall Maintain course & speed
may take action to avoid collision
when stand on vessel finds risk of collision she shall take action that will best avoid collision
Rule 16
every vessel that is directed to keep out of the way of another vessel shall, so far as possible take early and substantial action to keep well clear
GENERAL DEFINITIONS Fishing- nets or fishing apparatus NUC- some exceptional circumstances] RAM- due to the nature of work CBD- draft relation available depth, (international only)
Crossing situations
two power driven vessels
crossing as to involve risk of collision
vessel that has other on STBD shall alter course to stern
a vessel proceeding in a narrow channel shall keep to the outer limits on her STBD side
a vessel <20M or Sailing shall not impead a vessel that can only operate safely within that channel
Trawling Vessels (fishing) Lights
Haul- white over red
Shooting- white over white
Fouled - red over red
1.) Viz, Traffic Density, Manuverability, background lightins, weather, depth
- vessels with operational Radar
Trackline Search
Follows a Vessels intended Route:
- used when - intended route is the only available info
- rapid coverage of proposed track is desired
think: overdue F/V that provided Marina W/ intended Route/ Destination, and time U/W
Sector Search (SS)
Legs= Radius
Turns= 120* to the right
Track spacing =radius
15 seconds buffer time/ goal 9 min
- must have good datum
- Used in small search areas for small objects
- VM search is 30* to the right
Expanding square(SS)
CSP is at Datum, 1st leg is in the direction of drift, turns are 90* to the Right, every 3rd leg is twice the the distdance or time
you NEED
- Good Datum but there is some Doubt
- Small Search Area
Provided Expanding Coverage in all Directions
-min of 5 legs
Barrier Search (SS)
Major Axis Perpendicular to the Direction of the Drift, SRUs run Back and forth along the Down Current end of the Search Area.
-Strong Current Exists
- Containment of Datum is paramount
Think: Person falls off Bridge and you want to prevent them from floating out to sea
Inland SAR Division
USAF has responsibility
* USCG responsible for some parts of Alaska
Search and Rescue Unit (SRU)
SAR Facility Composed of trained Personnel and provided with equipment suitable for conducting SAR OPS
On Scene Coordinator:
in charge at the scene
- Assumes OPS coordination of SAR Facilities on Scene
- Evaluates , Modifies, Implements, Search Action plan
- Conducts all comms between SMC & SRUs
- Makes sitreps of On scene conditions and Mission Progress to SMC.
Creep Search
- Search Legs Align with Minor Axis
- Higher Probability Search Object is one end of area than the other
- Provides uniform coverage
Trackline single Unit NON- Return (TSN)
same as TSR Except that the Search Terminates as the opposite end of the Track from CSP
Actions of SMC
- advise Mariner of assistance policy
- Seeks Desires of Mariner
- Broadcasts MARB if Mariner Dosen’t have Someone to call.
- Monitor response time of Commercial Responder (Must be reasonable)
- Monitor situation, respond accordingly
Parallel Search
Search legs align with major axis
- to cover large area
- provide uniform coverage
- best for multiple SRUs “object can be anywhere”
Trackline Single Unit Return (TSR)
- Intended Route of the search object is known for the search of a trackline or line of Position when unit must Break off search at same end of track as search originated
- 1/2 track space on either side of datum line.
Datum Marker Buoy provides…..
most reliable data
BECCES 05 Fundamental Steps for all
- Updated/ Reassess GAR
- Shift/ maintained lookout
- ensure proper PPE
- Dont jeopardize safety of vessel or crew
- Notify OPCON
- Re-qualify killswitch
who may relieve A Coxn 5 Things
CO, XO, OINC, XPO, or senor person in charge or on scene
False Alarm
Subject is confirmed to not be distressed, and not in need of assistance
Conveyed with intent to Deceive
Maritime, Search and rescue, Assistance, Policy
1982 Ch. 4 SAR addendum
Entering Private Property
Authority to enter without permission to save a life or property
Uncertainty Phase
Situation needs to be monitored or needs more info
- no immediate dispatch
tracklines and symbols
only approved standard tracklines shall be used
green circle, or diamond
Salvage operations that may be permitted
- Plugging hole
- dewatering
- ungrounding small vessels w CO concurrence
High Risk Hours
Initial sleep period is less than 6 hrs your granted 6 hrs
if sleeping already you get whats owed
when to send a SITREP
15 min Prior to Arrival on scene
upon arrival; and at least
at least every 24 hrs
- High risk to CG members
- Must be authorized by Flight Surgeon
- Final Decision is made by pilot or Coxn
Medical Call out
Passing Medical information/ Advised by Radio to a crew
CG negligence due to a breach of duty by…
- acting improperly
- acting when policy dictates you should not or..
- worsening situation that results in damage
Northern LAT
Long Branch 40* 18.0N
Annex III
Sound signal Appliances
1, restricted waters fix intervals
2. coastal waters
- within 2nm of shore obtain fix every 15 min
2. > 2nm offshore obtain fix every 30 min
4 most important pieces of info for SAR
- ) Last known Position LKP
- ) Nature of Distress NOD
- ) Persons on Board POB
- ) Description of vessel
Surface swimmer Policy
A Designated Crewman by Coxswain Typically Deployed during MOB SHALL NOT enter CAPSIZED vessels only used when absolutely necessary MUST volunteer another crewman hand tends harness line SS means another person to pick up may direct trapped people but NEVER dive.
SAR Emergency phases
Uncertainty- Knowledge of situation but requires more info
Alert- Vessel is Experiencing Difficulty but no distress
Distress- Immediate or GRAVE danger
Fatigue Including 8 Factors
HWX, Temperature, mission, STA work, Motion sickness, PPE, Change in work Sleep Cycles, Work Duty time.
14 USC 701
“the CG may, when so requested by proper authority , utilize its personnel and facilities to assist any federal agency, State, Territory, Possession, or political subdivision there of, D.C. - to perform any activity for which such personnel and facilities are especially qualified.
Coxn represents
Reresents CO/ OIC
as such has authority & responsibility which are independent of Rank & senority.
Coxn Authority Responsibility exists once engaged on specific mission /sortie
Engine Lube Oil
Idle = 10-20 PSI Cruising= 49-70 PSI Min Idle= 5 PSI Temp= Quantity= 5.5 Gal type= 40W Filter= 30 Micron Simplex