People Flashcards
Sir Robert Walpole
First PM (1721-1742) as King George I (a German) relied heavily on ministers because of his poor English
Oliver Cromwell
titled Lord Protector (circa 1640s-1650s) and led Britain whilst it was without a monarch
King Alfred the Great
Unites the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and defeated the Vikings
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Engineer - bridges, trains, tunnels, ships
the Clifton Suspension Bridge
Dylan Thomas
Welsh poet (“Under Milk Wood” & “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night”)
Robert Burns
Scottish poet (“The Bard”), Auld Lang Syne
Richard Arkwright
Efficient and profitable factory owner during Industrial Revolution
Sake Dean Mahomet
Set up first curry house in Britain and introduced shampooing
Who was Florence Nightingale
Founder of modern nursing
Emmeline Pankhurst
Suffrage leader
Rudyard Kipling
Indian-born author and poet. Work reflected idea that British empire was a force for good
George and Robert Stevenson
Famous pioneers of railway engines
St Columba & St Augustine
Led missionaries from Rome
Sir Francis Drake
Elizabethan sailor who helped defeat Spanish Armada and who later sailed around the world
French Protestants feeling prosecution settled in England pre-1720
Henry VIII
Famous for marrying 6 times and breaking away from Church of Rome so he could get a divorce. Wales was united with England under his rule. Wives (in order): (1) Catherine of Aragon (2) Anne Boleyn (3) Jane Seymour (4) Anne of Cleves (5) Catherine Howard (6) Catherine Parr
Margaret Thatcher
First female PM and the longest serving PM of the 20th century
Alexander Fleming
Scottish doctor who discovered penicillin (1928)
Clement Attlee
Churchill’s Deputy PM. Became PM in 1945. Nationalised major industries and created NHS
Mary Peters
Olympic athlete who promoted sport and tourism in Northern Ireland
Roald Dahl
Welsh author (“Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” & “George’s Marvellous Medicine”)
The Chartists
Campaigned for the right of working class people to vote
Life peers
Appointed by the monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister
Which Two British film actors have recently won Oscars?
Tilda Swinton & Colin Firth
William the Conqueror
The Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror after he became king in 1066
Who was the first Briton to win the Olympic gold medal in the 10,000 meters?
Mo Farah
Who was the first Briton to win the Olympic gold medal in the 10,000 meters?
Opening a parliamentary session
Sir Tim Berners-Lee
Invented the World Wide Web
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell (1659–95) was the organist at Westminster Abbey. He wrote church music and operas
James Cook
Mapped the coast of Australia
Winston Churchill
Became a PM during WWII
Sir Steve Redgrave
Has won gold medals in rowing in five consecutive Olympic Games
David Hume
Developed important human nature ideas
Where was Florence Nightingale born
Sir Francis Drake
One of the commanders in the defeat of the Spanish Armada, was one of the founders of England’s naval tradition.
His ship (The Golden Hind) was one of the first to sail around the world.
Dame Kelly Holmes
Has won two gold medals for running in the 2004 Olympic Games
Sir Christopher Wren
Designed the new St Paul Cathedral
Gilbert and Sullivan
Wrote the operas HMS Pinafore and The Mikado
What is the judiciary responsible for?
Judges, who are together called ‘the judiciary’, are responsible for interpreting the law and ensuring that trials are conducted fairly.
Henry VII
Henry VII wanted to make sure that England remained peaceful and that his position as king was secure. He deliberately strengthened the central administration of England and reduced the power of the nobles.
What did the first farmers build in Britain?
Houses and Monuments
Who is responsible for subjects such as education, health and defence?
Secretary of State
Who introduced the Statute of Rhuddlan?
King Edward I of England
Damien Hirst and Richard Wright
Turner Prize winners (art)
Where did the supporters of Charles Edward Stuart come from?
The Highlands
Who was the first Danish King?
Cnut also ‘Canute’
Who won the Wars of the Roses?
House of Lancaster
Who ordered to write the Book of Common Prayer?
Edward VI
Who set up the first formal anti-slavery campaigns?
The Quakers
Which clan was killed because of not taking an oath?
The MacDonalds of Glencoe
John macLeod
Discovered insulin
John Barbour
wrote The Bruce about the Battle of Bannockburn in the Scots language
Sir Edwin Lutyens
Designed the Cenotaph
Sir Ian Wilmot and Keith Campbell
Led a team to clone a mammal for the first time
Which of Henry VIII’s wives were executed?
Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard
Who is known as William the Conqueror?
William, the Duke of Normandy