Percy Shelly Flashcards
Poet of “Mutability”?
Percy Shelley
Year “Mutability” Published?
Genre of “Mutability”
“Mutability” Base Meter
Iambic Pentameter
What does mutability mean?
it means to change
What is mutable in “Mutability”?
the human mind / a thought we have no control over can cause/draw away our focus and happiness
What different things does Shelly compare humans to in “Mutability”?
compares people to restless clouds. Clouds speed brightly across the sky but disappear at night, presumably like a human life. The persona then compares people to lyres, stringed instruments, that are always playing different tunes based on different experiences
What is the eternal human condition in “Mutability”?
eternal human condition of change, in other words, to be mutable. This is both a natural condition, such as the clouds that are one minute here and the next minute there, “restlessly speeding, gleaming, quivering, and streaking across the dark night” only to be soon thereafter “lost for ever,” on the one hand, and a human-caused phenomenon, such as a lyre, “whose strings give a various response to various blasts” and on which no new “modulation sounds like the last.” The point is that all things, natural or created, are always changing. Nothing is constant.
Poet of “Ode to the West Wind”?
Percy Shelley
Year “Ode to the West Wind” Published?
Genre of “Ode to the West Wind”
calls itself an Ode but doesn’t have an irregular form / also a sonnet cycle/invocation
“Ode to the West Wind” base meter
iambic pentameter - some pentameter lines have an extra syllable
What does “Ode to the West Wind” suggest about nature?
Shelley draws a parallel between the seasonal cycles of the wind and that of his ever-changing spirit. Here, nature, in the form of the wind, is presented, according to Abrams “as the outer correspondent to an inner change from apathy to spiritual vitality, and from imaginative sterility to a burst of creative power.”
Thematically, then, this poem is about the inspiration Shelley draws from nature.
Shelley suggests that the natural world holds a sublime power over his imagination
What does “Ode to the West Wind” suggest about religion?
The “breath of autumn being” is Shelley’s atheistic version of the Christian Holy Spirit. Instead of relying on traditional religion, Shelley focuses his praise around the wind’s role in the various cycles in nature—death, regeneration, “preservation,” and “destruction.”
What is Shelly asking of the wind in “Ode to the West WInd”?
it’s a prayer, but he’s addressing the West Wind - asking for inspiration to write poetry
The thematic implication of nature in “Ode to the West Wind”?
The thematic implication is significant: whereas the older generation of Romantic poets viewed nature as a source of truth and authentic experience, the younger generation largely viewed nature as a source of beauty and aesthetic experience. In this poem, Shelley explicitly links nature with art by finding powerful natural metaphors with which to express his ideas about the power, import, quality, and ultimate effect of aesthetic expression.