People Flashcards
Benjamin Lee Whorf
each language decisively influences the way its speakers think.
Reinterpreted Freud
Stages of How the Self Develops:
- Real (uncategorized experience)
- Imaginary (mirror stage – the ego forms, images/icons understood, no language yet)
- Symbolic (accomplished through “language,” sense of self and its place in society develops, through support from others in society, esp. parents)
Ego learns to understand “I” as part of a society, that is, in relation to “you” and “he/she/they.”
Clifford Geertz
Religion is about what is “really real.”
Bruno Latour
even if we do not believe in anything we understand as “religious,” the world is still an enchanted world to us.
Camille Paglia
I do not believe in God, but I believe God is man’s greatest idea.
Benedict Anderson
imagined community) A group who feel and act like a community but don’t know each other face to face
Nancy Scheper-Hughes
found that in Brazil mothers did not lavish love on some children that they deemed incapable of survival, but rather they sincerely believed that these babies “wanted to” die and go to heaven.
Malay in Pulau Langkawi
“The core substance of kinship in local perceptions is blood, and the major contribution to blood is food”
Karl Marx
Base and Superstructure
economic system is called “systems of production”
Antonio Gramsci
Hegemony is the way in which unequal power is practiced by means of instilling consent among all or most social group
Michel Foucault
Jeremy Bentham
the inventor of PANOPTIC
Michael Wesch Waxes
enthusiastic about : the community-building, grassroots and liberating character of the internet.
Evgeny Morozov
against overly optimism. Morozov disagrees that the Arab Spring was mainly the result of demonstrators having access to the internet. He shows how governments also used the internet to spy on the demonstrators. More recently, measures to repress or to influence public discussion on the internet have been taken by a large number of governments across the world
“You never know if your actions are resistance or just the first step in the next phase of the hegemony.”