People Flashcards
theory of language acquisition
BICS (informal) and CALP (academic)
Castañeda v. Pickard
district-implemented programs for ELLs must be evaluated for effectiveness
established AAVE as a legitimate dialect
- evolution of languages
- societal forces that cause all languages to thrive or disappear
model of learning
- sociocultural theory states that learning begins as a result of INTERpersonal communication and then is internalized as INTRApersonal
- “zone of proximal development” - the difference between what a person knows and what he could know with a bit of assistance
- the assistance is called scaffolding and includes modeling, providing cues, and encouragement
model of learning
ecological model describes development in terms of four nested levels
- microsystem - child’s immediate environment
- mesosystem - interactions between components of the microsystem
- exosystem - more general elements of the child’s environment
- macrosystem - overarching environmental influences like cultural beliefs
theory of language acquisition
agrees with Chomsky (innate capacity), but added the idea that the capacity is result of evolution
- concerned with the interactions between language, society, and cultural context
- came up with SPEAKING mnemonic:
S: scene and setting
P: participants
E: ends, goals
A: act sequence, structure of linguistic interaction
K: key, tone, mood
I: instrumentalities, methods
N: norms
G: genre
- distinguished between restricted code and elaborated code
- restricted code - used by people with shared cultural background or know each other well
- elaborated code - used by people with unfamiliar with one another or their cultures (more explicit)
- originator of Reading Recovery movement which accelerates the progress of struggling readers
- continuous specific assesment
relationships between teachers and new readers
expert on dyslexia, and assessing dyslexic children
Jager Adams
- established basic criteria for early reading success
- helped created voice recognition software for developing readers
Yopp-Singer Test
- test for sound segmentation aspect of phonemic awareness
- oral test of 22 words read aloud, student states component sounds in order
Bloom’s taxonomy
hierarchical classification that outlines six levels of cognitive learning
- knowledge
- comprehension
- application
- analysis
- synthesis
- evaluation
book - Pedagogy of the Oppressed
- criticizes “empty vessel” notion, which ignores inherent knowledge of student and recreates the colonization process
- students are co-creators
- “dialogic” instruction - instructional conversation
Kincheloe and Steinberg
book - Changing Multiculturalism
- promotes critical multiculturalism
- justice is available, but not alway distributed evenly
- predominance of white, male view should be called into question in the classroom
- explore the basis for your views as constructed
Bilingual Education Act of 1968
- federal money to establish English language instruction for students whose primary language is Spanish
amendments to the Bilingual Education Act of 1968
- result of Lau v. Nichols
- Chinese students in San Francisco were receiving an inferior education
- forced schools to establish specific programs to meet needs of students of all backgrounds
Meyer v. Nebraska
- states cannot restrict foreign language instruction
- anti-German sentiment in Nebraska after WWI