people in business Flashcards
motivation def
the factors that influence the behaviour of workers towards achieving a set goal
labour productivity def
a measure of the efficency of the workers by calculating the output per worker
absenteeism def
workers non attendance at work without good reason
labour turnover def
the rate at which workers leave a business
benefits of a well motivated workforce
improved productivity more competitive low rate of absenteeism better quality goods and services low rate of labour turnover
maslows’s hierachy: concept of human needs
self actualisation esteem needs social needs safety needs physical needs
esteem needs
respect, recognition, status
self actualisation needs
realising ones potential
social needs
friendship, acceptance, belonging
safety needs
heath and safety, job security, free from threats
physical needs
water, food, shelter, clothing and rest
how does maslows hierachy work
all humans start at the lowest level (physical) and are then motivated to try and reach the next level. once a need has been satisfied it is no longer a motivator.
limitations of maslows hierachy
difficult to identify whether a need has been met or not
some things like money might satisfy multiple levels
not everyone has the same needs
self actualsiation is rarely achieved
the theory of economic man def
the view that humans are only motivated by money
piece-rate def
paying workers for each unit produced
what is the taylors scientific management theory
to get workers to increase their efforts they had to be motivated with money.
hygiene factors def
factors that must be present in the workplace to prevent hob dissatisfaction
motivators def (herzberg)
the factors that influence a person to increase their efforts
give some of herzberg’s hygiene factors
working condiditons relationships salary supervision company policy
give some of herzberg’s motivators
the work itself responsibility advancement achievement recognition
job dissatisfaction def
how unhappy and discontent a person is with their job
financial rewards def
cash and non cash reqards paid to workers which are often used to motivate workers to increase their efforts
non-financial rewards def
methods used to motivate workers that do not involve giving any financial reward
hourly wage rate def
payment to workers based on a fixed amount for each hour worked
salary def
fixed annual payment to certain grades and types of staff not based on hours or output
piece ratae def
payment to workers basd on number of units produced
adv of hourly wage
business only pays while worker is at work
disadv of hourly awage
not linked to output
adv of salary (to business)
workers do not get more if they do more work/longer hours
disadv of salary
salarynot linked to worker effort or output
piece rate adv
workers only paid on output
disadv pof piece rate
quality may be poor
commission def
payument to sales staff based on value of items they sell
adv of comission
linked to value fo goods sold
disadv of comission
never certian on how much they will earn
bonus def
an additional reward to workers for achiveing targets set by managers
performace related pay
a bonus scheme used to reward staff for performing to the required standard
adv to bonus schme
increase in productivity and motivation
disadv to bonus scheme
if targets are unrealistic workers will become unmotivated
fringe benefit def
non-cash rewards often used to recruit or retain workers and to recognise the status of certain employees
adv of fringe
help in recruitment
disadv of fringe
often linked to status and not performance
organisatonal structure def
the formal, internal framework of a business that shows how it is managed and organised
functional department defq
the main activities of the business, finance, marketing, operations, human resources and research and devleopment
hierachy def
the number of levels in an organisational structure
chain of command def
the route through which authority is passed down through an organisation
delegation def
passing authority down through the organizational hierachy to a subordinate
subordiante def
an employee who is below another employee in the organisatiosn hierachy
span of control def
the number of subordinates reporting to each supervisor/manager
factors ingluencing span of control
difficulty of tasks experience and skill of workers size of business levels of hierachy management style
adv of wide span of control
less expensive (fewer managers)
more worker motivaion
faster communication and desicion making
disadv of wide span of control
fewer managers/supervisors reduces promotion opportunites
less control
effective communication may be difficult
adv of narrow span of control
effective communicatione easier
better control
more promotion opportunities
disadv of narrow span of control
communication and decision making slower
more expensive (more managers)
reduced worker motivation
tall organisatiosn have
many levels of hierarchy. chain of command long. narrow span of control. slower decision making
flat organisations have
few levels of hierachy. chain of command short. decision making fast. wide span of control
delayering def
reducing the size of the hierachy by removing one or more levels, most often middle management
adv of delayerign
reduces costs
faster communication
wider span of control. more delegation.
senior managers more in touch
disadv of delayering
increased workload for mangagers who remain
redundancy payments
lack of job security
wider span of control
centralised organisation def
one where all the important decision making power is held at head office, or the centre.
decentralised organisation def
one where the decision making powers are passed down the organisation to lower levels
adv of centralised
decision making quucker
decisions made with benefits to whole business
greater use of specalist staff improves decision making
disadv of centralised
slower communication
unable to respond quickly to changes in local markets
may reduce worker motivation
adv of decentralised
decisions made on local needs
used to train junior mangers
delegation increases worker motivation
disadv of decentralied
decisions made not in the interest of the whole business
poor decisions if managers lack skill/experinece
directors def
appointed or elected members of the board of directors of a company who have the responsibility for determining and implementing the company’s policy. some directors might also have a management role.
annual general meeting def
a meeting for shareholders that limited companies must hold once every year
chief executive officer def
the most senior manager responsible for the overall performance and success of a company
manager def
an individual who is in charge of a certain group of tasks, or certain area or department of a business
responsibilites of directors
set strategy
making sure that resources are available to achieve objectives
reviewing manager performance
protecting the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders
providing leadership to ensure success of business
responsibilities of departmental managers
making sure directors decisions are carried out
taking decisions to achieve departmental targets
motivating workers
solving day to day problems
internal recruitment def
filling a vacant post with someone already employed in the business
external recruitment def
filling a vacant post with somebody not already employed in the business
adv of internal recruitment
vacancy filled quicker and easier
applicants know how business works
the business already knows the appliants
worker motivation
disadv of internal recruitment
a better candidate could have come from outside the business
conflict in the workplace
no new ideas
still be a vacancy to fll
adv of external recruitment
new ideas
wider choice of applicants
avoids competition among workers
disadv of external recuritment
longer to fill
more expensive
induction training
recruitment process
identification of need for job job description person specification advertising application forms and job details receive applications shortlist interviews right candidate
job description def
list of key points baout the job, job title, key duties, responsibility and accountability
who does the recruitment process
Human resources
person specification def
a list of the qualifications, skills, experience, and personal qualities looked for in a successful applicant
where could you advertise the job
national newspapers specialist magazines websites government-run job centers specialist recruitment agencies
what does a CV contain
name address contact details skills and experiences hobbies and intersts contact details of references
shortlist def
a list of candidates who are chosen from all of the applicants to be interviewed for the job
benefits of part time worker
women who want to return to work with flexible hours can
keep experineced staff
greater flexibility
allows for changes in demand
might be more productive this way
two part time vs one full time
dont take time off for medical/dental appointments
limitations of aprt time workers
increase in induction and training costs
communication problems
quality of service offered may not be as good
improtance of trainign
increase productvity increase in quality of decisions develop worker's ability and motivation easier to recruit new workers and retain them improve cutomer service health and safety reduces accidents improve competitivenss
induction trainign de
a training programme to helo new recruits become familiar with workplace, people they work with and procedures to follow
on the job training def
training at place of work. watching or following a more experinced worker
what does induction trainign do
introduces new worker to colleague, organisation structure, health and safety, role and responsibilities, facilities available.
adv of on the job
quite cheap
workers learn the way the busienss wants it done
producing output whilst trainign
disadv of on the job
might pick up bad habits
might not learn the most up to date methods
slows down production
increase in waste whilst learning
communication media def
the methods used to communicate a message
feedback def
the receiver’s response to a message
waht is internal communication
where emplpyees communicate with eachother
what is external commmunication
where people inside the business communicate with perople outside the busienss
when is communication effective
if the message is sent with correct communication media
the message is sent and received by the right people
the receiver understands the message
the reciever provides feedback to confirm they got and understand the message
effective communicaton def
information passed between two or more people or groups with feedback to confirm that the message has been recieved and understood
two way communication def
the reciever is allowed to respond to the message and the sender listens to the rsponse
benefits of effective communication
reducing risk of mistakes
enabling faster decision making
enabling quicker responses to market change
improving coordination between departments
improving morale and motivation of the workforce
improving customer relationshipps
what is oral communication
e.g. meetings and phone calls.
what is written communication
e.g. letter, memorandum (only internal), agenda, minutes of meeting, job descriptiosns. purchase order
company magazine
what is electronic communication
e.g. email fax and texts
adv of oral communication
personal contact
immediate feedback
language can be altered to the needs of receiver
disadv of oral communication
no permanent record
reiver might not listen
noise could block effective communication
adv of written communicaton
provides permanent record
can be used by receiver moe than once
can be sent to many recievers
message cannot be changed
disadv of written communication
no personal contact
feedback is slower
might not be understood
time consuming
adv of electronic communication
some are permanent records
can be sent to many at the same time
can be used to make a more interesting message
disadv of electronic communication
not everyone has equipment needed
equipment and software can be expensive
no personal contact
risk of loss of confidentiality
adv of visual
simplify more complex data
creates interest and grabs attention
easy to remember
disadv of visual
some detail might be lost
different receivers might interpret the message differently
how do you choose the right method of communication
urgency length and complexity how many people need to receive it how far away the receiver is how important it is for all receivers to get the same message cost importance of a record] if it requires discussion confidentiality
profit sharing def
an additional payment to workers based on the profits of the business
job roation def
increasing variety in the workplace by allowing workers to switch from one task to another
job enlargement def
increasing or widening tasks to increase variety for workers
job enrichment def
organising work so that workers are encouraged to use their full abilities
job satsifaction def
how happy and content a person is with their job.
quality circles def
groups of workers who meet regularly to discuss work-related problems
team-working def
organising production so that groups of workers complete the whole unit of work
delegation def
passing responsibility to perform tasks to workers lower down in the organisation
supervisor def
an individual who checks and controls the work of subordinates
functions of management
planning organising commanding coordinating controlling
autocratic leadership def
where the leader makes all the decisions
democratic eladership def
a leadership style where workers take part in decision making
laissez-faire leadership
a leadership style where most of the decisions are left to the workers
how do you choose a leadership style
skills of workforce
time available for decision
manager’s personality
task to be completed
trade union def
an organization of workers aimed at improving pay and working conditions and providing other services, such as legal advice for members
what do trade unions do
negotiate with employers
resolving conflict
providing legal support and advice
providing services for members like pension and insurance schemes
off the job training def
training that takes place away from the workplace, like a college, university or specalist training provider’s premises.
reseignation def
termination of employment by workers, perhaps because they have found a job with a different employer.
retirement def
termination of employment due to the worker reaching an age beyond they do not need to work.
redundancy def
terminaton of emplpyment by the employer because the job is no longer needed.
dismissal def
termination by the employer because the worker has broken company rules or is not performing work to the required standard.
legal controls over employment issues
contracts of employment unfair dismissal discrimination health and safety minimum wage
what does the contract of employment contain
name of employer and employee data of commencement of employment amount employee will be paid number of hours employee will work job and main responsiblities of employee number of days the employee will recieve period of the time the worker has to give the employer if they wish to leave their employment grieveance and displinary procedures
main communication barriers
problems with the channel of communication
problems between senders and receivers
problems with physical environment
problems caused by ineffective communication
wrong type of worker recruited tasks not completed tasks done incorrectly business reputation damaged worker's morale and motivation fails risk of accidents in the workplace poor sales