People Flashcards
Agrippa the Younger
was one of the most prominant women in the julio-cloudian dynasty
she was routhless and ambitious
she became the empress of rome,
was the province leader of britannia, was written about by tacitus, and was revered as one of the best province leaders
even though the writings were biased
Antonius Pius
was also known as antonius emporer for 138-161
he gained the name pius becuase he saved the senators that were sentenced to death under emporer hadrian
Bulla Felix
because there was rising inequality, people turned to being professional theifs
he was the robin hood of the roman empire
nobody wanted to turn him in because they got money
finally caught because of a roman commander bribed his girlfriend
was the son of Septimius Severus, the empire was divided between the two brothers
Carcalla assissinated his brother and erased everything about him, it was like he didnt exist (damnatio memoriae)
was a bad emporer
Claudius Germanicus (emperor)
was popular among the armies
was the nephew of tiberius
his brother was the retarded emporer
was emporer from 161 to 192
he was reigning over the western roman empire and was the first emporer to be “born in purple”
he declaired himself emporer after hearing that Aurelius had died
he ruled jointly with his father and was one of the 5 good emporers, and actually had an heir to the thrown
first roman emporer to be converted to christianity because of the dream while he was at war, this sign will make you win
he built constantinople which was called the New Rome
reign 306-337
Roman emporer from 284-305
he attempted to curb inflation with price controls, but they were just unequal
he kept the roman empire stable for the next 100 years because of his reforms
he was the first roman emporer to retire
- worst emporer ever
- turned the emperial palace into a brothel
- tried to turn himself into a woman
- worshiped a metiorite
- married a vestal virgin
- thought of himself as a god
- was an egyptian god
- was thought of as the ideal mother and wife
- was the god of magic and nature
Flavius Josephus
- was a jewish aristocrat
- had a vision from god that the romans would win and vespasian would be emperor
- was vespasians counsler
- took the original scrolls and scriptures with him to rome and writes the jewish bible
- under him titus sacks jerusalem
- crucified by Pilate, real roman governor
- christianity started in Judea
- first images were of him walking on water
- romans thought of him as a magitian or miracle maker
- he refused to worship their gods
- emporer from 361-363
- was a philosopher
- was killed in war against the Sassanid empire
- He attempted to revive the Roman religions but was unsuccessful in converting people back
- emporer from 527-565
- one of the last emporers to speak latin as his first language
- swept through the mediteranean and took back northern africa, italy, sicily