People's Biographies Flashcards
Born in Northampton, England
Anne Bradstreet
Simon Bradstreet; married when 16; graduate of Cambridge University
Anne Bradstreet
Both Thomas and Simon were governors of Massachusetts
Anne Bradstreet
Moved to Boston in 1630, moved to Andover about 10 years later
Anne Bradstreet
8 children and was frequently ill
Anne Bradstreet
Volumes express Puritan belief that one must not become attached to things of this world
Anne Bradstreet
Had 2 volumes
1st edition- long poems about medicine, history and qualities of fire
2nd edition- shorter poems about children, husbad and home
Anne Bradstreet
Went to Yale at age 13
Jonathan Edwards
Elected president of Princeton University; died after taking one office
Jonathan Edwards
Preached to Native Americans
Jonathan Edwards
Born in East Windsor, CT
Jonathan Edwards
Married Sarah Pierrepont who was as religious as him
Jonathan Edwards
When he preached the sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” audience freaked out
Jonathan Edwards
Preached mainly at Northampton, MA
Jonathan Edwards
First book was written at age 11
Jonathan Edwards
Europeans were impressed by him; made them respect out literature more
Jonathan Edwards
Minister of Boston’s Old North Church
Cotton Mather
True believer in withcraft
Cotton Mather
Turned away from supernatural and may have debated whether it played the role in life he first suspected
Cotton Mather
Urged the judges to consider spectral evidence
Cotton Mather
Was in Salem to witness the execution of ex-minister Georgr Burroughs for witchcraft
Cotton Mather
Best known “Memorable Provinces” out of 382 works
Cotton Mather
Tried to minimize his own large roles in its consideration in the Salem trials
Cotton Mather
Speeches were not printed and never fully written down
Patrick Henry
Practicing law and known for winning his cases
Patrick Henry
His first speech was in opposition to Stamp Act
Patrick Henry
Elected to Virginia House of Burgesses at less than age 30
Patrick Henry
Governor proclaimed him an outlaw
Patrick Henry
Used his tall, awkward body expressively
Patrick Henry
Helped write Constitution
Patrick Henry
Had 2 counties named after him
Patrick Henry
Served 5- 1 year terms and was elected as governor of Virginia
Patrick Henry
Born on Virginia frontier
Patrick Henry
Left school at 13 and worked unsuccessfully as a sailor, teacher, grocer, tax collector and corset maker
Thomas Paine
By mid 30’s faced imprisonment and in debt
Thomas Paine
Published an article comparing slavery to murder
Thomas Paine
Wrote “common sense”- 47 pg. pamphlet encouraging the colonists to think the unthinkable; published in 1776
Thomas Paine
Urged that the overthrown French king be impriosned rather than executed; how he was imprisoned
Thomas Paine
Denounced as a “lying, drunken, brutal infidel” because of his support with thr French Revolution and his attacks on organized religion
Thomas Paine
Denied the right to vote
Thomas Paine
Dies in New Rochelle, NY
Thomas Paine
Tombstone desecrated and when was later dug up and taken to England it was denies burial
Thomas Paine
Moved to America
Thomas Paine
The Tenth Muse lately sprung up- first volume of poems published by an American; first volumes of poetry in English written by a woman
Anne Bradstreet
Him and John Adams died July 4th, 1826
Thomas Jefferson
Became president in 1801
Thomas Jefferson
Elected to the House of Burgesses in 1768
Thomas Jefferson
Champion of equal rights, intellectual and political freedom
Thomas Jefferson
Wrote pamphlet because it was so good he was the first author of the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
Sold 10,000 books to Congress for basis of Library of Congress
Thomas Jefferson
Designed house; Monticello, planned building and campus of Universiry of Virginia
Thomas Jefferson
Born in Boston, MA
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Entered Harvard college at age 14
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Later generations criticized him for being too optimistic about human nature and progress
Ralph Waldo Emerson
First book “Nature” appeared in 1836, tried to overturn idea of nature as a Big Machine
Ralph Waldo Emerson
After months of living in Europe, he settled in Concord MA; married again and took up career of writing and lecturing
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Son of a minister, became a pastor at age of 29
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Poor childhood because father died early
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Resigned from pulpit after wife died
Ralph Waldo Emerson
After he left college; he was depressed and disallusioned
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Developed idea of Transcendentalism by taking works of other authors
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Born in Concord, MA
Henry David Thoreau
Attended Harvard, started technology but redused to use corporal punishment
Henry David Thoreau
Started his own school with his brother
Henry David Thoreau
Friends with Ralph Waldo Emerson, became his disciple
Henry David Thoreau
Helped write and edit “The Dial”
Henry David Thoreau
Tested the Transcendental ideals
Henry David Thoreau
- considered the masterwork of Thoreau and the guide of Transcendentalism
- combines observations of nature with social criticism and philosophy
- Thoreau’s rejection of Mexican War
- written while in jail for not paying his taxes as a protest of war
- has inspired Gandhi and MLK Jr.
Civil Disobedience
Died of tuberculosis at the age of 45
Henry David Thoreau
In his life, he saw the population rise 10 times over and the nation grew from AG to industry
William Cullen Bryant
When he moved from MA to NYC his interest changed from poetry to journalism
William Cullen Bryant
At 17 he wrote his most famous poem Thanatopsis( most popular for awhile)
William Cullent Bryant
Father of American poetry
William Cullen Bryant
Was a corner stone in establishing the new Romantic movement in American literature
Born in Salem, MA on July 4, 1804
Nathaniel Hawthorne
When he was 4, his father a sea captain died at sea
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Mother moved the family to the Woods of Maine
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Adds the ‘w’ to Hawthorne to distance himself from his notorious ancestor, 1 of the 3 judges at the Salem Witch Trials
Nathaniel Hawthorne