People Flashcards
Hermann von Helmholtz
(1821-1894) Studies of reaction time (physiological experiment) reinforced idea of mind as physical
Gustav Fechner
(1801-1889) Range of sounds human ear can detect; importance of mental processes as well as physiology. in psychology
Ancient Greek philosophers
Observations can be accounted for by natural, not supernatural, explanations
British empiricists
Knowledge is the result of experience
Ancient physicians
The brain is the source of mind
17th & 18th century natural scientists
Discoveries about sensation and movement showed that the mind was physical
Wilhelm Wundt
(1832-1920) First experimental psychologist, measure reaction time - Structuralism : behaviour can be broken down into its components
Edward Titchener
(1867-1923) Expanded on Wundt’s views to establish theory of Structuralism - mind can be broken down into smallest elements of mental experience
20th Century German psychologists (Kurt Koffka, Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Köhler)
Gestalt psychology (‘whole’/’form’ psychology) - Breaking a whole perception into building blocks would result in the loss of some important psychological information [ex. A 13 C, 12 13 14]
William James
(1842-1910) Functionalism - behaviour is purposeful because it leads to survival [emphasizes role of evolution in mental processes and behaviour]
Sigmund Freud
(1856-1939) Psychodynamic theory : ideas about the unconscious mind, the role of experience in abnormal behaviour, and nw approaches to therapy laid a foundation for later study in personality and therapy
Abraham Maslow
(1908-1970) Humanistic psychology : theory of motivation and ideas about exceptional people to the growing humanistic psychology movement [what makes a human ‘good’]
Carl Rodgers
(1802-1987) Humanistic therapist who developed new approach to therapy called client-centred therapy - people receiving therapy are called clients rather than patients
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
(1849-1936) Behaviourism : Experience is the primary source of behaviour [Dogs’ salivation in response to arrival of handler or harness indicates dogs’ association to anticipate important future events (classical conditioning)]
John B. Watson
(1878-1958) Relationships between environmental cues and behaviour [blank-slate approach]
Edward Thorndike
(1904-1990) Law of effect - behaviours followed by pleasant outcomes would be more likely to occur in the future [cat behaviour when escaping box]
B. F. Skinner
(1904-1990) Inner, private states such as thinking and feeling exist, but they are behaviours that follow same rules at public behaviours rather than mental states
Max Wertheimer
(1880-1943) Gestalt psychology : breaking behaviour into components loses meaning
Ulric Neisser
(1828-2012) Cognitive revolution : Private mental processing can be studied scientifically