People Flashcards
Franklin Roosevelt
Strong political leader and wife. Helped failed banks, the hundred days, new deal, work relief, second new deal, and welfare.
Herbert Hoover
For a long time he did nothing about the depression and thought it would solve itself then he created public works to employ people temporarily.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tireless partner in her husbands public political life.
Harry Hopkins
New York social worker leading FERA and WPA, and advising other new deal programs. Presidents closest advisor.
Father Charles Coughlin
Radio reporter calling for heavy taxes on the rich and the government to take over the banks. Attacked bankers, Jews, communists, labor unions, and the new deal. Lost support because of his extreme views.
Francis Townsend
Doctor who called for monthly pension from the retired elderly.
John Lewis
Of the united mine workers, helped form union CIO (congress industrial organizations) with skilled and unskilled workers
Huey Long
Senator and governor Created Share our wealth plan, assassinated before presidential election