People Flashcards
ADDIE model
Instructional systems design framework consisting of five steps that guide the design and development of learning programs
Blended learning
Planned approach to learning that includes a combination of instruction led training, self directed study, and/or on the job training
All financial returns including salary and allowances
Applicant tracking systems (ATS)
Software application that automates organization management of the recruiting process
Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)
Factor that is reasonably necessary, in the normal operations of an organization, to carry out a particular job function
Compensation philosophy
Short but broad statement documenting an organizations guiding principles and core values about employee compensation
Related to technical skills training; often partnership between employers and unions
Combining several salary grades or job classifications with narrow pay ranges into one brand with a wider salary spread
Clusters of highly interrelated attributes, including knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), that give rise to the behaviors needed to perform a given job effectively
Assessment centers
Assesment tools that provide candidates a wide range of leadership situations and problem solving exercises
Career development
Progression through a series of employment stages characterized by relatively unique issues, themes, and tasks
Cost of living adjustment (COLA)
Pay adjustment given to eligible employees regardless of performance or organizational profitability; usually linked to inflation
Auditory learners
People who learn best by relying on their sense of hearing
Career management
Preparing, implementing, and monitoring employees career paths, with a primary focus o the goals and needs of the organization
Developmental activities
Activities that focus on preparing employee for future responsibilities while increasing their capacity to perform their current jobs
Balanced scorecard
Performance management tool that depicts an organizations overall performance, as measured against goals, lagging indicators, and leading indicators
Career planning
Actions and activities that individuals perform in order to give direction to their work lives
Distance learning
Process of delivering educational or instructional programs to locations away from a classroom or site
Process by which an organization identities performance gaps and sets goals for performance improvement, by comparing its data, performance levels, and/or processes against those of other organizations
Focused, interactive communication and guidance intended to develop and enhance on the job performance, knowledge or behavior
Domestic partners
Unmarried couples, of the same or opposite sex, who live together and seek economic and noneconomic benefits comparable to those granted to their married counterparts
Mandatory or voluntary payments or services provided to employees, typically covering retirement, health care, sick pay/disability, life insurance, and paid time off
Pay rate divided by the midpoint of the pay range
Dual career ladders
Career development programs that identify meaningful career paths for professional and technical people outside traditional management roles
Employee engagement
Employees emotional commitment to an organization, demonstrated by their willingness to put in discretionary effort to promote the organizations effective functioning
Flat rate pay
Provides each incumbent of a job with the same rate of pay, regardless of performance or seniority (single rate pay)
Job analysis
Process of systematically studying a job in order to identify the activities/tasks and responsibilities it includes, the personal qualifications necessary to perform it, and the conditions under which it is performed
Electronic media delivery of educational and training materials, processes and programs
External equity
Situation in which an organizations compensation levels and benefits are similar to those of other organizations that are in the same labor market and compete for the same employees
Internal equity
Extent to which employees perceive that monetary and other rewards are distributed equitably, based on effort, skill and/or relevant outcomes
Employee surveys
Instruments that collect and assess information on employees attitudes and perceptions of the work environment or employment conditions
Green circle rates
Situations in which an employees pay is below the minimum of the range
Job description
Document that describes a job and its essential functions and requirements
Employee life cycle (ELC)
Activities associated with an employee’s tenure in an organization
General pay increase
Pay increase given to employees based on local competitive market requirements; awarded regardless of employee performance
Job classificatin
Job evaluation method in which descriptions are written for each class of jobs; individual jobs are then put into the grade that best matches their class description
Employment branding
Process of position an organization as an employer of choice in the labor market
Incentive pay
Form of direct compensation where employers pay for performance beyond normal expectations to motivate higher performance
Job enrichment
Process of increasing a job’s depth by adding responsibilities to the job
Employee value proposition (EVP)
Employees’ perceived value of the total rewards and tangible and intangible benefits they receive from the organization as part of the employment, which drives unique and compelling organizational strategies for talent acquisition, retention and engagement
Head count
Number of people on an organization’s payroll at a particular moment in time
Job enlargement
Process of broadening a job’s scope by adding different tacks to the job
Essential functions
Primary job duties that a qualified individual must be able to perform, either with or without reasonable accommodation
Individual development plan (IDP)
Document that guides employees toward their goals for professional development and growth
Job ranking
Job evaluation method that involves establishing a hierarchy of jobs from lowest to highest based on each job’s overall value to the organization
Environmental scanning
Process that involves a systematic survey and interpretation of relevant data to identify external opportunities and threats and to assess how they are likely to affect the organization in the future
Payments in return for the achievement of specific time limited, targeted objectives
Job evaluation
Process of determining a job’s value and price for the purpose of attracting and retaining employees, by comparing the job against other jobs within the organization or against similar jobs in competing organizations
Job rotation
Movement between different jobs
Learning management system (LMS)
System that holds course content information and has the capability of tracking and managing employee course restrictions, career development, and other employee development activities
Process of assimilating new employees into an organization, through orientation programs to help them, as well as their experiences in their first months of employment
Job specifications
Written statements of the minimum qualifications for the job incumbent
Learning organization
Organization characterized by a capability to adapt to changes in environment
On the job training (OJT)
Training provided to employees at the work site utilizing demonstration and performance of job tasks
Job content based job evaluation
Job evaluation method in which the relative worth and pay structure of different job are based on a assessment of their content and their relationship to other jobs within the organization
Lump sum increase (LSI)
One time payment made to an employee; also called performance bonus
Organizational learning
Acquisition and/or transfer of knowledge within an organization through activities or processes that may occur at several organizational levels. Ability of an organization to learn from its mistakes and adjust its strategy accordingly
Kinesthetic leaners
People who learn best through a hands on approach; also called tactile learners
Market based job evaluation
Job evaluation method in which the relative worth and pay structure of different jobs are based on their market value or the going rate in the marketplace
Organization values
Beliefs and principles defined by an organization to direct and govern its employees behavior
Lagging indicator
Type of metric describing an activity or change in performance that has already occurred
Maturity curves
Correlate pay with time spent in professional field such as teaching or research
Process by which new employees become familiar with the organization and with their specific department, coworkers and job
Leader development
Training and professional development programs targeted at assisting management- and executive- level employees in developing the skills, abilities, and flexibility required to deal with a variety of situations
Relationship in which one person helps guide another’s development
Paired comparison
Job evaluation method in which each job is compared with every other job being evaluated; the job with the largest number of “greater than” rankings is the highest ranked job
Ability to influence, guide, inspire or motivate a group or person to achieve their goals
Merit pay
Situation where an individual’s performance on the job is the bases for the amount and timing of pay increase; also called performance-based pay or pay for performance
Pay compression
Occurs when there is only a small difference in pare between employees regardless of their experience, skills, level, or seniority; also known as salary compression
Leading indicator
Type of metric describing an activity that can change future performance and predict success in the achievement of strategic goals
Mission statement
Concise outline of an organization’s strategy specifying the activities it intends to pursue and the course its management has charted for the future
Pay for performance (P4P, PfP)
Situation where an individual’s performance on the job is the basis for the amount and timing of pay increases; also called merit pay or performance based pay
Pay grades
Used to group jobs that have approximately the same relative internal or external worth and are paid at the same rate or within the same pay range
Person-based pay
Pay systems in which employee characteristics, rather than the job, determine pay
Red-circle rates
Situations in which employees’ pay is above the range maximum
Pay ranges
Set the upper and lower bounds of possible compensation for individuals whose jobs fall within a pay grade
Pilot programs
Learning/development programs offered initially in a controlled environment with a segment of the target audience
Remuneration surveys
Instruments that collect information on prevailing market compensation and benefits practices
Performance appraisal
Process of measuring and evaluating an employee’s adherence to performance standards and providing feedback to the employee
Point-factor system
Job evaluation method that looks at compensable factors that reflect how much a job adds value to the organization; points are assigned to each factor and then added to come up with an overall point value for the job
Ability of an organization to keep its employees
Performance bonus
One-time payment made to an employee; also called a lump-sum increase (LSI)
Payments in return for the achievement of specific, time-limited, targeted objectives
Process of evaluating the most suitable candidates for a position
Performance management
Tools, activities, and processes that an organization uses to manage, maintain, and/or improve the job performance of employees
Productivity-based pay
Pay baed on the quantity of work and outputs that can be accurately measured
Selection interviews
Interviews designed to probe areas of interest to the interviewer in order to determine how well a job candidate meets the needs of the organization
Performance standards
Behaviors and results as defined by an organization to communicate the expectations of management
Realistic job preview (RJP)
Toll used in the staffing/selection process to provide an applicant with honest, complete information about the job and work environment
Selection screening
Analyzing candidate’s application forms, curriculum vitae, and resumes to locate the most qualified candidates for an open job
Performance based pay
Situation where an individual’s performance on the job is the bases for the amount and timing of pay increases; also called merit pay or pay for performance
Reasonable accommodation
Modifications or adjustments to a job or job application process that accommodate persons with disabilities but do not impose a disproportionate or undue burden on the employer
System that shows preference to employees with the longest service
Special incidental payments, benefits, or privileges given to individual employees, over and above their regular rewards
Process by which an organization seeks out candidates and encourages them to apply for job openings
Assessment tools that provide candidates a wide range of situations and problem solving exercises, including in basket tests, financial or business data analysis, group discussions, interview simulations, role plays, and psychological inventories
Single rate pay
Provides each incumbent of a job with the same rate of pay, regardless of performance or seniority; also known as flat rate pay
Systems thinking
Process for understanding how seemingly independent units within a larger entity interact with and influence one another
Situation judgement tests (SFTs)
Assessment tools that present prospective leaders with sample situations and problems they might encounter in a work environment
Time-based step rate pay
System in which pay is based on longevity in the job and pay increases on a pre-determined schedule
Physical, psychological, and social aspects of employee health
Visual learners
People who learn best by relying on their sense of sight
Social media
Internet technology platforms and communities that people and organizations use to communicate and share information, opinions, and resources
Total rewards
Direct and indirect remuneration approaches that employers use to attract, recognize, and retain workers
Process by which an organization generates a pool of qualified job applicants
Total rewards strategy
Plan or method implemented by an organization that provides monetary, benefits in kind, and developmental rewards to employees who achieve specific business goals
Strategic fit
A state in which an organization’s strategy is consistent with its external opportunities and circumstances and its internal structure, resources, and capabilities
Value drivers
Actions, processes, or results that are needed to deliver a desired value
SWOT analysis
Method for assessment of an organization’s strategic capabilities through use of environmental scanning process, by which internal and external factors affecting achievement of organizational goals are identifies and considered
Vision statement
Description of what an organization hopes to attain and accomplish in the future; which guides it toward that defined direction
HR function that acts on the organizational human capital needs identified through workforce planning attempts to provide an adequate supply of qualified individuals to complete the body of work necessary for the organization’s financial success
Process by which employee are provided with the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) specific to a task or job
Stay interviews
Structured conversations with employees for the purpose of determining which aspects of a job encourage employee retention, or may be improved to do do
Transfer of learning
Effective and continuing on the job application of the knowledge and skills gained through training experience