People Flashcards
Influenced the evolutionary perspective of psychology Discovered natural selection.
Charles Darwin
Established the first psychology research lab. Also pioneered introspection
Wilhelm Wundt
Viewed studying the purpose of behavior and mental experiences as highly important. Part of the James-Lange theory of emotion
William James
Established America’s first psychology lab and served as first president of American Psychological Association (APA)
G. Stanley Hall
Denied a Ph.D from Harvard, but established a psychological lab at Wellesley College. Served as the first elected female president of APA
Mary Whiton Calkins
First American woman awarded a Ph. D in psychology and known for her work in experimentation of animal behavior
Margaret Floy Washburn
Founded psychoanalytic school of psychological thought and developed a theory of personality that emphasized unconscious conflicts in behavior.
Sigmund Freud
Emphasized the scientific study of observable behaviors rather than mental processes. Founder of behaviorism
John B. Watson
Discovered that the speech production center of the brain is located in the lower left frontal lobe
Paul Broca (Broca’s Area)
Discovered that damage to the left temporal lobe causes deficits in language comprehension
Carl Wernicke (Wenicke’s Area)
Pioneered research with split-brain patients
Roger Sperry
Advanced understanding of how the two cerebral hemispheres communicate with one another
Michael Gazzaniga
Discovered that for each sense the size of the noticeable difference will vary depending on relation to the strength of original stimulus
Ernest Heinrich Weber (Weber’s Law)
Demonstrated the presence of specialized neurons in the occipital lobes’ visual cortex that responds to specific features of an image.
David Hubel. Had help from Torsten Wiesel.
Theorized that a hypnotized person experiences a special state of dissociation
Ernest Hilgard
Designed experiments to study and formulate the principles of classical conditioning
Ivan Pavlov
Conducted research on taste aversion
John Garcia
Refined Pavlov’s classical conditioning theory and indicated the conditioned stimulus must be a reliable signal that predicts the presentations of the unconditioned stimulus
Robert Rescorla
Conducted first systematic investigations of animal behavior and found responses followed by a satisfying outcome are more likely to be repeated
Edward Thorndike
Insisted psychologists focus on observable behavior that can be measured and verified. Formulated principles of operant conditioning
B. F. Skinner
Believed that behavior is a complex chain of stimulus-response connections that is strengthened by a rewarding consequence.
Edward Tolman
Believed behaviorists underestimated animal cognitive processes and abilities
Wolfgang Kohler
Illustrated role of modeling human behavior. Contends that observational learning is responsible for most human behavior
Albert Bandera
Presented evidence that the capacity for short-term memory is 7 items give or take 2
George A. Miller
Created the forgetting curve which shows a rapid loss of memories of relatively meaningless information
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Researched the misinformation effect which demonstrated eyewitness testimony is often unreliable
Elizabeth Loftus
Argued that young children possess an innate capacity to learn and produce speech
Noam Chomsky
Considered to be the humanistic approach found. Focused on what constituted as positive mental health. Created the hierarchy of needs.
Abraham Maslow
Best known for his two-factor theory of emotion in whcih our emotions depend on the physical arousal and a cognitive labeling of that arousal
Stanley Schachter
Created the general adaptation syndrome for stress (GAS)
Hans Selye
Researched human sexuality
Alfred Kinsey
Observed attachment relationships between infants and their mothers
Mary Ainsworth
Did the rhesus monkey experiments with attachment. Found attachment is a way of comfort and protection to a child to some extent.
Harry Harlow
Founded the science of comparison between animals and their natural surroundings
Konrad Lorenz
produced theories of cognitive development. Focused on the rational, perceiving child who has the capacity to make sense of the world.
Jean Piaget
Emphasized how culture and social interaction with parents influence a child’s development cognitively. Children learn culture habits through internalization
Lev Vygotsky
Characterized parents into different categorical types
Diana Baumrind
Produced eight psychological stages of development. Specifically interested in how adolescents overcome confusion of roles and finding an identity.
Erik Erikson
Used hypothetical moral dilemmas to study moral reasoning
Lawrence Kohlberg
Critiqued Kohlberg’s theory of moral development because the sample consisted of fully males
Carol Gilligan
Pioneered the use of psychiatry in both social work and early childhood education
Alfred Adler
Developed the concept of collective unconscious (shared human experiences embodied in myths and cultural archetypes
Carl jung
Offered the view that people are innately good. Believed strongly in self-concept
Carl Rogers
Developed the five-factor model
Paul Costa and Robert Mccrae
Developed the statistical concept of correlation and first to demonstrate the normal distribution.
Francis Galton
Observed that an individual’s scores on various tests of intellectual performance correlated with one another. Created the g-factor
Charles Spearman
Believed Intelligence was based on the triarchic model (creativity, analytic, and practical intelligence)
Robert Stern
Developed the theory of multiple intelligence
Howard Gardner
Invented first usable intelligence test
Alfred Binet
Was the inventor of the Stanford-Binet IQ test and creator of the IQ
Lewis Terman
Determined how far a person’s IQ score deviated from the bell curve
David Wechsler
Documented how states cared for their insane poor and helped created the first American mental hospital
Dorothea Dix
helped clients dispute irrational beliefs and replace them with more rational interpretations (rational-emotive therapy)
Albert Ellis
Applied behavioral techniques to therapy
Mary Cover Jones
The father of cognitive therapy
Aaron beck
Created systematic desensitization to treat phobias
Joseph Wolpe
Formulated cognitive dissonances in which tension and anxiety occur when an individual’s attitudes and behaviors are inconsistent
Leon Festinger
Conducted the Stanford Prison Experiment
Philip Zimbardo
Developed social psychology into an academic discipline
Soloman Asch
Did experiments on conformity which transformed our understanding of human nature and ethics
Stanley Milgram