Peperami Flashcards
What was Peperami’s main challenge?
- In 1987 the news suggested Peperami could give you salmonella
- Trial of Peperami with its reintroduction was at an all-time low
- Low penetration
What were the 2 main objectives of a new Peperami communications campaign?
1) Increase trial rates
2) Increase purchase frequency amongst core users
What steps did Peperami take to build its strategy?
1) Semiotic brand analysis: an psychological interrogation that uncovered insights. Peperami was both meat + a snack, two things that usually don’t mix
2) Confessional qualitative research: to uncover the consumer relationship with the brand (they consume it like a caveman)
3) Trialled 57 adcepts with 4 different voices with a focus group
What was Peperami’s creative idea?
The creative idea centred on an animated Peperami character. A creature with an attitude whose antics embodied all the brand’s manic personality traits identified by consumers, wrapped up with an arresting, ontroversial and disarmingly honest endline ‘It’s a bit of an animal!’
To make the loudest noise with the smalles budget, they had to go with the tactics of surprise, deception and suspense. What was Peperami’s Media Strategy?
1) Spend 75% of the budget in the first 2 weeks to create hype.
2) Withdraw from TV altogether to generate word-of-mouth discussion
3) Return to TV with a short ‘drip’ to remind audience of the TV ad for as long as budget would last (10 weeks)
4) Target single buying audiences 16-24 years old and programmes that are not ‘obviously’ for the youth, so as to not share SOV with PepsiMax, Sega and other young brands
What were the results of the Peperami campaign?
1) It paved the way to negotiations to be stocked in dual sitings in groceries (tactically, a promotional boxes were placed on the deli countertop)
2) Market share increase of 90.4%
3) Penetration (growth) increased by 40%
4) NET effect: increase by 26.6% in sales volume
5) Brand awareness 62%
6) 87% Recall amongst 16-24 males
7) Brand popularity, interest and likelihood to try