Percieved Wellbeing After Exercise Flashcards
Ps who exercise for 1 hour per day for 5 days and those who don’t.
Level of well-being on a scale of 1 to 10.
Research aim
To discover the effects of exercise on wellbeing. Hoping to find exercise improves overall well-being for Ps who took part compared to those who did not exercise.
Operationalised alternative hypothesis
Participants who exercise for 1 hour per day for 5 days will have significantly higher perceived well-being on a scale of 1 to 10 than those who did not exercise for 5 days.
Is alternative hypothesis directional or non-directional?
Directional (one tailed)
Why did you choose to use directional hypothesis?
Due to previous research carried out by Helen Sanders (2018) - people who exercise have higher productivity and brain function which helps you live a happier more clear life.
Appropriate null hypothesis
Participants who exercise for 1 hour per day for 5 days will not have significantly higher perceived well-being on a scale of 1 to 10 than those who did not exercise for 5 days, and any difference in well-being is due to chance factors alone.
Characteristics of sample group
30 Ps - 15 in each group
Variety of males and females - 16 females, 14 males
Age range - 17 to 35
Sampling method
Opportunity sampling
Two advantages of opportunity sampling
Convenient to choose family and friends to be in the sample and they are readily available.
Quick method of gathering participants.
Two limitations of opportunity sampling
Researcher bias as researcher chooses who will take part.
Sample will not be easily generalisable to the rest of the population.
Most appropriate method?
Two advantages of questionnaire
Open questions means you can gain rich, qualitative data to discover how Ps really feel when they exercise or not - higher in validity.
Closed questions help researchers quantify data/make quantitative, easier to analyse and display.
Two disadvantages of questionnaire
Can have low response rates as Ps forget to fill them in.
Ps may show social desirability or lie in questionnaire.
What design was chosen?
Independent groups design