Perception Flashcards
Apperceptive Agnosia
Impairment due to deficits in perceptual processing.
- dorsal route
- view dependent
- bottom up processing
- where how
Associative Agnosia -
Perception in tact except difficulties in accessing relevant knowledge about objects from memory.
- Oliver Saks glove example
- ventral
- view invariant - top down
- what
Object Agnosia
Impaired object recognition but intact facial recognition
Structural encoding
Various representations or descriptions of faces
Expression analysis
An emotional state can be inferred from facial features
Facial speech analysis
Speech perception can be aided by observing lip movements
Directed visual processing
Special facial info may be processed selectively
Face recognition units
Structural info about known faces
Person identity nodes
Information about individuals (eg occupation, interests)
Cog system
Contains additional info (eg actors tend to have attractive faces) and influences which other components receive attention
Double dissociation - across patients w an impairment on either face recognition or expression identification
- In a study, participants never reported putting a name to a face while knowing nothing else about that person
Visual Agnosia
Impairment of visual object recognition despite otherwise preserved visual abilities
The model omits the first stage of processing (i.e., detecting that they‘re looking at a face)
Facial identity and facial expression may not be entirely independent
There may be multiple systems for facial expressions
The emotional system may play a far more integral role here
Posed expressions
lack congruent feeling (i.e. happiness)
- lack congruent feeling (i.e. happiness)
Spontaneous facial expressions
are known as “Duchenne” expressions.
Expressed with congruent feeling (i.e. feeling happy and smiling)
Uses the cingulate and basal ganglia.